ID | 15282 |
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Title Alternative | Influence of the Bone for Electron-beam Therapy
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Author |
Nakagiri, Yoshitada
Inamura, Keiji
Tahara, Seiji
Uno, Hirofumi
Sibuya, Koichi
Morioka, Yasuki
Sakae, Katsuyosi
中川 富夫
Takemoto, Mitsuhiro
Sugita, Katsuhiko
Hiraki, Yoshio
Abstract | 電子線治療は,体表面またはその近傍に発生する悪性腫瘍の治療にしばしば用いられる治療法である。電子線はエネルギーに対応した飛程を持っており,飛程を越えると急激に線量は減少する。この性質は腫瘍に一定の線量を照射し,腫瘍後方に存在する決定臓器を保護することができるので,病巣を選択的
用して影響を調べたところ,骨幅によって骨後方および断端に線量の乱れが生じることがわかった。すなわち,骨の中央ではある程度後方に距離が離れると,線量は大きく減少する現象が見られた。また,横方向の線量分布は骨断端近くで一旦線量の減少が見られ,断端を離れると急激に増加する。したがって,実際の臨床において,Target Volume近くに骨が存在する場合は総線量の決定に際して注意が必要である。
抄録(別言語) | The Electron-beam therapy is often used for the treatment to malignant tumors on the surface or its neighborhood of the body. An electron-beam has the range depended on its energy, and its dose is rapidly decreased at the points beyond the range. This property is available to irradiating
a tumor with leaving the critical organs unexposed. However, we should take notice that the dose-distributions are disordered if materials of various densities are in the irradiation field. In this paper, we examined how the dose-distribution are disordered by using the phantom made from human bones of various volumes. As a result, the peculiar disorders of the dose-distribution due to the difference of the bone width were found at the back and edge of a bone. Moreover, the dose at the edge of a bone was decreased, but the dose at the side of a bone was rapidly increased in the distance position from the bone. It is necessary to take account of that the above peculiar phenomenon affect the total dose for the treatment when bones exist near the target volume in the irradiation field.
Keywords | 電子線治療 (electron-beam therapy)
線量分布 (dose distribution)
不均質物質 (inhomogeneity)
Publication Title |
Published Date | 1997-09-10
Volume | volume8
Issue | issue1
Publisher | 岡山大学医療技術短期大学部
Publisher Alternative | School of Health Sciences Okayama University
Start Page | 37
End Page | 42
ISSN | 0917-4494
NCID | AN10355371
Content Type |
Departmental Bulletin Paper
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File Version | publisher
NAID | |
Eprints Journal Name | fhs