ID | 52707 |
Sort Key | 11
Title Alternative | Treatment for a non-compliant patient with cancer and epilepsy
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Author |
Minami, Daisuke
Ichihara, Eiki
Yokomichi, Naosuke
Kouge, Noriko
Kajizono, Makoto
Akimoto, Yutaka
Hori, Keisuke
Matsubara, Minoru
Nasu, Junichiro
Matsuoka, Junzi
Kaken ID
Abstract | A 58-year-old man with cervical esophageal cancer and a history of epilepsy was treated with chemoradiotherapy from May of 2013. When tube feeding was initiated due to aspiration pneumonitis, the patient showed a degree of irritability that affected routine staff work and treatment compliance. We attempted to perform supportive care for maladjustment by the notice, the fast, and the tube feeding, but there was no improvement. After we added carbamazepine, primidone, and propericiazine (which had been canceled at the initiation of the tube feeding) to the patient's intravenous phenytoin, the symptoms and treatment compliance improved significantly. We concluded that the causes of the patient's irritability were maladjustment and his epilepsy.
Keywords | てんかん(epilepsy)
Note | 症例報告 (Case Reports)
Publication Title |
Published Date | 2014-08-01
Volume | volume126
Issue | issue2
Publisher | 岡山医学会
Publisher Alternative | Okayama Medical Association
Start Page | 133
End Page | 135
ISSN | 0030-1558
NCID | AN00032489
Content Type |
Journal Article
language |
Copyright Holders | Copyright (c) 2014 岡山医学会
File Version | publisher
Refereed |
DOI | |
NAID | |
Eprints Journal Name | joma