Author 三宅 通博|
Published Date 2014-02
Publication Title 環境制御
Volume volume35
Content Type Others
Author 三宅 通博|
Published Date 2012-12
Publication Title 環境制御
Volume volume34
Content Type Others
Author Miyake, Michihiro|
Published Date 2001-08
Publication Title 環境制御
Volume volume23
Content Type Departmental Bulletin Paper
Author Miyake, Michihiro|
Published Date 2002-08
Publication Title 環境制御
Volume volume24
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/fest/11617
Title Alternative Synthesis of Polythiophen Cluster in Lattice Space of Hexagonal Faujasite
FullText URL 002_137_143.pdf
Author Miyake, Michihiro| Matsuda, Motohide| Yagi, Katsuhito| Uehara, Hirofumi| Sato, Mitsuo|
Abstract Encapsulation of thiophen and bithiophen in two kinds of hexagonal faujasites (Na-EMT and H-EMT) with various concentration of Cu(2+) ions have been investigated and characterized by means of themoanalytic and spectroscopic methods. From the results, it was found that the progress of polymerization of thiophen and bithiophen in the lattice space depended on Cu(2+) contents, and the encapsulation of thiophen in Na-EMT and H-EMT with Cu(2+) ions yielded polythiophen clusters with electron states of bipolaron. On the other hand, polythiophen clusters synthesized by the encapsulation of bithiophen in H-EMT were found to be mostly polaron states.
Keywords encapsulation cluster host-guest reaction hexagonal faujasite polythiophen
Publication Title 岡山大学環境理工学部研究報告
Published Date 1997-01-10
Volume volume2
Issue issue1
Start Page 137
End Page 143
ISSN 1341-9099
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002313756