Title | Kondo Seed Collection |
JaLCDOI | 10.48696/63144 |
FullText URL | kondo_seed.xlsx |
Author | Group of Wild Plant Science, Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University| |
Abstract | This is a catalogue of seed specimens collected by Dr Mantaro Kondo, the first director of the Ohara Shonokai Agricultural Research Institute(now Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University). It is based on the description on the label of the specimen bottle or test tube. You can view information on collection dates, Japanese names, scientific names and sources. |
公開日 | 2022-02-09 |
公開者 | Group of Wild Plant Science, Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University |
公開者(別表記) | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Content Type | Data or Dataset |
language | English |
バージョン情報 | publisher |
Title | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
JaLCDOI | 10.48696/63011 |
FullText URL | Seed_DB.xlsx |
Author | Yamashita, Jun| |
Abstract | Naturalized Plants in Japan Seed-Image database is an image database of naturalized alien plant seeds recorded in Japan. This database contains plant images, information on morphological features of seeds and the name list of naturalized alien plants, as well as seed images. Seeds are categorized into 5 groups based on morphological features such as reticulation (wrinkles or projections), ridges, edges and achene fruit. Users can search seed images by family names, species names and those features. |
公開日 | 2021-12-20 |
公開者 | Group of Wild Plant Science, Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University |
公開者(別表記) | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Content Type | Data or Dataset |
language | English |
Author | Satoh, Ayano| |
Published Date | 2021 |
Content Type | Data or Dataset |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/61965 |
Author | Satoh, Ayano| |
Published Date | 2021 |
Content Type | Data or Dataset |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/61964 |
Author | Kyunai, Yuki M| Satoh, Ayano| |
Published Date | 2021 |
Content Type | Data or Dataset |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/61943 |
Author | Kunihiro, Tak| Ota, Tsutomu| Yamanaka, Masahiro| Nakamura, Eizo| |
Published Date | 2021-05-17 |
Content Type | Data or Dataset |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/61900 |
FullText URL Alternative | https://dream.misasa.okayama-u.ac.jp/?q=20201021051740-459379| |
File URL | 6901akabanadanndoku.jpg e-akabanadanndoku.jpg |
APG3family | カンナ科(Cannaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=3828 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 7790usugehimemukashiyomogi.jpg e-usugehimemukashiyomogi.jpg |
APG3family | キク科 (Asteraceae) |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
File URL | 1102hosobaturunogeitou.jpg k-hosobaturunogeito.jpg |
APG3family | ヒユ科 (Amaranthaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=5795 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 3410nejibana.jpg e-nejibana.jpg |
APG3family | ラン科 (Orchidaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=29660 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 13789kibanadanndoku.jpg k-kibanadandoku.jpg |
APG3family | カンナ科 (Cannaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=16945 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 3919ukiyagara.jpg e-ukiyagara.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=18027 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 17785taiwannyamai.jpg e-taiwannyamai.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=3618 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 9427sannkakui.jpg e-sannkakui.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=2941 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 7138kanngarei.jpg k-kanngarei.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=1836 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 4350futoi.jpg k-futoi.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=5613 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 3406koukiyagara.jpg k-koukiyagara.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=30615 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 9971shizui.jpg e-shizui.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=3012 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 806himehotarui.jpg k-himehotarui.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=5353 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |
File URL | 10049inuhotarui.jpg e-inuhotarui.jpg |
APG3family | カヤツリグサ科 (Cyperaceae) |
YList | ylist.info/ylist_detail_display.php?pass=590 |
Database | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Database(alternative) | Naturalized plants in Japan : Seed-Image database |
Publisher | 岡山大学 資源植物科学研究所 野生植物グループ |
Resource Type | Data or Dataset |
Official URL | http://www.rib.okayama-u.ac.jp/wild/okayama_kika_v2/Seed-image-database-J.html| |