ID | 52017 |
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Author |
Fujii, Masakuni
Kawamoto, Hirofumi
Hirao, Ken
Kurihara, Naoko
Mizuno, Osamu
Ishida, Etsuji
Ogawa, Tsuneyoshi
Fukatsu, Hirotoshi
Abstract | Background/Aims: Little is known about the management of occluded multiple metallic stent (MS) deployed in malignant hilar biliary strictures (HBS). The purpose of this study was to evaluate the endoscopic management of occluded multiple MSs deployed in HBS. Methodology: Fifty-five patients with unresectable biliary tract carcinoma had multiple MSs inserted due to HBS. The endoscopic intervention through the duodenal papilla was performed on 30 cases that had MS occlusion. The procedure success rate, the survival time after the procedure and the number of endoscopic interventions before death were analyzed, retrospectively. Results: The causes of MS obstruction were tissue ingrowth (n=20), sludge (n=7), tumor overgrowth (n=2), and hemobilia (n=1). Endoscopic cleaning or deployment of plastic stents or metallic stents was performed on these patients and was successfully accomplished only via the transpapillary approach. The survival time after MS obstruction was 219 days. The median number of endoscopic interventions before death was 3. The median interval of endoscopic intervention after the first plastic stent occlusion was 84 days. Conclusions: Our long-term data regarding the endoscopic management of occluded MSs deployed in malignant hilar biliary strictures are acceptable although the patency time of plastic stents deployed after MS occlusion was relatively short.
Keywords | Malignant hilar biliary stricture
Metallic stent
Published Date | 2013-05
Publication Title |
Volume | volume60
Issue | issue123
Start Page | 447
End Page | 451
ISSN | 0172-6390
Content Type |
Journal Article
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File Version | author
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Web of Science KeyUT |