Author Institute for Thermal Spring Research, Okayama University|
Published Date 1983-03-25
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume53
Content Type Others
Author Institute for Thermal Spring Research, Okayama University|
Published Date 1983-03-25
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume53
Content Type Others
Author Harada, Hideo|
Published Date 1983-03-25
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume53
Content Type Others
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21126
Title Alternative Comparison of sulfur isotope ratio measurements by various techniques, and the δ(34)S values of some sulur standards
FullText URL pitsr_053_077_084.pdf
Author Yanagisawa, Fumitaka| Miyoshi, Tadashi| Ueda, Akira| Sakai, Hitoshi|
Abstract Three techniques (combustion of Ag(2)S by Cu(2)O, thermal decomposition of BaSO(4) and KIBA reagent method under vacuum) for sulfur isotope ratio measurements of geological samples are described in detail. The δ(34)S values of three working standards (MSS-2, MSS-3 and MSS-4) obtained by these techniques for the last 13 years were compared (Table 1 and Fig. 3): the most acceptable values of the three standards are +21.5, +3.5 and +4.5‰, respectively.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 77
End Page 84
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002310986
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21125
Title Alternative On the Munyeijin potassium salt deposits in Yunnan Province, People's Republic of China
FullText URL pitsr_053_067_076.pdf
Author Jia, Shuyuan|
Abstract In Langping-Simao basins of Southwestern Yunnan Province, a number of salt deposits and salt springs are distributed (Fig. 1). The salt-bearing formations are sandstones, silt and mudstones of the Cretaceous to Paleogene ages, although the ages of the potassium-salts deposits seem to be younger. The Munyeijin potassium deposit was found on the eastern side of the Simao basin in early nineteen sixties. Although the salt deposit has been strongly deformed by tectonic movements (Fig. 2), the deposit has salt-dome structure and three depositional stages have been identified in each cycle of depositional sequence. They are, from the bottom to the top, red salts, black and white salts and carnallite-bearing clayey rocks (see Fig. 3). The red colour of the bottom zone is due to globular debris of silt in the red salts, whereas the top clayey rocks are high in organic materials, being characteristic of the residue of the last stage evaporation of a salt lake. Potassium salt is found in all the three zones, filling up the grain gaps of sodium chloride crystals or running through salt beds in veins and veinlets, although the black-white salts are the most fertile in potassium and have been mined for commercial use. Small amounts of carbonates and sulfates (gypsum and anhydrite) also exist as fine, dispersed grains. Thin layers of gypsum are not uncommon in dark portions of the red and black-white salts. Tachhydrite (CaCl(2)・2MgCl(2)・6H(2)O) is also observed in the top clayey deposits. From the field observation, geological, mineralogical, and geochemical considerations, the paleohydrogeological environments which led to the formation of potassium-rich salt deposits at Munyeijin are reconstructed as follows: 1) The depositional stage of the carnallite-bearing sediments: This is the last stage of evaporation of a salt lake. The sediments would have had up to 80 vol. % interstitial waters saturated with carnallite and sylvite. 2) Diagenetic stage: The carnallite-clay deposits were covered by younger salt deposits and the pore water was gradually squeezed out by compression. The pore water penetrated into the underlying sodium chloride deposits, where the pore water precipitated sylvite as the sodium salts were essentially devoid of potassium. Because the pore water contained organic materials (Table 2), the sylvite precipitates were dark in colour. 3) Tectonic stage: The Langping and Simao basins are lined along the Sanjian tectonic belts. The tectonic activity which presumably started in Eocene must be responsible for the intense deformation of the salt beds. Enrichment of potassium along the axis of folding and the anhydrite formation with the axis of crystallization tilted to the plane of salt beds are some of the important paleohydrogeological results of such movements. Several lines of evidence strongly suggest that hydrothermal activity took place widely in Munyejin basin during this stage. The origin of the potassium-bearing brines has been debated in China since the discovery of the deposits. Many lines of evidence suggest it be of marine origin. However, the presence of tachhydrite in the carnallite-bearing clayey deposits requires some additional source(s) of calcium in addition to seawater. The highly saline groundwaters in Triassic through Jurassic formations of Sichuan Province often are rich in Ca(2+) as well as Mg(2+) and K(+) as some examples are shown in Table 3. If such saline ground waters flew into a salt lake and was subjected to evaporation, calcium-bearing salts such as tachhydrite may form at the last stage deposit of the lake. The origin of such groundwaters is an interesting problem to be studied in future.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 67
End Page 76
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002310978
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21124
Title Alternative A case report of a patient with chronic pancreatitis successfully treated by endoscopic elimination of protein plugs
FullText URL pitsr_053_061_065.pdf
Author Takeda, Masahiko| Tanaka, Juntaro| Takasugi, Kiyoshi| Harada, Hideo| Manji, Tadatomi| Morinaga, Hiroshi| Tsurumi, Tetsuya| Fujii, Yasuhisa|
Abstract Presented here is a case report of a 56 years old male patient with chronic pancreatitis in which a dramatic improvement in symptoms and objective findings were noted after endoscopic elimination of protein plugs. In September, 1979, he had an acute onset of pancreatitis followed by pseudocyst formation and the following combined operations were performed: resection of the pseudocyst, resection of the body and tail of the pancreas along with the spleen, partial resection of the stomach and the transverse colon, and gastroenterostomy according to Billroth I method. He had been followed up at out-patient clinic for chronic pancreatitis and diabetes until January 14,1979 when he was hospitalized for anorexia, loss of weight, pretibial edema, and upper-abdominal pain. The patient's condition was characterized by emaciation (height 152 cm, weight 37 kg), anemia (Hb 7.9g/dl), hypoproteinemia (serum protein 4.2 g/dl) , and hypolipidemia (total cholesterol 73 mg/dl). Abdominal ultrasound, abdominal CT and ERCP revealed stones in the pancreatic duct. Symptoms and objective findings were only partially improved by medical regimens. Subsequently we performed endoscopic cannulation of the pancreatic duct for elimination of pancreatic stones. Successful elimination of large numbers of protein plugs resulted in dramatic improvement of symptoms and objective findings. This procedure proved to add a new important tool in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 61
End Page 65
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002311007
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21123
Title Alternative Role of endoscopic elimination of protein plug in the treatment of chronic pancreatitis
FullText URL 053_057_060.pdf
Author Tanaka, Juntaro| Takeda, Masahiko| Takasugi, Kiyoshi| Harada, Hideo| Manji, Tadatomi|
Abstract Endoscopic aspiration of pure pancreatic juice (ppj) was performed on 65 patients with chronic pancreatitis (cp) or suspected CP primarily for evaluating the validity of biochemical and physiochemical analysis of PPJ in the study of pathogenesis, pathophysiology and diagnosis of CP. PPJ was collected from within the main pancreatic duct by endoscopic retrograde catheterization of the papilla. With increasing experience, it has been revealed that various numbers of protein plugs are contained in PPJ obteined from patients with CP or suspected CP and that endoscopic elimination of protein plugs can provide them with dramatic relief from abdominal pain and back pain. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the role of endoscopic elimination of protein plugs in the treatment of CP. The following conclusions were obteined: (1) endoscopic elimination of protein plugs from within the pancreatic duct is useful. at least on a short-term basis, for relieving abdominal pain and back pain in one-forth of patients with CP or suspected CP; (2) this procedure can be an effective therapeutic tool in selected cases of CP or suspected CP where no prominent stenotic lesions are noted in the major pancreatic duct system and abstinence from alcohol bevarage is strictly observed.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 57
End Page 60
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40000321176
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21122
Title Alternative Clinical problems of long-term steroid regimen for bronchial asthma, with reference to steroid-dependent cases
FullText URL pitsr_053_051_055.pdf
Author Sudo, Michiyasu| Komagoe, Haruki| Murashima, Makoto| Okada, Chiharu| Tanisaki, Yoshiro| Morinaga, Hiroshi| Shiota, Yutaro| Kimura, Ikuro|
Abstract Adverse side effects of steroid therapy were investigated in 32 asthmatic patients. Thirty-two patients were classified into three groups according to steroid therapy for the past five years; group 1 has been treated with continuous steroid therapy, group 2 with occasional steroid therapy and group 3 without steroid therapy. The results were as follows. 1. Group 1 showed a low level of serum cortisol at 8-9 a. m. The serum concentration of cortisol in patients with daily steroid regimen was lower as compared to that in patients with alternateday steroid therapy. 2. The daily profile of serum cortisol was low in the steroid dependent asthmatic patients, and little increase of serum cortisol level after the administration of prednisolone was shown in group 1. 3. Serum IgG and IgM levels were significantly low in steroid dependent asthmatic patients. 4. The level of serum potassium was low in group 1.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 51
End Page 55
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002310967
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21121
Title Alternative Clinical problems of long-term steroid regimen for bronchial asthma, with reference to steroid-dependent cases
FullText URL pitsr_053_045_049.pdf
Author Komagoe, Haruki| Sudo, Michiyasu| Okada, Chiharu| Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Morinaga, Hiroshi| Kitani, Hikaru| Goda, Yoshinori| Tada, Shinya| Takahashi, Kiyoshi| Kimura, Ikuro|
Abstract Adverse side effects of steroid therapy were investigated in 32 asthmatic patients. Thirty-two patients were classified into three groups according to steroid therapy for the past five years; group 1 has been treated with continuous steroid therapy, group 2 with occasional steroid therapy and group 3 without steroid therapy. The results were as follows. 1. Group 1 showed a low level of serum cortisol at 8-9 a. m. The serum concentration of cortisol in patients with daily steroid regimen was lower as compared to that in patients with alternateday steroid therapy. 2. The daily profile of serum cortisol was low in the steroid dependent asthmatic patients, and little increase of serum cortisol level after the administration of prednisolone was shown in group 1. 3. Serum IgG and IgM levels were significantly low in steroid dependent asthmatic patients. 4. The level of serum potassium was low in group 1.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 45
End Page 49
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002311040
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21120
Title Alternative Clinical effects of swimming training in a hot spring pool on bronchial asthma
FullText URL 053_035_043.pdf
Author Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Komagoe, Haruki| Sudo, Michiyasu| Murashima, Makoto| Okada, Chiharu| Morinaga, Hiroshi| Kobashi, Hidetoshi| Tada, Shinya| Kimura, Ikuro|
Abstract Five severe bronchial asthma patients with glucocorticoid therapy have had free swimming training in the hot spring pool at Misasa Medical Branch. The clinical effect of the swimming training was evaluated after 3 months' training. 1. A slight increase in pulse rate and blood pressure was observed immediately after 30 minutes, swimming, although no significant increase in the two parameters was shown 30 min. after the training. 2. No significant fall in ventilatory function tests such as % FVC, FEV(1.0)%, V(50) and V(25) was demonstrated following the swimming training in a hot spring pool. The results suggest that the free swimming training in a hot spring pool does not induce bronchoconstriction. 3. Clinical efficacy of the swimming training on bronchial asthma was evaluated according to a treatment score, an attack score and an asthmatic score. These scores were decreased during the swimming training. The results obtained in this study showed that free swimming training in a hot spring pool is one of the most suitable therapies for severe bronchial asthma patients.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 35
End Page 43
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40000321171
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21119
Title Alternative 好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 2. ハウスダスト抗原および抗ヒトIgEによるヒスタミン遊離
FullText URL pitsr_053_029_033.pdf
Author Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Komagoe, Haruki| Sudo, Michiyasu| Mifune, Masaaki| Morinaga, Hiroshi| Kitani, Hikaru| Goda, Yoshinori| Tada, Shinya| Kimura, Ikuro|
Abstract IgE-mediated release of histamine from whole blood was examined in two healthy and four asthmatic subjects by dose-dependent fashion. The significantly increased amount of histamine was released from basophils of both healthy and asthmatic subjects by a limited concentration of anti-IgE. Antigen (house dust) caused histamine release only from basophils of asthmatics who are sensitive to house dust. Basophils from one patients with asthma released no significant amount of histamine by anti-IgE.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 29
End Page 33
ISSN 0369-7142
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002310980
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21118
Title Alternative 好塩基球からのヒスタミン遊離に関する研究. 1 自動分析装置による全血からのヒスタミン遊離の測定
FullText URL pitsr_053_023_028.pdf
Author Tanizaki, Yoshiro| Komagoe, Haruki| Sudo, Michiyasu| Mifune, Masaaki| Morinaga, Hiroshi| Ohtani, Jun| Kitani, Hikaru| Goda, Yoshinori| Tada, Shinya| Kimura, Ikuro|
Abstract Histamine released from whole blood was determined by an automated fiuorometric histamine analysis system. The increased release of histamine from basophils by anti-IgE was observed in ten healthy subjects and 12 extrinsic asthma patients, while the release in 11 intrinsic asthma patients was significantly less as compared to that in healthy and extrinsic asthma subjects. House dust extract caused a significant increase in the histamine release from basophils of the extrinsic asthma patients who are sensitive to house dust. It was concluded from this study that histamine released from basophils could be easily determined by an automated analysis system and that the method is useful for the diagnosis and study of allergy.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 23
End Page 28
ISSN 0369-7142
language English
File Version publisher
NAID 120002310945
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21117
Title Alternative A psychosomatic study of anorexia nervosa, with particular attention to the deveropmental aspect. Part 2 Female adult cases of anorexia nervosa
FullText URL 053_017_021.pdf
Author Komoto, Junko|
Abstract Following the previous report in which analysis of two female adolescent cases was described, two female adult cases were presented in this report. The summery as follows: 1) Onset of two cases is in their early twenties, coincided with their inter-personal conflicts at work and in the family in law. Morbid condition of each case has been unchanged todate, over the age of fourty; case 1 presents chronic anorexia with bulimia and case 2 presents chronic anorexia without bulimia. 2) There was the evidence of immaturity of heterosexual object-relationship which originated from the disturbed father-daughter interaction, together with the evidence of a disturbed female identification as seen in the adolescent group. 3) Self-starvation of each case appears to have similar psychological meaning as seen in the adolescent cases; retaliation towards the mother of each patient and compensatory aim in the dependancy need. However, keeping a pride in pubertal competitions such as a pursuit in the slim body image may shift to a phobic avoidance of gastro-intestinal dyscomfort. Eventully poor motivation for treatment aimed at tackling the adolescent maturational problems seems to be the core of the disorder.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 17
End Page 21
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40000321178
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21116
Title Alternative Anorexia nervosa in the male report on 5 cases
FullText URL 053_013_016.pdf
Author Komoto, Junko| Yasumoto, Ikuko|
Abstract The case histories of 5 males diagnosed as anorexia nervosa were presented. The summary as follows : (1) 2 pre-adolescent cases; Onset of self-starvation of each case is coincided with separation from each mother, with the psychological meaning of retaliation towards the mother of each patient and of compensatory gain in dependancy need. Rorschach test of either case presents the ambivalent attitude towards each mother, of love and hate. (2) An adolescent case; Onset of self-starvation is coincided with competitious hyperactivity in sport, with some compensatory gain in dependancy need and with keeping pride in pubertal competition, including a pursuit in the slim body image. Rorschach test presents pausity of masculinity. (3) A young case; Onset of self-starvation is coincided with separation from his mother, as seen in pre-adolescent case, with phobic avoidance of protenuria from which he suffered previously. Rorschach test indicates paucity of masculinity. (4) An adult case (married); Onset of self-starvation is coincided with his conflicts at work and home, with the psychological meaning of keeping him from undoing duties as a worker and as a husband. Rorschach test presents mother-identification instead of father-identification.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 13
End Page 16
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 40000321177
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21115
Title Alternative Hypnotic effect of the peloid therapy applied on the right hypochondrium in reference to plasma L-tryptophan
FullText URL pitsr_053_009_011.pdf
Author Morinaga, Hiroshi| Komoto, Junko| Komoto, Yoshiaki|
Abstract Based on the EEG-observation of falling asleep when patients are under peloid therapy applied on the right hypochondrium, following assumption is made to clarify the mechanism of inducing sleep. While patients are under the peloid therapy, some chemical substance will be produced in circulating blood; L-tryptophan, an essential amino acid and a precursor of serotonin, gets over a blood-brain barrier easily to induce sleep. Six healthy volunteers, each sex by threes, were selected to apply peloid pack on the right hypochondrium for 30 minutes following 12-hour fasting. Significant increase in plasma L-tryptophan level was obtained in the clinical experiment. It is speculated from the preliminary data that L-tryptophan increased by the peloid therapy may possibly act as a specific physiological hypnotics.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 9
End Page 11
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002311031
JaLCDOI 10.18926/21114
Title Alternative Determination of ferritin in serum and in synovial fluids of patients with rheumatoid arthritis
FullText URL pitsr_053_001_008.pdf
Author Furuno, Katsushi| Morinaga, Hiroshi| Irino, Shozo|
Abstract Ferritin in sera and in synovial fluids were determined by method of immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) and of radioimmunoassay (RIA). These methods have been proved to be reproducible. The coefficient variation was 7.4 to 9.9% in IRMA and 5.6 to 8.0% in RIA. There were a good correlation between methods of IRMA and of RIA (r=0.989). The mean recovery rate of ferritin in serum was 101.2% in IRMA and 101.0% in RIA, respectively. The determination of serum ferritin revealed a 16% reduction in average after preservation at -20℃ during over 100 days. The levels of serum ferritin in healthy controls were 131.4±52.1 ng/ml in 34 males and 58.4±39.9 ng/ml in 38 females. The sex differences were statisticalIy significant (p<0.01). Ferritin levels were shown to be below 30 ng/ml (the state of iron deficiency) in 2 of 34 (5.9%) males and in 8 of 38 (21%) females of healthy controls. The levels of serum ferritin in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were 337.0±293.4ng/ml in 10 males and 181.4±329.9ng/ml in 25 females. The serum ferritin in RA was significantly higher than in healthy controls of both sexes. The levels of ferritin in synovial fluids of patients with 14 RA and with 12 osteoarthritis were 2894±3017 ng/ml and 1429±1005 ng/ml, and no differences were observed in both groups.
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Published Date 1983-03-25
Volume volume53
Start Page 1
End Page 8
ISSN 0369-7142
language Japanese
File Version publisher
NAID 120002311016
Author Institute for Thermal Spring Research, Okayama University|
Published Date 1983-03-25
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume53
Content Type Others
Author Institute for Thermal Spring Research, Okayama University|
Published Date 1983-03-25
Publication Title 岡山大学温泉研究所報告
Volume volume53
Content Type Others