ID | 61476 |
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Author |
Murata, Atsuo
Department of Intelligent Mechanical Systems, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Kaken ID
Doi, Toshihisa
Department of Intelligent Mechanical Systems, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Kaken ID
Kageyama, Kazushi
Department of Intelligent Mechanical Systems, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University
Karwowski, Waldemar
Engineering and Management Systems, University of Central Florida
Abstract | In this study, a method to predict a target on the basis of the trajectory of eye movements and to increase the pointing speed while maintaining high predictive accuracy is proposed. First, a predictive method based on ballistic (fast) eye movements (Approach 1) was evaluated in terms of pointing speed and predictive accuracy. In Approach 1, the so-called Midas touch problem (pointing to an unintended target) occurred, particularly when a small number of samples was used to predict a target. Therefore, to overcome the poor predictive accuracy of Approach 1, we developed a new predictive method (Approach 2) using homing (slow) eye movements rather than ballistic (fast) eye movements. Approach 2 overcame the disadvantage (inaccurate prediction) of Approach 1 by shortening the pointing time while maintaining high predictive accuracy.
Keywords | Eye-gaze input
target predictive method
ballistic eye movement
homing eye movement
pointing time
predictive accuracy
Midas touch
Published Date | 2021-01-29
Publication Title |
IEEE Access
Volume | volume9
Publisher | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
Start Page | 22688
End Page | 22697
ISSN | 2169-3536
Content Type |
Journal Article
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File Version | publisher
DOI | |
Web of Science KeyUT | |
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