Author You, Li| Nishio, Kaori| Kowata, Kinue| Horikawa, Minaru| Fukuchi, Hibiki| Ogoshi, Maho| Aizawa, Sayaka| Takeuchi, Sakae|
Keywords Melanocortin Thyroid hormone ASIP Estrogen Deiodinase
Note © 2024 Elsevier Inc. This manuscript version is made available under the CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 license| This fulltext file will be available in Aug. 2025.|
Published Date 2024-10-01
Publication Title General and Comparative Endocrinology
Volume volume357
Publisher Elsevier BV
Start Page 114601
ISSN 0016-6480
NCID AA00654410
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
Copyright Holders © 2024 Elsevier Inc.
File Version author
PubMed ID 39179122
DOI 10.1016/j.ygcen.2024.114601
Web of Science KeyUT 001301484800001
Related Url isVersionOf
FullText URL CTR375_3_743.pdf
Author Ojima, Fumiya| Saito, Yuka| Tsuchiya, Yukiko| Ogoshi, Maho| Fukamachi, Hiroshi| Inagaki, Kenichi| Otsuka, Fumio| Takeuchi, Sakae| Takahashi, Sumio|
Keywords Estrogen Follicle Mouse Ovary Runx3
Published Date 2018-10-30
Publication Title Cell and Tissue Research
Volume volume375
Issue issue3
Publisher Springer
Start Page 743
End Page 754
ISSN 0302-766X
NCID AA00600105
Content Type Journal Article
language English
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
File Version author
PubMed ID 30377784
DOI 10.1007/s00441-018-2947-2
Web of Science KeyUT 000460535300015
Related Url isVersionOf
Title Alternative Identification of Marker Gene of Pars Tuberalis Morphogenesis in Chicken Embryo. The expression of Cytokine-like 1 and Gap junction protein alpha 5 in the pars tuberalis
FullText URL poalas_033_031_034.pdf
Author Aizawa, Sayaka | Higaki, Yuriko| Ogoshi, Maho| Takeuchi, Sakae| Takahashi, Sumio|
Abstract Adenohypophysis delivered from oral ectoderm consists of pars distalis (PD), pars intermedia and pars tuberalis (PT). The mechanisms of development of PD has been well studied, and the cell differentiation of PD has been well understood. However, the morphogenesis and the differentiation of PT are still unclear, and the gene expression during the PT development remains largely unknown. In this study, we explored the specifically expressing genes in PT during development and analyzed its spatiotemporal expressions pattern. Microarray analysis on laser-captured PT and PD tissues obtained from chicken embryos on embryonic day 10 (E10.0) showed high expressing genes, Cytokine-like 1 (CYTL1) and Gap junction protein alpha 5 (GJA5) in PT. A detail analysis of spatiotemporal expressions pattern during chick embryo development by in situ hybridization revealed that CYTL1 mRNA was first detected in lateral head ectoderm and ventral head ectoderm in E1.5. The CYTL1 expressions moved into Rathke’s pouch at E2.5, then it was localized in PT primordium and continuously expressed in PT primordium until E12.0. On the other hand, GJA5 mRNA was transiently detected in PT primordium from E6 to E14.0, while the expression was not detected in PD during development. These results suggested that these genes may be involved in the regulation mechanism of PT development and could be a useful marker in the PT development.
Publication Title Proceedings of Okayama Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Published Date 2017-04
Volume volume33
Start Page 31
End Page 34
language Japanese
File Version publisher
Author Kugimoto, Ayako| Aizawa, Sayaka| Ogoshi, Maho| Takahashi, Sumio| Takeuchi, Sakae|
Published Date 2016-04
Publication Title Proceedings of Okayama Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Volume volume32
Content Type Journal Article
Author Tokumori, Megumi| Ogoshi, Maho| Takeuchi, Sakae| Takahashi, Sumio|
Published Date 2015-04
Publication Title 岡山実験動物研究会報
Volume volume31
Content Type Journal Article
Author Takahashi, Toru| Nishio, Kaori| Ogoshi, Maho| Takahashi, Sumio| Takeuchi, Sakae|
Published Date 2014-04
Publication Title 岡山実験動物研究会報
Volume volume30
Content Type Journal Article