JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/66846
フルテキストURL esr_030_021_035.pdf
著者 MAURER, Robert| HARKER, Stuart| SUZUKI, Shigeyuki| WHEELER, Allan|
抄録  Mantle convection currents are the currently accepted driving force for plate tectonics that have ripped apart the continents and created oceans. Because of these actions, continental collisions and ocean closures have resulted. Our paper challenges the conventional concept and provides an alternate, mathematically justified drive mechanism. The pull-push motions of such convection currents in the upper mantle are here concluded to be too weak to be the driving mechanism.
 Our proposal for such global scale forces concerns the effect of an offset centre of mass of the Earth that results in rotational wobbling. Kepler’s laws of planetary motion demonstrate the rotational behavior of the Earth to be aligned with the Sun on the outward and inward motions of the elliptical orbit. The unbalanced rotation on a fixed gravitational axis results in circumferential stresses on the outer Earth’s rim that is more than strong enough to pull the continental plates apart. The proposed unbalanced rotational stress force equation is shown to be sufficient to drive the cyclic breakup and reassembly of the continental plates, as well as the generation of new oceanic crust and subduction zones. Mantle convection currents are here demonstrated to have a passive rather than active role in the plate movements.
キーワード Differential circumferential tensile force Rotating Earth Offset centre of mass radius of eccentricity
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2024-03-31
開始ページ 21
終了ページ 35
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 © 2024 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/63514
タイトル(別表記) Depositional history of the Paleogene to Neogene valley fill deposits and topographic change in the Kibi Plateau region, Okayama City, Southwest Japan
フルテキストURL esr_028_001_025.pdf
著者 田中 元| 鈴木 茂之|
キーワード Kibi Plateau Surface Paleogene Kibi Group Miocene Bihoku Group
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2022-03-31
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 25
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2022 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/61955
タイトル(別表記) The Kibi Plateau Surface ― relationship with the Paleogene and Miocene deposits in middle western part of Okayama Prefecture, Japan ―
フルテキストURL esr_027_019_027.pdf
著者 田中 元| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 The Kibi Plateau Surface is associated with the Paleogene gravel river bed deposits of the Kibi Group and the Miocene marine deposits of the Katsuta Group and the Bihoku Group. These Paleogene and Miocene units are valley fill deposits. The Kibi Group is composed of formations which is deposited by more than 7 different depositional events during earliest to latest Paleogene Period. Repeated cycles of “erosion - formation of new valley system - deposition and fill up the valley” created the low relief topographic surface. The deposition of the Miocene deposits might complete the Kibi Plateau Surface. Detailed field works have done in middle western part of Okayama Prefecture. The Kibi Plateau Surface in study area is gently dipping from NW (about 600m high) to SE (about 100m high). The distributions of the Paleogene and Miocene deposits fit the surface. At the southern margin of the Kibi Plateau, the surface is a little inclined (from 400m high to 100m high) where the bottom of paleo-valleys of the Paleogene deposits are subparallel to the surface. It suggests that the gentle tilting of the Kibi Plateau is caused by an up-warping.
キーワード Kibi Plateau Surface Paleogene Neogene Miocene
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2021-03-31
開始ページ 19
終了ページ 27
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2021 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120007037376
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/58575
タイトル(別表記) Schistose fault related rocks from the Sangun Metamorphic Rocks, Kawakita area, Misaki Town, Okayama Prefecture, SW Japan
フルテキストURL esr_026_019_024.pdf
著者 松下 実礼| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 The crystalline schist which is representatively exposed in the Innerside of Southwest Japan is called the Sangun Metamorphic Rocks (SMR). In Kawakita area, Misaki Town, Okayama Prefecture, schistose fault rocks which is newly described in below are intercalated in the SMR. The rocks are composed of lenticular fragments of pelitic, basic siliceous rocks and quartz vein with siliceous to pelitic matrix. The fine-grained muscovites which define schistosity penetrate the rocks. Major direction of layer which though to reflect slip plane is subparallel to the schistosity. The long axis of some fragments are slightly oblique to the schistosity. The combination of the two sets of planes is considered to be a composite planar fabric. These occurrences suggest that the rocks are fault rock before the Sangun Metamorphism and named as schistose fault rocks. Lenses of cataclasite and myronite are accompanied. Planar thin (about 10cm in thickness) brittle fault rock is also associated. These shear deformed rocks form units of layer (shear zone) of 10 to 100m in thickness, and are concordantly intercalated in the surrounded normal schists. Active periods of the shear zones had several times from before and after the event of the Sangun Metamorphism.
キーワード Sangun Metamorphic Rocks regional metamorphism shear deformation schistose fault rock
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2019-12-27
開始ページ 19
終了ページ 24
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2019 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
タイトル(別表記) Bulletin of Archaeological Research Center Okayama University 2017
フルテキストURL 紀要2017.pdf
著者 野崎 貴博| 南 健太郎| 山本 悦世| 鈴木 茂之| 山口 雄治| 岩﨑 志保| 古環境センター| 吉田生物研究所|
出版物タイトル 岡山大学埋蔵文化財調査研究センター紀要
発行日 2019-03-29
言語 日本語
著作権者 Archaeological Research Center, Okayama University
論文のバージョン publisher
Pages v, 96 p.
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/56695
フルテキストURL esr_025_039_048.pdf
著者 Knittel, Ulrich| Walia, Monika| Suzuki, Shigeyuki| Lee, Yuan-Hsi|
抄録 The high-P/low-T Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt that traverses SW Japan, has been subdivided into two belts thought to have been metamorphosed at ca. 120 Ma and at ca. 65 Ma (‘Sanbagawa Metamorphic Rocks’ and ‘Shimanto Metamorphic Rocks’). The subdivision was based on the assumption that metamorphism occurred at ca. 116 Ma, largely based on an early Rb-Sr isotope study and zircon data obtained for the eclogite unit of the Sanbagawa Belt, whereas in some parts of the belt detrital zircons of late Cretaceous age (90-80 Ma) were discovered. Analysis of detrital zircons sampled from two sites within the area considered to expose the older ‘Sanbagawa Metamorphic Rocks’, including the area investigated by the Rb-Sr study, reveals the presence of zircons younger than 95 Ma in all samples and some grains as young as 80 ± 4 Ma. It is therefore concluded that the Sanbagawa Belt is one single tectonic entity that formed in the Late Cretaceous though it contains older components, including fossiliferous clasts, older basic meta-volcanics and eclogite units that may record earlier metamorphic events.
キーワード U-Pb zircon dating Sanbagawa Metamorphic Belt Late Cretaceous Asemi River
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2018-12-27
開始ページ 39
終了ページ 48
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 © 2018 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/56694
フルテキストURL esr_025_031_038.pdf
著者 Amano, Hideki| Suzuki, Shigeyuki| Sato, Masaru| Yanagida, Makoto|
抄録 The study area is situated in Japan Sea side margin of the Shakotan Peninsula, Hokkaido, Japan, where MIS5e Terrace is preserved along the cost. Numbers of tight drilling have done to establish new method for terrace analysis. Buried wave cut terrace and sea cliff (when the MIS5e Terrace was formed) are reconstructed by distribution of the terrace deposits and these bottom of unconformity planes. The precise site and altitude of former shoreline was also obtained. Altitudes of the former shoreline from the 7 sections are almost the same 22 to 27m in height. Previous data of the height of shoreline are obtained from the topographic MIS5e Terrace surface. The altitudes have variation from 30m to 60m. It suggests that the traditional method for the MIS5e terrace analysis had some errors in the study area.
キーワード MIS5e marine terrace terrace deposits tight drilling shoreline
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2018-12-27
開始ページ 31
終了ページ 38
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 © 2018 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/56691
タイトル(別表記) Non-calcareous beachrock found in Akagurisaki, Ohi Town, Fukui Prefecture
フルテキストURL esr_025_001_005.pdf
著者 鈴木 茂之| 東 洋一| 出山 康代| 湯川 弘一| 臼井 まゆみ|
抄録 Beachrock which was formed about 0.5 meter higher than high tide is found in Akagurisaki, Ohi Town, Fukui Prefecture. The outcrops always get wet by spring water. The sediments are composed of well sorted rounded gravels and sands but calcareous shell is not found at all. Intergranular space is occupied by white amorphous cement. Magnesium and silicon rich composition of the cement is obtained by EPMA analysis. There is a conjecture that the magnesium rich cement was precipitated in spite of solution of calcareous shell under saturated state by spring water, because calcium has a higher tendency to ionize than magnesium.
キーワード Beachrock Akagurisaki non-calcareous cement ionization tendency
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2018-12-27
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 5
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2018 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
著者 山本 悦世| 山口 雄治| 鈴木 茂之|
発行日 2018-02
資料タイプ 研究報告書
タイトル(別表記) Bulletin of Archaeological Research Center Okayama University 2016
フルテキストURL barc_2016.pdf
著者 山口 雄治| 山本 悦世| 鈴木 茂之| 岩﨑 志保| 白石 純| 南 健太郎| 野崎 貴博| 佐藤 朗| 二宮 和彦|
出版物タイトル 岡山大学埋蔵文化財調査研究センター紀要
発行日 2018-03-28
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
Pages 86
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/55322
フルテキストURL esr_023_1_009_015.pdf
著者 Takesue, Norito| Suzuki, Shigeyuki|
抄録 Analyzing of sedimentary facies and structure together with regional field mapping were studied in the mélange unit, upper Cretaceous Shimanto Belt, Wakayama Pref., SW Japan. The field survey was concentrated in the coast of Shiofuki-iwa, Miyama Complex, Hidakagawa Belt where soft deformations penetrate throughout the mélange unit. Brittle to ductile faults associated as later deformations are excluded. The mélange unit is subdivided into the Y-shear zone (YSZ) and P-foliation zone (PFZ). The YSZ is composed of thick lenticular sandstone (trends subparallel to the direction of the mélange), intense shear band (thin layer with concentrated prelithification shear deformation) and mudstone dominant mélange. The PFZ is composed of mudstone dominant mélange (associated with foliations which slightly oblique to the direction of the YSZ) and lenticular sandstone (slightly oblique to the direction of the YSZ). The intense shear band separates the YSZ and PFZ. Preserved radiolarian fossils free from deformation in the intense shear band is the evidence of the prelithification shear deformation in the mélange. A remarkable-fact is that the structures of mélange unit are formed under sinistral sense of shear. The mélange unit in the Shiofuki-iwa is ascribed to be formed by sinistral sense of shear during sediments were prelithified.
キーワード mélange Shimanto Belt Y-shear zone P-foliation zone intense shear band prelithification structures
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2016-12-27
開始ページ 9
終了ページ 15
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 © 2016 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/55321
タイトル(別表記) Risk prediction of landslide and debris flow using slope gradation map obtained from airborne laser scanning
フルテキストURL esr_023_1_001_007.pdf
著者 鈴木 茂之| 宮下 征士| 平川 武| 藤原 身江子| 西山 哲|
抄録 The slope gradation map which is obtained from airborne laser scanning is very important tool to detect hazardous sites of landslide, debris flow and others. The features of the images (what the images are represented) in the map were confirmed by field survey. The study area, Tamagashi is situated in the Kibi Plateau area, Okayama City, Japan. The map helps to distinguish between artificial microrelief and natural microtopography very well. Small scarps (even 0.5m high), rocky cliffs and large blocks (larger than 2m) are identified in the map. The detail images of the microrelief suggest threatening sites. The merit of the map leads us to find the site in the field easily. We will not miss the threatening sites by using the map.
キーワード Risk prediction slope gradation map airborne laser scanning landslide debris flow Okayama
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2016-12-27
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 7
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2016 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/54119
タイトル(別表記) Facies analysis of the Jito Formation ( Upper Triassic Nariwa Group ) in Jito Area, Kawakami, Okayama Pref., SWJapan.
フルテキストURL esr_022_1_031_039.pdf
著者 正岡 祐人| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 Facies analysis and analysis of stratigraphy together with folded structure of the Norian Jito Formation were studied in Jito Area, Kawakami, Okayama Pref., SW Japan. Results of regional mapping and measured sections reconstruct three-dimensionally distribution of the Jito Formation. The Jito Formation is sub-divided into the four new members; the Shimohira Muddy Sandstone Member, the Otofuji Coarse-grained Turbidite Member, the Misawa Fine-grained Turbidaite Member, and the Ide Conglomerate Sandstone Member in ascending order. The shimohira Muddy Sandstone Member is interpreted to be deposited in an inner-bay. The Otofuji Coarse-grained Turbidite Member and The Misawa Fine-grained Turbidite Member are considered to be deposited on a continental shelf. The Ide Conglomerate Sandstone Member is inferred to be a shallow marine deposit. As a result, the Jito Formation is regarded as one transgressive-regressive package.
キーワード Jito Formation Nariwa Group Norian facies analysis turbidite
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2015-12-27
開始ページ 31
終了ページ 39
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2015 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120005728631
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/54117
タイトル(別表記) Petrography of foundation stones of the Bizen Kokubunji Temple, Okayama Prefecture, Japan ―an attempt to identify their collected site―
フルテキストURL esr_022_1_025_030.pdf
著者 鈴木 茂之| 西村 仁秀| 有賀 祐史|
抄録 The Bizen Kokubunji Temple was constructed in the 8th century, in Maya, Akaiwa City, Okayama. Only foundation stones are preserved. Geological characteristics of the foundation stones suggest that they are collected from mountain area of Maya, about 300 to 800m west from the site. The similarity of the foundation stones and the rocks Maya are identified by the following characteristics. 1) Assemblage of rock types (high grade welded tuff breccia, tuff breccia, tuffaceous sandstone and conglomerate) are the same. 2) Lithology of the 3 rock type of the foundation stones and the rocks from Maya are the same. 3) Rheomorphic flow structures are developed in both high grade welded tuff breccia. 4)Mudstone fragments are contained in both high grade welded tuff breccia tuff breccia.
キーワード Bizen Kokubunji Temple foundation stone collected site Okayama
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2015-12-27
開始ページ 25
終了ページ 30
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2015 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120005728630
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/53193
タイトル(別表記) Paleoparadoxia from the middle Miocene of Obara, Misaki-cho, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
フルテキストURL esr_021_1_007_011.pdf
著者 福地 亮| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録  The partially preserved left humerus of the Desmostylia (Mammalia) has been collected from the riverbed in Obara, Misaki-cho, Okayama Prefecture in the western Japan. This specimen can be classified to the genus Paleoparadoxia by the following features: the absence of the supratrochlear foramen; the curved disto-lateral border of the shaft in the antero-posterior view; the medio-laterally expanded flat trochlea of humerus. Moreover, this specimen can be referred to cf. P. media on the basis of its middle-sized dimensions. This is the second occurrence of Palaeoparadoxia from Okayama Prefecture.
キーワード Middle Miocene mammal Desmostylia Paleoparadoxia
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2014-12-27
開始ページ 7
終了ページ 11
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2014 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120005567872
著者 鈴木 茂之|
発行日 2014-02
出版物タイトル 環境制御
資料タイプ 紀要論文
著者 野崎 貴博| 岩崎 志保| 鈴木 茂之| 山本 悦世| 南 健太郎| 田中 克典| 加藤 鎌司|
発行日 2013-12-27
出版物タイトル 岡山大学埋蔵文化財調査研究センター紀要
資料タイプ 紀要論文
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/52165
タイトル(別表記) On Periploma mitsuganoense Araki (Bivalvia: Mollusca) from the Miocene Bihoku Group in Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture, southwest Japan ―with special reference to it’s paleogeographic significance―
フルテキストURL esr_020_1_007_011.pdf
著者 田口 栄次| 岸本 眞五| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 In this paper, we deal with re-description of Periploma mitsuganoense Araki and it’s morphological variation and significance of the molluscan fauna of it from the Miocene Bihoku Group in Niimi City, Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan. Moreover, the paleogeographic significance of this species is analyzed. The obtained results are summarized as follows: 1. The morphological variation of Periploma mitsuganoense Araki has a wide range on the basis of the analysis of the morphological outline. 2. The occurrence of P. mitsuganoense Araki from the Pectinid fauna is the first record in the West Setouchi Geological Province. 3. It is presumable that P. mitsuganoense Araki is an endemic species in the First Setouchi Geological Province from a view point of it’s spatial distribution.
キーワード Periploma mitsuganoense Araki Mollusca Miocene Bihoku Group morphological variation paleogeographic significance
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2013-12-27
開始ページ 7
終了ページ 11
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2013 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120005394593
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/52164
タイトル(別表記) Debris avalanche occurred in Kitamura area, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture
フルテキストURL esr_020_1_001_006.pdf
著者 木村 裕貴| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 The debris avalanche occurred in Kitamura area, Kurashiki City, Okayama Prefecture caused by the hard rain of Typhoon 12 of September, 2011. Furthermore, 11 small landslides occurred in the study area. In this area, the altitude of mountainous are not so high (150m to 250m) and the amount of precipitation which producted the debris avalanche was not very serious quantity with 230mm. However the debris avalanche occurred. One private house collapsed, and the first floor part of the Kitamura Elementary School was buried due to the debris flow. The purpose of this study is to examine causes of the debris avalanche disaster occurred in Kitamura area using applied geological technique. The length of the debris avalanche scar is about 250m, and alluvial fan is formed as a debris slope. The ground is composed of weathered granite and the bottom of the valley was filled by soils derived from disintegrated granite. There are three small landslides as head scarps with steep slopes at approximately 30°-35°. The debris avalanche was inferred to have started as a shallow soil slip at the head by rainfall. 3 major causes are inferred which originated the debris avalanche in the study area; steep slope, ground composed of weathered granite, existence of sandy soil which occupied at the bottom of valley.
キーワード debris avalanche steep slope weathered granite
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2013-12-27
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 6
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2013 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120005394592
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/49211
タイトル(別表記) The oldest fossil forest in Japan discovered from the Upper Triassic Nariwa Group, Okayama Prefecture, SW Japan -Implication for reconstruction of depositional environment and paleovegetation-
フルテキストURL esr_019_1_025_037.pdf
著者 湯川 弘一| 寺田 和雄| 孫 革| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 Erect fossil stumps were found from the outcrop of the Upper Triassic Hinabata Formation, the uppermost part of the Nariwa Group at Hinabata, Nariwa-cho,Takahashi City, Okayama Prefecture, SW Japan. They are evidence of the oldest fossil forest in Japan. The Upper Triassic Nariwa Group is mostly composed of non-marine deposits except the marine Jito Formation and characterized by the abundance in plant fossils. The marine Jito Formation is characterized by occurrence of Norian Monotis ochotica. On the basis of detailed observation of the occurrence of erect fossil stumps, as well as sedimentary facies of fossil-bearing unit, the fossil forest was interpreted to have grown on the top of the natural-levee units. One of the erect fossil stumps was identified as Xenoxylon sp.
キーワード erect fossil stump fossil forest Nariwa Group Upper Triassic Xenoxylon
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2012-12-26
開始ページ 25
終了ページ 37
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 © 2012 by Okayama University Earth Science Reports Editorial Committee All Rights Reserved
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120005232329