フルテキストURL | fulltext.pdf |
著者 | Tsunata, Ren| Takemoto, Masatsugu| Imai, Jun| Saito, Tatsuya| Ueno, Tomoyuki| |
キーワード | Axial gap motor axial-flux machine carbon-fiber-reinforced plastic ferrite magnet iron loss PWM drive PWM harmonic current radial-flux machine soft magnetic composite switching frequency WLTC drive |
発行日 | 2024-09 |
出版物タイトル | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications |
巻 | 60巻 |
号 | 5号 |
出版者 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
開始ページ | 6736 |
終了ページ | 6751 |
ISSN | 0093-9994 |
NCID | AA00667900 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
言語 | 英語 |
OAI-PMH Set | 岡山大学 |
著作権者 | © 2024 The Authors. |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
DOI | 10.1109/tia.2024.3410241 |
Web of Science KeyUT | 001319511900110 |
関連URL | isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1109/tia.2024.3410241 |
フルテキストURL | fulltext.pdf |
著者 | Tsunata, Ren| Izumiya, Kosuke| Takemoto, Masatsugu| Imai, Jun| Saito, Tatsuya| Ueno, Tomoyuki| |
キーワード | Axial gap motor axial-flux machine carbon fiber rotor carbon fiber-reinforced plastic city commuter ferrite magnet flat copper wire high circumferential speed radial-flux machine |
発行日 | 2024-03-01 |
出版物タイトル | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications |
巻 | 60巻 |
号 | 3号 |
出版者 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
開始ページ | 3934 |
終了ページ | 3949 |
ISSN | 0093-9994 |
NCID | AA00667900 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
言語 | 英語 |
OAI-PMH Set | 岡山大学 |
著作権者 | © 2024 The Authors. |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
DOI | 10.1109/tia.2024.3371959 |
Web of Science KeyUT | 001230196400039 |
関連URL | isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1109/tia.2024.3371959 |
フルテキストURL | fulltext.pdf |
著者 | Tsunata, Ren| Takemoto, Masatsugu| Imai, Jun| Saito, Tatsuya| Ueno, Tomoyuki| |
キーワード | Pressing Stator cores Magnetic cores Torque Atmospheric modeling Presses Manufacturing Mass production Axial-flux permanent magnet machine soft magnetic composite (SMC) PMSM tooth-tips torque press process semi-closed slot structure axial gap motor mass production YASA motor shoe |
発行日 | 2023-10-04 |
出版物タイトル | IEEE Access |
巻 | 11巻 |
出版者 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
開始ページ | 109435 |
終了ページ | 109447 |
ISSN | 2169-3536 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
言語 | 英語 |
OAI-PMH Set | 岡山大学 |
著作権者 | © 2023 The Authors. |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
DOI | 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3321829 |
Web of Science KeyUT | 001086321100001 |
関連URL | isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3321829 |
著者 | Tsunata, Ren| Takemoto, Masatsugu| Imai, Jun| Saito, Tatsuya| Ueno, Tomoyuki| |
キーワード | Aspect ratio axial-flux machine axial-gap motor cooling high efficiency mass production PMSM radial-flux machine soft magnetic composite thermal characteristic |
備考 | © 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.| This fulltext file will be available in Mar. 2025.| |
発行日 | 2023-03-13 |
出版物タイトル | IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications |
巻 | 59巻 |
号 | 3号 |
出版者 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) |
開始ページ | 3353 |
終了ページ | 3367 |
ISSN | 0093-9994 |
NCID | AA00667900 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
言語 | 英語 |
OAI-PMH Set | 岡山大学 |
著作権者 | © 2023 IEEE. |
論文のバージョン | author |
DOI | 10.1109/tia.2023.3255845 |
Web of Science KeyUT | 001061319100099 |
関連URL | isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1109/tia.2023.3255845 |
フルテキストURL | fulltext.pdf |
著者 | Tsunata, Ren| Yokomichi, Keito| Takemoto, Masatsugu| Imai, Jun| |
キーワード | Variable flux memory motor hybrid excitation motor traction applications EV HEV six-step operation one-pulse drive output power density |
発行日 | 2023-08-03 |
出版物タイトル | IEEE Access |
巻 | 11巻 |
出版者 | Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers |
開始ページ | 82024 |
終了ページ | 82036 |
ISSN | 2169-3536 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
言語 | 英語 |
OAI-PMH Set | 岡山大学 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
DOI | 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3301809 |
Web of Science KeyUT | 001047221300001 |
関連URL | isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3301809 |
フルテキストURL | IFAC_49_8_7.pdf |
著者 | Imai, Jun| Noso, Katsuyuki| Takahashi, Akiko| Funabiki, Shigeyuki| |
キーワード | Distributed parameter systems Method of weighted residuals Boundary conditions Reduced-order models |
備考 | This is an Accepted Manuscript of an article published by Elsevier| |
発行日 | 2016-08-09 |
出版物タイトル | IFAC-Papers OnLine |
巻 | 49巻 |
号 | 8号 |
出版者 | Elsevier |
開始ページ | 7 |
終了ページ | 12 |
ISSN | 2405-8963 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
言語 | 日本語 |
OAI-PMH Set | 岡山大学 |
著作権者 | https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/deed.ja |
論文のバージョン | author |
DOI | 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.410 |
Web of Science KeyUT | 000381505200003 |
関連URL | https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.07.410 |
著者 | 小西 正躬| 中野 孝一| 今井 純| |
発行日 | 2011-06-01 |
出版物タイトル | 鉄と鋼 |
巻 | 97巻 |
号 | 6号 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/47023 |
フルテキストURL | mfe_36_2_015_042.pdf |
著者 | Ohtani, Ryuji| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi| |
抄録 | In this paper, we studied a planning and scheduling of production system considering demand changes. In the proposed system, planning part determines lot-size and amount of jobs in production. On the other hand, scheduling part determines the production sequence of jobs. In order to treat with the demand changes, both planning and scheduling should work well simultaneously. In the proposed system, preset and real time production control system is newly constructed from the view point of adaptive control. In the system, production planning is modified when the difference between production amount and demand becomes large. Moreover, production schedule is regenerated when the determined schedule is deviated from the prospected one. The scheduling system is characterized as the autonomous decentralized optimization system where each job works as agent and agent searches its appropriate starting time of processing. The effectiveness of the proposed system is confirmed by numerical examples. |
出版物タイトル | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University |
発行日 | 2002-03 |
巻 | 36巻 |
号 | 2号 |
開始ページ | 15 |
終了ページ | 42 |
ISSN | 0475-0071 |
言語 | 英語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 80015471209 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/46998 |
フルテキストURL | mfe_36_1_029_039.pdf |
著者 | Imai, Jun| Wada, Kiyoshi| |
抄録 | A procedure for control-oriented modeling is proposed for large flexible structures with unknown modal parameters. Techniques on quantification of errors in modal truncated nominal models are developed for the case where a finite number of upper and lower bounds of the unknown modal parameters are given. A feasible set of systems matching the conditions is introduced, and then error bounds covering the feasible set are established in the frequency domain. The bounds are easily checked using linear programming for any user-specified frequency. The feasibility of the proposed scheme is illustrated by numerical study on an ideal flexible beam example. |
出版物タイトル | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University |
発行日 | 2001-12 |
巻 | 36巻 |
号 | 1号 |
開始ページ | 29 |
終了ページ | 39 |
ISSN | 0475-0071 |
言語 | 英語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 80012887118 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/46978 |
フルテキストURL | mfe_37_2_029_044.pdf |
著者 | Imajo, Shuya| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi| |
抄録 | In hot strip rolling mills, the looper control system is automated. However, the looper's behavior tends to be unstable in threading. Therefore, human expert always intervenes and stabilizes the looper's behavior by tuning PID gains and interposing manipulation variable of looper control system. In this paper, we propose a method based on the recurrent neural network to express PID gains tuning action by human. Furthermore, we propose two methods to update the model by learning. To check the effectiveness of the proposed learning methods, numerical simulation applied to the looper height control is carried out. |
出版物タイトル | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University |
発行日 | 2003-03 |
巻 | 37巻 |
号 | 2号 |
開始ページ | 29 |
終了ページ | 44 |
ISSN | 0475-0071 |
言語 | 英語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 80016037880 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/46977 |
フルテキストURL | mfe_37_2_013_027.pdf |
著者 | Shibuta, Taizo| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi| |
抄録 | Nowadays, various kind of reactor furnaces are widely used for the production in industry. The raw materials charged into the furnace generate reaction heat produced by blowing gas. Generally speaking, the reaction heat generated in the furnace is remarkably high. Therefore the occurrence of an inappropriate temperature distribution in the furnace may make damege or serious accident of the furnace. This is the motivation of furnace control. The author is considering the application of studied results to the furnace control of Blast Furnace in steel industry. To the propose, the approximated and simplified Macro Model of the Blast Furnace is constructed which has the function of representation of qualitative characteristics of the furnace in dynamical sense. The furnace temperature, distribution greatly effects both on the producting and the product quality of the furnace. Needless to say, stable furnace operation is indispensable for the economical prosperity of the industry. In this paper, macro simulation of the furnace is developed to support the analysis and design of the furnace control. Using the simulator, the stability and the control characteristics for inner furnace temperature distribtion are analised quantitatively. |
出版物タイトル | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University |
発行日 | 2003-03 |
巻 | 37巻 |
号 | 2号 |
開始ページ | 13 |
終了ページ | 27 |
ISSN | 0475-0071 |
言語 | 英語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 80015999991 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/46967 |
フルテキストURL | mfe_37_1_001_010.pdf |
著者 | Sotobayashi, Ken| Konishi, Masami| Nishi, Tatsushi| Imai, Jun| |
抄録 | Auto Guided Vehicles (AGVs) are widely used in a semi-conductor fabricating factory and contribute to the stable production of a high quality semi-conductor products. In the near future, further expansion of the transportation system is expected accompanied with the rapid growth of semi-conductor industries. In such situation, the necessity of performing quick planning of transportation route and transportation control will be elevated. In this paper, practicable planning of the transportation route and transportation control are studied based on the decentralized agent method. Especially, the geometrical sizes of AGVs are considered in the determination of transportation routes and control strategy avoiding the occurrence of mutual collisions or deadlock of AGVs. |
出版物タイトル | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University |
発行日 | 2002-11 |
巻 | 37巻 |
号 | 1号 |
開始ページ | 1 |
終了ページ | 10 |
ISSN | 0475-0071 |
言語 | 英語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120003457322 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/46948 |
フルテキストURL | mfe_38_1-2_015_027.pdf |
著者 | Torigoe, Takashi| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi| |
抄録 | In these days, mechanical systems are becoming more complex and highly automated. So, there exist wide variety of demands for reliable diagnostic technology. A reliable data analysis and quantitative diagnosis method of mechanical system is necessary for the purpose. In this paper a quantitative diagnosis method for looper height control system has been developed based on neural network technologies. The wavelet transformation is used for pre-processing to analyze characteristics of looper height control system. And, self organizing map neural network is used for the purpose of classification based on the pre-processed data. After that, the classified results are used for quantitative diagnosis in hierarchical neural network. |
出版物タイトル | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University |
発行日 | 2004-03 |
巻 | 38巻 |
号 | 1-2号 |
開始ページ | 15 |
終了ページ | 27 |
ISSN | 0475-0071 |
言語 | 英語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 80016785934 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/46947 |
フルテキストURL | mfe_38_1-2_005_014.pdf |
著者 | Ishimaru, Kazuhito| Konishi, Masami| Imai, Jun| Nishi, Tatsushi| |
抄録 | Temperature distribution in the reactor furnace is mainly operated by gas blowing from multiple tuyeres and material charge distribution. The objective of our research is obtain the optimal profile of gas flow to control temperature distribution in the reactor furnace in the shortest possible time. We formulated the optimization problem to reduce deviation of temperature distribution from its desired one in the reactor furnace. Based on the formulation, gas blow conditions are optimized by a sequential quadratic programming method to realize the desired temperature distribution. The validity of the method was checked through numerical experiments. |
出版物タイトル | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University |
発行日 | 2004-03 |
巻 | 38巻 |
号 | 1-2号 |
開始ページ | 5 |
終了ページ | 14 |
ISSN | 0475-0071 |
言語 | 英語 |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 80016785933 |
JaLCDOI | 10.18926/44495 |
フルテキストURL | mfe_045_001_014.pdf |
著者 | Akiyoshi, Tatsuro| Imai, Jun| Konishi, Masami| |
抄録 | This paper presents a method of the controller design for the handling machine by using dsPIC(Digital Signal Processor + Peripheral Interface Controller). Recently, many manufacturing robots are operated in manufacturing facilities, with the aim of labor, cost saving, and improvement of the productivity. Such robots need to have positioning performance of high precision and simultaneously to save cost. In this paper, a digital optimal servo controller is designed, and it is implemented into our barebones controller which involves dsPIC. We have designed and manufactured the controller which is added suitable peripherals to improve the consistency between the mechanical machine operating in continuous time and controller in discrete time. The significance of this research is that digital implementation of the embedded system which has performance-limitation has ensured a comparable result, against the one with PC which has broad utility. When it is used as a controller, it is possible to restrain product prices greatly equivalent PC precision. We demonstrate potential that good control can be achieved even with low cost. Our research has lead to the viability of lower cost and higher performance system for the production process at factories. |
出版物タイトル | Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University |
発行日 | 2011-01 |
巻 | 45巻 |
開始ページ | 1 |
終了ページ | 14 |
ISSN | 1349-6115 |
言語 | 英語 |
著作権者 | Copyright © by the authors |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
NAID | 120002905951 |
フルテキストURL | fulltext.pdf |
著者 | Imai, Jun| |
キーワード | feasible sets Kelvin-Voigt damping dc gain |
備考 | Published with permission from the copyright holder. This is the institute's copy, as published in SICE 2002. Proceedings of the 41st SICE Annual Conference, 5-7 Aug. 2002, Volume 3, Pages 1588-1591. Publisher URL:http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/search/wrapper.jsp?arnumber=1196547 Copyright © 2002 IEEE. All rights reserved.| |
発行日 | 2002-8 |
出版物タイトル | SICE 2002. Proceedings of the 41st SICE Annual Conference |
巻 | 3巻 |
開始ページ | 1588 |
終了ページ | 1591 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
言語 | 英語 |
OAI-PMH Set | 岡山大学 |
DOI | 10.1109/sice.2002.1196547 |
フルテキストURL | fulltext.pdf |
著者 | Imai, Jun| Wada, Kiyoshi| |
キーワード | error analysis flexible structures frequency-domain analysis linear programming modelling parameter estimation uncertain systems |
備考 | Print ISBN: 0-7803-6638-7| |
発行日 | 2000-12 |
出版物タイトル | Proceedings of the 39th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control |
巻 | 4巻 |
出版者 | IEEE |
開始ページ | 3780 |
終了ページ | 3784 |
ISSN | 0191-2216 |
NCID | BA51644536 |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
言語 | 英語 |
OAI-PMH Set | 岡山大学 |
著作権者 | © 2000 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. |
論文のバージョン | publisher |
DOI | 10.1109/CDC.2000.912298 |
Web of Science KeyUT | 000172029000684 |
著者 | Imai, Jun| Ando, Yasuaki| 小西 正躬| |
発行日 | 2003-12 |
出版物タイトル | Decision and Control |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
著者 | Imai, Jun| |
発行日 | 2002-12 |
出版物タイトル | Decision and Control |
資料タイプ | 学術雑誌論文 |
著者 | 竹永 洋貴| 小西 正躬| 今井 純| |
発行日 | 2009-11-11 |
出版物タイトル | Proceedings : Fifth International Workshop on Computational Intelligence & Applications |
巻 | 2009巻 |
号 | 1号 |
資料タイプ | 会議発表論文 |