ID | 60302 |
Title Alternative | Peritonsillar abscess with otorrhea
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Author |
石原 久司
Abstract |
The patient was a 79-year-old woman. Her left ear was being treated with otitis externa at her nearby clinic by eardrop. Her otorrhea did not improve after one week. The otorrhea still kept outflowing during food intake. That is the reason of her visiting our hospital. Her past medical histories were sigmoid colon perforation with stoma placement, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, right hip prosthesis placement. At the first visit to our hospita!, She had a remarkable erosion of the left ear canal, fistula was found in front of the ear canal skin. She showed pus leakage due to her chewing. Strongly swelling surrounded the left tonsil and soft palate, and oropharynx had been narrowed. T he CT scan revealed the low density area with a contrast effect from the lower ear to the left tonsil, was diagnosed with left peritonsillar abscess. On admission to our hospital, drainage and the administration of antibiotics were performed. She was discharged in satisfactory progress on day 10.
Peritonsillar abscess, but there is a frequently encountered disease, being the chief complaint otorrhea is rare. As reported case seems to be similar as far as we have searched is only reported as "one case of deep neck abscess in the throat and ear canal causing self-destruction" is Tomohiro Anno 1961. We report this case with the literature about peritonsillar abscess.
Published Date | 2013-05
Publication Title |
Volume | volume31
Issue | issue1
Publisher | 日本耳鼻咽喉科感染症研究会
Start Page | 175
End Page | 178
ISSN | 09133976
NCID | AN10042649
Content Type |
Journal Article
language |
Copyright Holders | ©日本耳鼻咽喉科感染症研究会
File Version | publisher
Official Url |