JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13931
タイトル(別表記) Inversion of normal mode frequencies for estimation of lateral heterogeneity of the earth's elasticity atructure: A numerical test
フルテキストURL ESR_3_33.pdf
著者 大西 星司| 小田 仁|
抄録 An investigation was made on effect of lateral heterogenity of the earth's elasticity structure on the normal mode frequencies. The lateral heterogeneity is expressed by an expansion of spherical harmonic functions, Pιm(cosθ)sinmΦ and Pιm(cosθ)cosmΦ, up to the second order harmonics (ι≤2). Free oscillation freguencies of the heterogeneous earth were computed by the xyz algorithm. Further we derived an analytic expression of partial derivatives of eigenfrequency with respect to the expansion coefficients, and performed a numerical test to verify whether or not it is possible to estimate the heterogeneity of the earth's structure by the inversion of noemal mode frequencies. When the earth is assumed to be elastically isotropic spheroid with short polar and long equatorial radii, frequency spectra affected by longitudinal heterogeneity terms, Pιm(cosθ)(sinmΦ, cosmΦ) (m≠ 0), for given values of ι and m coincide with each other, because these two terms describe the same heterogeneity when the earth is rotated by π/2m around rotation axis. In such a case, we cannot determine accurately the expansion coefficients of tha two heterogeneity terms by inversion of normal mode frequencies, whereas the coefficients of the latitudinal heterogeneity Pι0(cosθ) can be precisely determined. Therefore it is difficult to estimate of lateral heterogeneity of the earth's elasticity structure by the inversion of normal mode frequencies.
キーワード Normal Mode Inversion Earth's Structure Lateral Heterogeneity
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1996-09-20
開始ページ 33
終了ページ 42
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310694
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13930
フルテキストURL ESR_3_25.pdf
著者 梶芳 浩二| 鈴木 功|
抄録 Thermal expansion of forsterite, Mg2SiO4, is measured up to 1,600 K by the dilatometric method. The present results of volume thermal expansion Yv is 3.20 percent from 300 to 1,200 K and expansion coefficient αv is 40.5 × 10-6 K-1 at 1,200 K. They are close to those of a natural olivine (Suzuki, 1976), but are 4.4 and 11 percent smaller as compared with those reported in the former paper (Suzuki et al., 1984). The Yv and αv of forsterite are 5.00 percent and 46.7 × 10-6 K-1 respectively, at 1,600 K.
キーワード forsterite olivine thermal expansion high temperature
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1996-09-20
開始ページ 25
終了ページ 32
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310333
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13928
フルテキストURL ESR_3_17.pdf
著者 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 In eastern Chugoku area, Paleogene deposits have not been recognized until fission-track dating of so called "Mountain Gravels" was carried out (Suzuki et al. 1995). Two sedimentation events in Paleogene time (27Ma and 34-35Ma) are inferred by the F-T dating Major lithology of the Paleogene deposits in the study area is graved which is mainly composed of subrounded to rounded cobbles. The "Mountain Gravels" were previously thought to be lower Quaternary deposits. The "Mountain Gravels" is associsted with coal bearing mud, sand, gravel and breccia deposits. The breccia deposits is distributed sporadically between the "Mountain Gravels" and basement rocks. The deposits are mainly composed of poorly sorted breccia and associated granitic sands. It is inferred that the breccia deposits are talus deposits.
キーワード Paleogene breccia talus deposits fission-track dating
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1996-09-20
開始ページ 17
終了ページ 24
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310338
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13927
フルテキストURL ESR_3_1.pdf
著者 Daniel K. Asiedu| 鈴木 茂之| 柴田 次夫|
抄録 Petrographic and geochemical study of sandstones from the Kenseki Formation have shown that the sandstones are compositionally immature. The immaturity is reflected geochemically by their low SiO2 contents (52-66 wt%) and petrographically by low modal percents of quartz and K-feldspar, and high modal percents of plagioclase and volcanic lithic fragmants. The Kensaki sandstones are, however, poor in Na2O (up to 2.1 wt%). Both petrography and geochemistry suggest a heterogeneous source lithologies of acidic and basic volcanics, sedimentary, and ultramafic rocks. Petrographic evidence is supplied by quartz and plagioclase of volcanic origin, acidic volcanic fragments, basic volcanic fragments, volcanic glass, serpentinite fragments and detrital spinel grains. Geochemical evidence is provided by high FeO* (total iron as FeO), MgO, TiO2, CaO and K2O contents. Petrographic and geochemical study of the Kenseki sandstones indicate calc-alkaline oceanic island are provenance. The sediments were locally derived, with Alpine-type ultramafic rocks exposed in the north and volcanic materials of the Akiyoshi Belt supplying the bulk of the detritus.
キーワード Kenseki Formation modal analyses provenance
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1996-09-20
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 16
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310277
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13922
フルテキストURL ESR_4_76.pdf
著者 河原 昭|
抄録 Statistical calculation have been carried out on the volumes of the asymmetric unit of minerals. This treatment is related to the origin of the symmetry and periodicity of the crystals, and to the equilibrium conditions of these crystals. From the view point of the cohesion energy, if the crystals were grown under the condition of nearly perfect equilibrium states, than all the volumes of the asymmetric unit of each crystal structure will be approximately equal, and if the volume of the asymmetric units of a certain mineral is larger than the average value, this mineral is considered to be grown in a metastable condition. The calculation of the cell dimensions of minerals have been carried out by the use of deta from previous investigations. The statistical consideration of the volumes of the asymmetric unit of minerals is considered to be an appropriate criterion to relate the stability of minerals to their descriptive mineralogy.
キーワード geneses of symmetry symmetry periododicity equilibrium
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1997-09-20
開始ページ 79
終了ページ 96
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310432
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13921
フルテキストURL ESR_4_73.pdf
著者 香原 静雄| 河原 昭|
抄録 The configuration of the Si-O framework in alkali zinc silicates has been investigated on the basis of recently determined structures. The results have shown that there is a linear correlation between the ionic radii of alkali ions and the molar abundance of ZnO+SiO2 per one alkali ion in the structure. This indicates that in the case of zinc silicates, the configuration of the Si-O frameworks is largely influenced by the ionic radii of alkali ions in the structure. On the contrary, in the case of alumino-silicates, the configuration of the Si-O framework is independent of ionic radii of alkali ions. In the former, the Si-O framework is considered to be plastic, while in the latter, it could be called rigid. The latter extreme cases are those of zeolites. In this case, the configuration on frameworks is not entirely influenced by the ionic radii of alkali atoms present. These results are discussed in connection with the historical investigations of silicate structures.
キーワード silicate zinc silicate alumino-silicate framework ionic radii framework configu-ration
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1997-09-20
開始ページ 73
終了ページ 78
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310344
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13919
フルテキストURL ESR_4_41.pdf
著者 Okamoto Yasuhiko|
抄録 Kalsilite, a polymorph of KAISiO4 is an end member of nepheline-kalsilite series and the mineral was syn-thesized by hydorhermal methods. The synthetic kalsilite is hexagonal, P63, with a=5.151(5), c=8.690(8) A. The structure was refined by full-matrix least-squares methods to a R-value 0.084, using 373 observed reflections. The obtained structure agrees well with those of the natural and the alkali-exchanged specimens reported in the previous literatures. The oxygen atoms are disordered at two mirror-equivalent sites, constructing the domain structure. The average domain structure shows P63mc symmetry and the strctural relation between the two P63 structure corresponds to the twinning by merohedry. The domain structure was considered to be caused accompanied with the high-low inversion of the kalslite structure. Heating experiments of kalsilite reveal that the X-ray powder pattern changes at 865℃, and that cell dimensions vary discontinuously at this temperature. It was confirmed that kalsilite underwent a displacive transition like those observed in quartz or tridymite. The high-form is refered as 'high-kalsilite', and a possible simulate model is proposed. The structure of the high-kalsilite at 950℃ was refined byfull-matrix least-squares methods to a R-value 0.095, using 115 observed reflections. The high-kalsilite is also hexagonal, P63mc or P63/mmc, with a=5.288(1), c=8.628(5) A at 950℃. The structure almost prefectly coincides with that of the simulated model. Based on the interatomic distances, the distribution of silicon and aluminum atoms is found to be or-dered and the space group is determined to be P63mc. Kaliophilite and the related orthorhombic from, polymorphs of KAISiO4, were synthesized by dry method. The synthetic kaliophilite (kaliophilite-H2) is hexagonal with a=5.17(1), c=8.49(3) A, and the orthorhombic KAISiO4 (kaliophilite-O1) is orthormbic with a=9.01(1), b=15.60(2), c=8.53(4) A. Detailed examina-tion of the obtained powder patterns together with that of simulated model indicates that the kaliophilite-H2 has a disorderd structure of four types of the low-kalsilite. The structure was refined by the X-ray powder pattern-fitting method (Rietvelt method) to a R-value 0.121.
キーワード kalsilite kaliophilite faldspathoid systheses crystal structre
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1997-09-20
開始ページ 41
終了ページ 72
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310427
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13917
タイトル(別表記) Ferroglaucophane schist from the Ohsa-yama srea, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
フルテキストURL ESR_4_33.pdf
著者 野坂 俊夫|
抄録 A ferroglaucophane schist occurs in fault contact with serpentinites at the Ohsa-yama area, Southwest Japan. It consists of albite, ferroglaucophane and actinolite with small amounts of stilpnomelane, sphene, apatite and K-feldspar. Petrological studies reveal that the schist was originally igneous rock of felsic or intermediate composition and has suffered two stages of metamorphism : ferroglaucophane has been formed at the first stage and actinolite at the second stage. In a basic schist from the same outcrop that the ferroglaucophane schist occurs, tremolitic amphibole instead of alkali amphibole has been formed along with chlorite, phengite and albite. Such a difference in mineral association between the schists is ascribed to a difference in whole rock composition, particu-larly in Fe/Mg ratio. Some of the schists from th Ohsa-yama area characteristically contain glaucophane or ferroglaucophane and have low Fe2O3/FeO ratios, forming a striking contrast to the crossite schists that commonly occur in the so-called "Sangun metamorphic terrane". These facts suggest that the alkali amphiboles of the Ohsa-yama schists were formed under higher P/T and more reducing conditions than those of the regional metamrphic rocks. On the other hand, development of the second-stage actinolite in the ferroglaucophane schist is consistent with the meta-morphic parageneses of greenschists from adjacent areas. Consequently the ferroglaucophane schist is considered one of the tectonic blocks that were captured by mobile serpentinites and have suffered the regional metamor-phism after the emplacement of the serpentinites into the present geologic position.
キーワード ferroglaucophane petrology tectonic block serpentinite high P/T metamorphism, Ohsa-yama Sangun metamorphic terrane Southwest Japan
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1997-09-20
開始ページ 33
終了ページ 40
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310538
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13916
タイトル(別表記) Landslide occurrence and geology of the Triassic Nariwa Group, Southwest Japan
フルテキストURL ESR_4_21.pdf
著者 宝谷 周| 鈴木 茂之| 田中 元| 山田 琢哉|
抄録 Geological and topographical study of landslides in the Triassic Nariwa Group has been carried out. Nariwa Group is mostly composed of non-marine deposites and is characterized by cycle of fining upward successions. Landslides abundantly occur in the non-marine successions. Slip surface occure in coaly mudstones that have conspicuously less strength than sandstones. Creeps immediately below slip surfaces contribute to the occurrence of landslides in the Nariwa Group.
キーワード Iandslide Nariwa Group coaly mudstone
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1997-09-20
開始ページ 21
終了ページ 32
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310343
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13915
タイトル(別表記) Three-dimensional structure of P wave velocity in the crust and upper mantle beneath southwest Japan
フルテキストURL ESR_4_1.pdf
著者 田中 猛士| 小田 仁|
抄録 Trevel-time data of the P wave were inverted to study three-dimensional structure of the P wave velocity in the upper mantle and crust beneath the Shikoku and Chugoku districts, southwest Japan. Low-velocity and high-velocity regions were found in the upper crust of the eastrn and western regions in the Shikoku district, respectively. The activity of crustal earthquakes is high in the eastern region. Moreover a significant high-velocity region exists in the uppermost mantle, where the activity of small earthquakes is very high. A low-velocity region with velocity of 7.0km/s was found just above the descending Philippine Sea plate with high velocity of 8.0 km/s. This region is continued to oceanic crust in the vicinity of the Nankai trough and its velocity is nearly equal to the P wave velocity (6.7 km/s) of oceanic crust. Thus the low velocity is interpreted as the oceanic crust. A high-velocity region is found below the depth of 50km in the Shikoku district. This region suggests the Philippine sea plate lying horizontally from the Shikoku districts to the ocast of the Seto Inland Sea of the Chugoku district. A low-velocity zone suggesting the volcanic front is found around the depth of 50km at the coast of the Japan Sea of the Chugoku distrit.
キーワード Three-dimenrsional structure P wave Crust Upper mantle Philippine Sea plate
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1997-09-20
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 20
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310209
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13912
フルテキストURL ESR_5_17.pdf
著者 山本 雅弘| 加瀬 克雄| Harada, Kaori|
抄録 Sulfur isotope rations of sulfide minerals in the ore specimens from the deposit of the Tsuchikura mine are distrib-uted in a range from -0.8 to 5.4%, mostly from +0.5 to 3.0%, close to the previous data (from +1 to +3%) by Miyake and Sasaki (1980). The distribution range is also similar to the major Besshi-type deposites of the Sambagawa terrain. Sulfur isotope fractionation between coexisting pyrite and chalcopyrite is not uniform. This may be largely due to spatial tearrangament of the initial orebodies to the present form. Sulfide minerals mostly pyrite from host rocks (siltsones, sandstones, basaltic rocks) exhibit remarkably low δ34S values ranging from -49.3 to -2.6%, dis-tinctly different from the δ34S values for sulfide minerals of ores. The low δ34S values may indicate the bacteriogenic origin of host rock sulfides, although it seems peculiar that basaltic rocks also have extremely low δ34S values.
キーワード Sulfur isotope ratio Besshi-type deposit Tsuchikura mine Pyrite Chalcopyrite
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1998-09-20
開始ページ 17
終了ページ 22
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310378
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13911
タイトル(別表記) (14)C ages of Quaternary deposits in Kojima Lake area, Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture
フルテキストURL ESR_5_13.pdf
著者 佐々木 甫| 鈴木 茂之|
抄録 Two 14C ages are obtained from drilled core samples in Kojima Lake area. One is 7920±250 y.B.P. from peat which is just below silty clay of bay sediments (-14.30-14.61 m) The other is 24900+3450,-2450 y.B.P. from pale milky gray clay of fluvial sediments (-24.15-24.45 m).
キーワード (14)C age Quaternary Kojima Lake area
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1998-09-20
開始ページ 13
終了ページ 16
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 80011114460
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13909
タイトル(別表記) Topography and deposits of terrace of Yokohama Town, Northeast Japan
フルテキストURL ESR_5_1.pdf
著者 鈴木 茂之| 宮脇 明子|
抄録 Higher, middle and Lower Terraces (Quaternary) have been distinguished in Yokohama Town, Aomori Prefecture. The Higher Terraces are subdivided into three terraces, H1,H2 and H3. They are distributed in hills. H1 and H2 deposites are composed of gravels of fan deposits. H3 deposits are composed of gravels, sands and mud of alluvial plain deposits. The Middle Terraces are subdivided into three terraces, M1, M1' and M2, and occupy almost all terraces in Yokohama Town. These deposits are composed of beach (sand with gravel) and fan (gravel) deposits. The Lower Terraces are subdivided into two terraces, L1 and L2. The L1 Terrace is distributed in limited area along coast and thought to be composed of beach deposits. The L2 Terrace is distributed in limited area along river and composed of braided stream deposits.
キーワード terrace beach deposits fan deposits Quaternary
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1998-09-20
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 12
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310292
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13908
フルテキストURL ESR_6_39.pdf
著者 Yamamoto Masahiro| Ichimoto Hideo| Komatsu Shinji| Yamashita Ruka|
抄録 Hydrogen and oxygen isotope rations of thermal waters from 46 spas in Okayama Prefecture range from -62.6 to -29.2% in δD and from -10.0 to -4.4% in δ18O, respectively. The isotope rations indicate that all but one of the thermal water in Okayama prefecture are meteoric in origin. The Ofuku thermal water is the only exception, which is probably a mixture of seawater and meteoric water with the ratio of about 1. Sulfur isotope rations of dissolvel sulfate in the thermal waters range from -6.2 ti 59.3% in δ34S. The high δ34S values observed in some thermal waters may be due to bacterial reduction of sulfate.
キーワード Hydrogen isotope ratio Oxygen isotope ratio Sulfur isotope ratio Thermal water Spa Okayama
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1999-09-20
開始ページ 39
終了ページ 44
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310408
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13907
タイトル(別表記) Chemical and Rb-Sr isotopic features of the shock-melted chondrite Yamato-793533
フルテキストURL ESR_6_29.pdf
著者 岡野 修| 片山 博子| 中村 昇|
抄録 The Sr isotopic compositions and Rb and Sr abundances, as well as major element abundances in olivine, pyroxenes and glass, were determined for a chip and 21 fractions separated from a shock-melted chondrite Yamato-793533, a dark-colored, porous stone with glassy texture. Two lithologies were recognized for the 1.5g specimen studied (Yamato-793533, 67) ; L (Main portion) and L to LL (Dark portion) chondritic in terms of chemical compositions of olivine and pyroxenes. The chemical compositions of glass are relatively homogeneous (SiO2=67-77%) compared to those of other ordinary chondrites, suggesting a moderate cooling rate after shock-melting. The data points for fractions do not foem any isochron in a 87Rb/86Sr vs. 87Sr/86Sr diagram. However, it is noted that six out of nine points for the dark portion plot around a 1.2 Ga line, while most of points for the main portion plot around a 4.55 Ga chondrite isochron. The observed difference could be responsible for difference in melting degrees between the two portions. Similar Rb-Sr features have been found among shock-melted Yamato-79 LL-chondrites which are considered to be paired stones experienced the same shock-melting event at 1.2 Ga. Consequently, the Rb-Sr systematics as well as petrologic features strongly suggest that Yamato-793533 is a member of a series of the shock-melted Yamato-79 LL-chondrites.
キーワード LL-chondrite Shock-melting Sr isotope
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1999-09-20
開始ページ 29
終了ページ 38
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310391
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13906
タイトル(別表記) Peat bed of Jomon age in Desaki Beach, Tamano City, Okayama Prefecture
フルテキストURL ESR_6_23.pdf
著者 鈴木 茂之| 行基 幸一|
抄録 Peat bed remains isolated in the shoreline of western beach of Desaki peninsula. Collected samples gave radiocarbon data of 5790±80 and 5810±60 years BP.
キーワード Peat Holocene Desaki Beach
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1999-09-20
開始ページ 23
終了ページ 28
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310593
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13905
タイトル(別表記) Measurements of CO2 in air and sea over the Western Pacific-MR98-04 Cruise-
フルテキストURL ESR_6_13.pdf
著者 河野 雄彦| 山下 栄次| 野上 晃正| 塚本 修|
抄録 It is well known that the ocean plays a very important role in the overall geochemical cycle of CO2. Over the ocean surface, CO2 is equilibrated between partial pressure of CO2 in the seawater (pCO2) and that in the atmosphere(PCO2). The objectives of the present observation are to evaluate the following : (1) Horizontal distribution of pCO2 and PCO2, (2) Sea surface CO2 flux and (3) Vertical distribution of pCO2.
キーワード Western Pacific pCO2 PCO2 Horizontal distribution CO2 flux Vertical distribution
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1999-09-20
開始ページ 13
終了ページ 22
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310525
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13904
フルテキストURL ESR_6_1.pdf
著者 井上 佳紀| 加瀬 克雄|
抄録 Phlogopite and hornblende were found in amall amounts in the contact-metamorphosed dunite-harzburgite complex at Yanomine. Phlogopite occurs in interstices of silicate minerals in dunite and harzburgite located near the contact with granite. Some phlogopite grains also occur as inclusions in chromian spinel of chromitite bands. Hornblende is present associated with such metamorphic minerals as talc, olivine and orthopyroxene. Interstitial phlogopite is characterized by lower TiO2 and higher K/(K+Na) atomic ratio compared to that included in chromian spined. Hornblende in dunite chages its composition from edenite associated with olivine-talc through edenitic hornblende to Si-poorer magnesio-hastingsitic hornblende and magnesio-hastingsite with olivine or olivine-orhtopyroxene. The interstitial phlogopite is suggested to have been formed intimately connected with fluids generated in ralation to the intrusion of granite. On the other hand, included phlogopite is considered to have crystallized from the incompatible elements-enriched hydrous melt resulted from mantle-melt interaction. Hornblende should be a metamorphic mineral formed under high temperature conditions.
キーワード Phlogopite Hornblende Ultramafic complex Dunite Harzburgite Chromitite Contact metamor-phism Yanomine
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 1999-09-20
開始ページ 1
終了ページ 12
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310269
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13902
フルテキストURL ESR_7_47.pdf
著者 Yamagiwa Nobuo| 鈴木 茂之| Okimura Yuji|
抄録 A new rugose coral species, Lithostrotion (Siphonodendron) hinensis is described in this paper. It was collected from the Carboniferous Hina limestone in Okayama Prefecture, Southwest Japan. Judging from the paleontological data, the age indicates probably Late Viaean, Early Carboniferous.
キーワード Early Carboniferous rugosa Lithostrotion (Siphonodendron) Hina Limestone Okayama
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2000-09-20
開始ページ 47
終了ページ 50
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 英語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310319
JaLCDOI 10.18926/ESR/13901
タイトル(別表記) Tidal notch cut into the Namigata Limestone, 240m above sea level, Ibara City, Okayama Prefecture
フルテキストURL ESR_7_41.pdf
著者 藤原 貴生| 鈴木 茂之| 前田 保夫|
抄録 The tidal notch and the sea caves which cut into the Namigata Limestone is stiuated in 240m above sea level, Ibara City. The notch assocciates the Namigata Terrace 200m to 240m high. These geomorphological features indicate an event of high sea level. However the age of the event has not been known.
キーワード notch sea cave Namigata Okayama Prefecture
出版物タイトル Okayama University Earth Science Report
発行日 2000-09-20
開始ページ 41
終了ページ 46
ISSN 1340-7414
言語 日本語
著作権者 岡山大学地球科学研究報告編集委員会
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002310395