JaLCDOI 10.18926/66828
Title Alternative Possibility and Negation: On the Negative Form of Japanese Verb “KAGIRU”
FullText URL hss_057_059.pdf
Author MIYAZAKI, Kazuhito|
Publication Title Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
Published Date 2024-03-29
Volume volume57
Start Page 59
End Page 73
ISSN 1881-1671
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright (c) 2024 岡山大学大学院社会文化科学研究科
File Version publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/63064
Title Alternative On Expressions of Possibility from the Aspects of Temporal Localization, Temporality, and Evaluation: Osore ga aru, Kiken ga aru, and Kenen ga aru in Japanese
FullText URL jfl_074_025_056.pdf
Author MIyazaki, Kazuhito|
Publication Title Journal of the Faculty of Letters Okayama University
Published Date 2021-12-24
Volume volume74
Start Page 25
End Page 56
ISSN 0285-4864
language Japanese
File Version publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadaironkou/60148
FullText URL okadaironkou_31_142_130.pdf
Author 宮崎 和人|
Publication Title 岡大国文論稿
Published Date 2003-03-31
Issue issue31
Start Page 142
End Page 130
ISSN 0386-3123
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40005896068
JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/58251
Title Alternative On Suspicion as a Kind of Possibility
FullText URL jfl_072_001_012.pdf
Author MIYAZAKI, Kazuhito|
Publication Title Journal of the Faculty of Letters Okayama University
Published Date 2019-12-20
Volume volume72
Start Page 1
End Page 12
ISSN 0285-4864
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40022110113
JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/54787
Title Alternative On Logical Possibility
FullText URL jfl_065_067_080.pdf
Author Miyazaki, Kazuhito|
Publication Title Journal of the Faculty of Letters Okayama University
Published Date 2016-07-25
Volume volume65
Start Page 67
End Page 80
ISSN 0285-4864
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120005970813
Author Miyazaki, Kazuhito|
Published Date 1998-12-25
Publication Title 岡山大学文学部紀要
Volume volume30
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/53861
Author Miyazaki, Kazuhito|
Published Date 1996-7-15
Publication Title 岡山大学文学部紀要
Volume volume25
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/53853
Author Miyazaki, Kazuhito|
Published Date 2004-01-27
Publication Title 岡山大学言語学論叢
Volume volume11
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author Miyazaki, Kazuhito|
Published Date 2014-12-25
Publication Title 岡山大学文学部紀要
Volume volume62
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/53084
Author 宮崎 和人|
Published Date 2014-07-31
Publication Title 岡山大学文学部プロジェクト研究報告書
Volume volume22
Content Type Research Paper
Author 宮崎 和人| 栗林 裕|
Published Date 2014-07-31
Publication Title 岡山大学文学部プロジェクト研究報告書
Volume volume22
Content Type Others
Author Miyazaki, Kazuhito|
Published Date 2013-07-25
Publication Title 岡山大学文学部紀要
Volume volume59
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
JaLCDOI 10.18926/okadai-bun-kiyou/51510
JaLCDOI 10.18926/49526
Title Alternative Inference and Explanation: Textual Functions of Sentences with the Japanese modal marker ni chigai nai
FullText URL hss_035_023_038.pdf
Author Miyazaki, Kazuhito|
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院社会文化科学研究科紀要
Published Date 2013-03-25
Volume volume35
Start Page 23
End Page 38
ISSN 1881-1671
language Japanese
Copyright Holders Copyright © 2013 岡山大学大学院社会文化科学研究科
File Version publisher
NAID 120005232464
JaLCDOI 10.18926/1380
FullText URL 18_0001_0017.pdf
Author 宮崎 和人|
Publication Title 岡山大学大学院文化科学研究科紀要
Published Date 2004-11
Volume volume18
Issue issue1
Start Page 1
End Page 17
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002306099