JaLCDOI | 10.18926/58044 |
タイトル(別表記) | What Should International Student Dormitories Be at Okayama University?: Current State and Issues of the International Student Shared House and Other Dormitories |
フルテキストURL | biess_4_168_185.pdf |
著者 | 宇塚 万里子| 岡 益巳| 藤本 真澄| |
抄録 | 岡山大学の留学生宿舎の36 年の歴史の中で、寮規則の遵守、人間関係の構築、施設や人的リソース不足など多種多様な課題が指摘されてきた。3 年前に開所した混住型の国際学生シェアハウスにおいて新たに日本人学生が関与する問題が追加発生したこともあり、教育資源として寮を活用する視点から一転して、効率化のために管理を外注化する方向に舵を切った。留学生活の基盤となる住環境を整えることは元来、費用や労力のかかることであり、日常的に起こる課題を解決するためには、責任感のあるリーダー的日本人学生の果たす役割が小さくない。その一方で、課題解決できる日本人学生の育成には、きめ細かい指導・助言に加えて、教育資源としての寮の活用という大学のビジョンと推進力が必要である。 |
キーワード | 国際シェアハウス ユニットリーダー フロアリーダー 異文化理解 教育資源 |
出版物タイトル | 岡山大学全学教育・学生支援機構教育研究紀要 |
発行日 | 2019-12-30 |
巻 | 4巻 |
開始ページ | 168 |
終了ページ | 185 |
ISSN | 2432-9665 |
言語 | 日本語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120006812109 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/54545 |
タイトル(別表記) | A Practical Study on the Services for New International Students |
フルテキストURL | bhe_011_183_198.pdf |
著者 | 宇塚 万里子| 岡 益巳| |
抄録 | 岡山大学において全学的な立場で新入留学生に対する受入支援を実施してきたのは、グローバル・パートナーズ(旧国際センター、留学生センター)の受入担当教員及び事務職員である。本稿では、主として、受入担当教員=留学生相談指導担当教員がこれまでに実施してきた、新入留学生に対する来日後の受入支援の実態を明らかにした上で、2014 年度における新たな支援策の試みを検証し、それらの成果と課題について分析する。水野(2005)が指摘しているように、全ての留学生に対する「一次的援助サービス」及び一部の留学生に対する「二次的援助サービス」は、新入留学生が直面しがちな諸問題の発生を予防し、回避するのに有効である。本稿では、2014 年度に受入担当教員が交代したのを好機と捉え、「一次的援助サービス」の典型である「生活オリエンテーション」の実施方法改善の試みを検証し、「二次的援助サービス」の充実を目的として打ち出した新機軸と従来型の支援内容を整理分析し、新入留学生に対する支援のあり方を提言する。 |
出版物タイトル | 大学教育研究紀要 |
発行日 | 2015-12-30 |
巻 | 11巻 |
開始ページ | 183 |
終了ページ | 198 |
ISSN | 1881-5952 |
言語 | 日本語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120005838023 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/OER/53548 |
タイトル(別表記) | Looking Back on the History of International Student Support Network Peach (The First Half) −For Further Improvements of the Short-term Homestay Programme- |
フルテキストURL | oer_047_1_001_014.pdf |
著者 | 廣田 陽子| 岡 益巳| |
出版物タイトル | 岡山大学経済学会雑誌 |
発行日 | 2015-07-02 |
巻 | 47巻 |
号 | 1号 |
開始ページ | 1 |
終了ページ | 14 |
ISSN | 0386-3069 |
言語 | 日本語 |
著作権者 | Copyright © 2015 岡山大学経済学会 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120005627384 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/52186 |
タイトル(別表記) | A Review of the Activities of the International Student Support Volunteer Group, WAWA: A Summarization of Its Twenty Year History |
フルテキストURL | bhe_009_001_016.pdf |
著者 | 岡 益己| 安藤 佐和子| |
抄録 | 留学生支援ボランティア・WAWA は1994年に設立され、2002年には留学生センターの公認団体となり、2009年には念願の独立した活動拠点を手に入れた。WAWA 設立20年の節目に当たって、これまでのWAWA の活動の歴史を振り返ってみたい。(1)新入留学生の受入れ支援、(2)チュートリアル・サービス、(3)留学生家族のための日本語教室、(4)異文化交流イベントがWAWA の活動の4本柱であるが、学内外の環境変化の影響を受けて(1)は中止に、(2)は大幅縮小という状況に陥っている。また、ボランティア学生の気質の変化の影響により(3)も縮小せざるを得ず、(4)に関しては企画・運営力の低下が懸念される。こうした現状を踏まえ、設立21年目を迎えようとするWAWA のあり方について提言したい。 |
キーワード | WAWA ボランティア 留学生 留学生相談室 |
出版物タイトル | 大学教育研究紀要 |
発行日 | 2013-12-30 |
巻 | 9巻 |
開始ページ | 1 |
終了ページ | 16 |
ISSN | 1881-5952 |
言語 | 日本語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120005394608 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/49288 |
タイトル(別表記) | Problems Related to EPOK Students from Partner Universities: From the Records of an International Student Advisor’s Office |
フルテキストURL | bhe_008_011_028.pdf |
著者 | 岡 益巳| |
抄録 | The EPOK (English Program Okayama) exchange program officially started in April, 1999 after a one-year trial. By the end of the 2011 academic year Okayama University had accepted 199 students in total from partner universities. Since October, 1999, the author has been keeping records of EPOK students’ problems brought into the International Student Advisor’s Office by EPOK coordinators. In this paper, 57 cases of problems will be introduced and examined as the author believes that there is a need for the university to clarify the problems encountered by EPOK students over the past twelve years in order to promote globalization. |
出版物タイトル | 大学教育研究紀要 |
発行日 | 2012-12-31 |
巻 | 8巻 |
開始ページ | 11 |
終了ページ | 28 |
ISSN | 1881-5952 |
言語 | 日本語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120005232345 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/OER/40586 |
タイトル(別表記) | The Student Exchange Programme between Okayama University and the University of Edinburgh : Receiving Overseas Students |
フルテキストURL | oer_035_2_037_052.pdf |
著者 | 廣田 陽子| 岡 益巳| |
抄録 | Hirota and Oka (2003) showed in great detail the process which led to the academic exchange between Okayama University’s Faculty of Economics and the University of Edinburgh’s Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, and was concerned mainly in the procedure of sending students to the University of Edinburgh. This paper will focus on the procedure and the actual situation concerning the receiving of students from the University of Edinburgh. As the agreement stipulated that up to two exchange students were admitted to each institution per year, Okayama University received 15 students from the University of Edinburgh over a ten−year period. Concerning the student’s ability in acquiring a second language, it could be read as follows ; the students with an upper beginner or intermediate level of Japanese prior to joining the exchange programme, showed great improvement during their stay in Okayama and graduated from the University of Edinburgh, Japanese Studies course or Japanese Studies and Linguistics course with an honours degree. Thus, the programme could be said to have obtained a desirable result in regard not only to student numbers involved in the exchange programme but also to their academic performance. However as it was the first exchange programme that the Faculty of Economics had been engaged in, the teaching staffs involved were troubled by many unexpected problems in relation to the students from Edinburgh. For example, housing and the high cost of rent proved to be a serious problem. As the Faculty of Economics is about to embark upon a new exchange programme with Kangwon National University, the Republic of Korea, we believe that it would be in both the interests of the students and members of staff if we looked back to the exchange programme we had with the University of Edinburgh and attempted to learn from the valuable experiences we had. |
出版物タイトル | 岡山大学経済学会雑誌 |
発行日 | 2003-09-10 |
巻 | 35巻 |
号 | 2号 |
開始ページ | 37 |
終了ページ | 52 |
ISSN | 0386-3069 |
言語 | 日本語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120002647264 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/OER/40583 |
タイトル(別表記) | The Student Exchange Programme between Okayama University and the University of Edinburgh : Sending Students Abroad |
フルテキストURL | oer_035_1_019_034.pdf |
著者 | 廣田 陽子| 岡 益巳| |
抄録 | In February 1991, the Faculty of Economics, Okayama University entered into an agreement with the Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, the University of Edinburgh, to promote student exchange and academic co−operation. In this paper, we mainly focus on the procedure for sending students on this exchange programme. As it was the first exchange programme that the Faculty of Economics was engaged in, the teaching staff involved had to face problems one after another until the programme got off the ground. The insufficient English language proficiency of the students was always one of the majour concerns. However, spending one academic year abroad broadened students’ outlook remarkably and almost all of them came back to Okayama satisfied with their experiences in Edinburgh. Until 2000 when a faculty−to−faculty agreement promoted to a university−to−university one, as many as 23 students of the Faculty of Economics had been sent to Edinburgh. The programme can be said to have achieved satisfactory results to some extent. So it is worth while examining this experience gained during the past ten years in 1990’s in order to use it for enhancing internationalisation at the Faculty of Economics for the future. |
出版物タイトル | 岡山大学経済学会雑誌 |
発行日 | 2003-06-10 |
巻 | 35巻 |
号 | 1号 |
開始ページ | 19 |
終了ページ | 34 |
ISSN | 0386-3069 |
言語 | 日本語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120002647260 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/OER/19852 |
タイトル(別表記) | For further improvements of the short-term homestay programme |
フルテキストURL | 41_3_001_017.pdf |
著者 | 廣田 陽子| 岡 益巳| |
抄録 | In 2001, Advisor's Room in International Centre, Okayama University, initiated the short-term (one day or overnight) homestay programme. The aim of this paper is to improve the implementation process of the programme by reviewing the homestay between 2001 and 2008, especially focusing on the period 2004 – 2008 based on the survey of hosts and international students participating in the programme. A total of 133 students (a response rate 95%) and 136 hosts (a response rate 97%) responded to the survey. The findings show a fairly high level of student satisfaction with the programme and a good level of communication between hosts and students. The survey results also suggest some problems identified in earlier studies by Hirota & Oka have been resolved. However, 25 percent of the students surveyed still did not write thank you notes to their hosts promptly while many hosts expected them to do. In addition, it was revealed that the passive attitude of some students discouraged their hosts from communicating with them. So the coordinator needs to encourage students to be active and make the most of the opportunity, and students’ personalities can be taken into consideration at the time of matching students to hosts. Lastly, the current matching system also needs to be improved because a limited choice of dates undermined the success of the homestay. Under the current system, there are only four choices of dates which the coordinators arrange based on the university's schedule. Consequently several students have to choose a date even though they have something to do on that day and it also takes a long time to find available hosts. The current matching process is based on student's application including their choice of date and hosts choose which student to take in. So an alternative for more effective matching should be considered: hosts provide their information such as possible dates for stay, number of family members, their pets, and so on, and students choose which family to stay with based on their preference and convenience. |
出版物タイトル | 岡山大学経済学会雑誌 |
発行日 | 2009-12-10 |
巻 | 41巻 |
号 | 3号 |
開始ページ | 1 |
終了ページ | 17 |
ISSN | 0386-3069 |
関連URL | http://www.e.okayama-u.ac.jp/~shiryou/gakkaishi.htm |
言語 | 日本語 |
著作権者 | 岡山大学経済学会 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120002309009 |