JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/9763
タイトル(別表記) Paraphrase beyond the lexical level : changing the grammatical subject
フルテキストURL 111_0161_0174.pdf
著者 髙塚 成信| 湖城 光恵|
抄録 This study is motivated directly by the very limited scope of the traditional communication strategy research in that it places exclusive emphasis on lexis and indirectly by the inadequacy of some hasty attempts, which followed the seminal work by Domyei (1995), to investigate into the effectiveness of strategy instruction without paying due attention to the nature of strategic processes involved in speech production. It focuses on the process of changing the grammatical subject (i.e. paraphrase beyond the lexical level), as a means of avoiding and/or solving problems in speech production. The process is investigated by analyzing the relationships between the original sentences and their paraphrastic counterparts given in a monolingual dictionary. The investigation identifies various ways in which linguistic elements in the original sentence are manipulated to yield a new subject.
キーワード communication strategies paraphrase beyond the lexical level changing the grammatical subject
出版物タイトル 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
発行日 1999
開始ページ 161
終了ページ 174
ISSN 0471-4008
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 110000129432