ID | 61489 |
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Author |
Li, Qingqing
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Wu, Qiong
Department of Psychology, Suzhou University of Science and Technology
Yu, Yiyang
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Wu, Fengxia
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Takahashi, Satoshi
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University
Kaken ID
Ejima, Yoshimichi
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University
Kaken ID
Yang, Jiajia
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University
Kaken ID
Wu, Jinglong
Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory, Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering in Health Systems, Okayama University
Kaken ID
Abstract | Attentional processes play a complex and multifaceted role in the integration of input from different sensory modalities. However, whether increased attentional load disrupts the audiovisual (AV) integration of common objects that involve semantic content remains unclear. Furthermore, knowledge regarding how semantic congruency interacts with attentional load to influence the AV integration of common objects is limited. We investigated these questions by examining AV integration under various attentional-load conditions. AV integration was assessed by adopting an animal identification task using unisensory (animal images and sounds) and AV stimuli (semantically congruent AV objects and semantically incongruent AV objects), while attentional load was manipulated by using a rapid serial visual presentation task. Our results indicate that attentional load did not attenuate the integration of semantically congruent AV objects. However, semantically incongruent animal sounds and images were not integrated (as there was no multisensory facilitation), and the interference effect produced by the semantically incongruent AV objects was reduced by increased attentional-load manipulations. These findings highlight the critical role of semantic congruency in modulating the effect of attentional load on the AV integration of common objects.
Keywords | audiovisual integration
common object
attentional load
semantic congruency
dual-task paradigm
Published Date | 2020-12-31
Publication Title |
Volume | volume11
Issue | issue6
Publisher | SAGE Publications
Start Page | 2041669520981096
ISSN | 2041-6695
Content Type |
Journal Article
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File Version | publisher
PubMed ID | |
DOI | |
Web of Science KeyUT | |
Related Url | isVersionOf
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Funder Name |
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
助成番号 | 17K18855