フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Ojima, Hinako| Kuraoka, Sakiko| Okanoue, Shyoutarou| Okada, Hiroyuki| Gotoh, Kazuyoshi| Matsushita, Osamu| Watanabe, Akari| Yokota, Kenji|
キーワード Helicobacter pylori nitrate-reducing bacteria IL-8 TNF-alpha cell cycle
発行日 2022-12-16
出版物タイトル Microorganisms
出版者 MDPI
開始ページ 2495
ISSN 2076-2607
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 © 2022 by the authors.
論文のバージョン publisher
PubMed ID 36557748
DOI 10.3390/microorganisms10122495
Web of Science KeyUT 000903731600001
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms10122495
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Ichihara, Aina| Ojima, Hinako| Gotoh, Kazuyoshi| Matsushita, Osamu| Take, Susumu| Okada, Hiroyuki| Watanabe, Akari| Yokota, Kenji|
キーワード antibody VacA CagA genome
発行日 2021-07-05
出版物タイトル toxins
出版者 MDPI
開始ページ 467
ISSN 2072-6651
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 © 2021 by the authors.
論文のバージョン publisher
DOI 10.3390/toxins13070467
Web of Science KeyUT 000677052200001
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins13070467
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Kobatake, Tomomi| Ogino, Keiki| Sakae, Hiroyuki| Gotoh, Kazuyoshi| Watanabe, Akari| Matsushita, Osamu| Okada, Hiroyuki| Yokota, Kenji|
キーワード disulfiram Helicobacter pylori urease vacuolating toxin CagA
発行日 2021-05-12
出版物タイトル Infection and Drug Resistance
出版者 Dove Medical Press Ltd
開始ページ 1757
終了ページ 1764
ISSN 1178-6973
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
OAI-PMH Set 岡山大学
著作権者 © 2021 Kobatake et al.
論文のバージョン publisher
PubMed ID 34012274
NAID 120007042392
DOI 10.2147/IDR.S299177
Web of Science KeyUT 000653055700001
関連URL isVersionOf https://doi.org/10.2147/IDR.S299177
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/49667
フルテキストURL 67_2_93.pdf
著者 Kita, Masahide| Yokota, Kenji| Okada, Hiroyuki| Take, Susumu| Takenaka, Ryuta| Kawahara, Yoshiro| Oguma, Keiji| Matsushita, Osamu| Yamamoto, Kazuhide|
抄録 Atrophy of the gastric mucosa is a precursor of intestinal-type gastric cancer, and Helicobacter pylori infection causes atrophic gastritis. The aim of this study was to determine whether the genetic diversity of H. pylori virulence genes is associated with the development and progression of gastric atrophy in humans. We isolated and cultured H. pylori strains from patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer accompanied by atrophic gastritis in background mucosa. H. pylori strains were stored at -80℃ prior to the experiments being carried out. We analyzed iceA, babA, vacA, cagA, and cagE genes by PCR. The cagA gene was analyzed through sequencing of the C-terminal region containing the EPIYA motif, which is related to tyrosine phosphorylation. Severe atrophy was observed in patients with gastric ulcer. The major phenotype of the vacA gene was s1c/m1 (93オ). The cagA gene was detected in all strains. The cagE gene was not detected in 2 and 5 strains from the mild cases and severe cases, respectively. The major cagA EPIYA motif, which is amino acids repeat in the C terminus, was the A-B-D type (44 of 58 strains). The virulence genes were not statistically associated with the severity of atrophy in the background gastric mucosa in humans. Not only identification of bacterial virulence factors but also studies of the host response will be necessary to investigate the progression of gastric atrophy and subsequent cancer development in humans.
キーワード Helicobacter pylori virulence genes chronic atrophic gastritis
Amo Type Original Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2013-04
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 93
終了ページ 98
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 CopyrightⒸ 2013 by Okayama University Medical School
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 23603925
Web of Science KeyUT 000317801700003
関連URL http://ousar.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp/metadata/52508
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/48565
フルテキストURL 66_3_253.pdf
著者 Zhang, Kai| Yamamoto, Yumiko| Suzuki, Tomonori| Yokota, Kenji| Ma, Shaobo| Nengah Dwi Fatmawati, Ni| Oguma, Keiji|
抄録 Cultured Clostridium botulinum strains produce progenitor toxins designated as 12S, 16S, and 19S toxins. The 12S toxin consists of a neurotoxin (NTX, 7S) and a non-toxic non-hemagglutinin (NTNH). The 16S and 19S toxins are formed by conjugation of the 12S toxin with hemagglutinin (HA), and the 19S toxin is a dimer of the 16S toxin. Type A cultures produce all 3 of these progenitor toxins, while type E produces only the 12S toxin. The 7S toxin is cleaved into heavy (H) and light (L) chains by a protease(s) in some strains, and the H chain has 2 domains, the N-terminus (Hn) and C-terminus (Hc). It has been reported that type A toxins bind to the intestinal cells or cultured cells via either HA or Hc. In this study, we investigated the binding of type A and E toxins to Caco-2 cells using Western blot analysis. Both the type E 7S and 12S toxins bound to the cells, with the 7S toxin binding more strongly, whereas, in the type A strain, only the 16S/19S toxins showed obvious binding. Pre-incubation of the type E 7S toxin with IgG against recombinant type E Hc significantly inhibited the 7S toxin binding, indicating that Hc might be a main binding domain of the type E toxin.
キーワード Clostridum botulinum neurotoxins Caco-2 binding Hc
Amo Type Original Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2012-06
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 253
終了ページ 261
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 CopyrightⒸ 2012 by Okayama University Medical School
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 22729106
Web of Science KeyUT 000305669700009
関連URL http://ousar.lib.okayama-u.ac.jp/metadata/48451
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/40008
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Hirai, Kazuyuki| Arimitsu, Hideyuki| Umeda, Koji| Yokota, Kenji| Shen, Lianhua| Ayada, Kiyoshi| Kodama, Yoshikatsu| Tsuji, Takao| Hirai, Yoshikazu| Oguma, Keiji|
抄録 In an attempt to prepare egg yolk immunoglobulin (IgY) to treat and prevent cholera, hens were immunized by a mixture of heat- or formalin-killed Vibrio cholerae O1 and O139 organisms, or by the recombinant cholera toxin B subunit (CTB). The IgYs were partially purified from egg yolk and orally administered to suckling mice before or after challenge with live O1 or O139 cells. The anti-O1 and O139 IgYs and the mixture of either IgY with anti-CTB IgY significantly protected the occurrence of cholera caused by both O1 and O139 infection. Since large amounts of IgY can be prepared very easily and at low cost, this seems to be a useful procedure for preventing and treating cholera.
キーワード Vibrio cholerae O1 O139 IgY
Amo Type Original Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2010-06
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 163
終了ページ 170
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 Okayama University Medical School
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 20596127
Web of Science KeyUT 000279094300002
著者 Kurauchi, Tomomi| Yokota, Kenji| Matsuo, Toshihiko| Fujinami, Yoshihito| Isogai, Emiko| Isogai, Hiroshi| Ohtsuki, Hiroshi| Oguma, Keiji|
発行日 2005-02-01
出版物タイトル FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/31612
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Funamori, Yuka| Fujinaga, Yukako| Yokota, Kenji| Inoue, Kaoru| Hirai, Yoshikazu| Oguma, Keiji| Kira, Shohei| Taketa, Kazuhisa|

Three outbreaks and many isolated cases of enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7 occurred in 1996 and 1997 in Okayama Prefecture, Japan. In an attempt to investigate the route of these infections, the strains isolated from the 3 outbreaks (total 33 strains) and 15 isolated cases (total 15 strains) were investigated using random amplification of polymorphic DNA (RAPD) and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). In addition, 10 strains from an outbreak in Tojo Cho, Hiroshima Prefecture (June 1996), 2 strains from the particular types of meat in Kochi Prefecture, and 42 strains isolated from bovine feces in a farm in Okayama Prefecture were also investigated in the same manner. PFGE was much more useful than RAPD for molecular typing of the clinical isolates, in that it allowed us to classify them into 10 PFGE groups. We noted that the strains differed according to the time and place of the outbreaks (or isolated cases). This indicates that O157:H7 infections in Okayama Prefecture were caused by different strains (although some cases were aggravated by the same strains as were found in other areas). The isolates from bovine feces were classified into 5 groups by PFGE profiles, but none of them were identical to those of the clinical isolates.

キーワード molecular epidemiology enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157: H7 pulsed field gel electrophoresis random amplification of polymorphic DNA
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 1999-08
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 193
終了ページ 200
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 10488407
Web of Science KeyUT 000082334300006
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/31337
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Dey, Ashoka| Yokota, Kenji| Kobayashi, Keita| Oguma, Keiji| Hirai, Yoshikazu| Akagi, Tadaatsu|

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection in the stomach is etiologically closely associated with chronic active gastritis, peptic ulcer, gastric cancer and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma. In this study, we examined the antibody responses and cytokine profiles of three strains of mice (BALB/c, C3H/He, and C57BL/6) infected with H. pylori. Following this, correlations between host-immune reactions and intensity of inflammation were analyzed. H. pylori (ATCC43504) was intragastrically administered once a week to the mice from 4 weeks of age, and they were sacrificed at the ages of 4 and 7 months. In these mice, we examined the histology of the stomach, antibody titers against H. pylori, and serum levels of cytokines (IL-4, IL-10, TNF-alpha, IL-2 and Interferon-gamma). In BALB/c mice, inflammation of the stomach was minimal. Inflammation was observed in 63.6% of C57BL/6 mice and 33.3% of C3h/He mice. In C57BL/6 and C3H/He mice, all the cytokines tended to increase. In contrast, BALB/c mice were inactive in cytokine production except for IL-2. Two C3H/He mice developed severe inflammation with lymph follicles; one showed a response largely typical of Th-1, and the other showed a response largely typical of Th-2. Although a definite correlation was not shown between Th-1/Th-2 response evaluated by cytokine production and intensity of inflammation, it appears that in H. pylori-induced inflammation both cell-mediated (Th-1) and humoral (Th-2) immunity play a role in pathogenesis.

キーワード Helicobacter pylori cytokine humoral immunity cell-mediated immunity gastritis
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 1998-02
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 41
終了ページ 48
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 9548993
Web of Science KeyUT 000072264100006
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/30380
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Haque, Mahmudul| Hirai, Yoshikazu| Yokota, Kenji| Oguma, Keiji|

Many of Helicobacter species have been found to have novel cholesteryl glucosides (CGs). To study the biosynthetic mechanism of CGs, the lipid profiles of H. pylori and H. mustelae grown in serum-supplemented and cholesterol-restricted serum-free media were investigated. In contrast to the serum-supplemented state, helicobacters had less CGs in the serum-free state; a trace amount of CGs and no CG was detected in H. pylori and H. mustelae, respectively. The proportion of total and individual phospholipid also showed significant alteration. Unknown lipids which did not contain phosphate and sugar were detected in the serum-free state, but not in the serum-supplemented state. The CGs were found to be distributed mainly in the membrane fractions, and one of the unknown lipids was found exclusively in the cytosol fraction. Based on these data, it is apparent that the CGs of helicobacters are synthesized by de novo uptake of cholesterol from the media. The unknown lipids detected in the serum-free state may be storage lipids, appearing in response to depletion of nutrients, especially cholesterol, or other factors in the media.

キーワード Helicobacter steryl glycoside cholesteryl glucoside
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 1995-08
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 205
終了ページ 211
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 7502681
Web of Science KeyUT A1995RR97800005
JaLCDOI 10.18926/15191
タイトル(別表記) Antifungal effect of "Mokusaku-Eki" against Trichophyton mentagrophytes and Trichophyton rubrum
フルテキストURL 014_2_129_133.pdf
著者 渡邉 久美| 住吉 和子| 金子 典代| 横田 憲治| 川田 智惠子|
抄録 足白癬は糖尿病患者で合併しやすく,高齢者にも多発する。近年,白癬菌に対する木酢液の抗菌作用が知られており,この最適有効濃度を明らかにするため本研究を企画した。白癬菌はTrichophyton mentagrophytesとTrichophyton rubrumの2菌種を用い,木酢液は市販品を用いた。発育抑制テストは終濃度2,3,4,5%の木酢液を含んだ寒天平板希釈法で行った。殺菌テストは2.5,5,10%溶液を胞子と接触後,寒天平板培地に接種し,菌の発育の有無を観察した。発育抑制作用は,両菌種とも3%以上で7日培養後の菌糸の発育は見られなかった。殺菌作用は, T. mentagrophytesでは10%,5%においては6時間接触で,2.5%においては24時間接触で菌糸の発育が見られず, T. rubrumでは,10%以上においては24時間接触で,5%においては48時間接触で菌糸の発育が見られなかった。足浴等の看護ケアに木酢液を応用するためには,今後より短時間の接触で効果が得られる方法の検討が必要である。
キーワード 木酢液 (Mokusaku-Eki) 白癬菌 (Trichophyton) 発育抑制作用 (Antifungal effect) 足部白癬 (Trichophytosis)
出版物タイトル 岡山大学医学部保健学科紀要
発行日 2004-03-31
開始ページ 129
終了ページ 133
ISSN 1345-0948
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002307493
著者 横田 憲治|
発行日 2003-01-31
出版物タイトル 岡山医学会雑誌
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 横田 憲治|
発行日 1998-06-30
資料タイプ 学位論文