著者 Kongprakhon, Phinyarat| Cuesta-Marcos, Alfonso| Hayes, Patrick M.| Richardson, Kelley L.| Sirithunya, Pattama| Sato, Kazuhiro| Steffenson, Brian| Toojinda, Theerayuth|
発行日 2009-12
出版物タイトル Breeding Science
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 Chen, Guoxiong| Komatsudu, Takao| Pourkheirandish, Mohammad| Sameri, Mohammad| Sato, Kazuhiro| Krugman, Tamar| Fahima, Tzion| Korol, Abraham B.| Nevo, Eviatar|
発行日 2009-03
出版物タイトル Breeding Science
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 Iehisa, Julio Cesar Masaru| Shimizu, Akifumi| Sato, Kazuhiro| Nasuda, Shuhei| Takumi, Shigeo|
発行日 2012-12
出版物タイトル DNA Research
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 Sato, Kazuhiro| Shin-I, Tadasu| Seki, Motoaki| Shinozaki, Kazuo| Yoshida, Hideya| Takeda, Kazuyoshi| Yamazaki, Yukiko| Conte, Matthieu| Kohara, Yuji|
発行日 2009-04
出版物タイトル DNA Research
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 Mayer, Klaus F. X.| Martis, Mihaela| Hedley, Pete E.| Simkova, Hana| Liu, Hui| Morris, Jenny A.| Steuernagel, Burkhard| Taudien, Stefan| Roessner, Stephan| Gundlach, Heidrun| Kubalakova, Marie| Suchankova, Pavla| Murat, Florent| Felder, Marius| Nussbaumer, Thomas| Graner, Andreas| Salse, Jerome| Endo, Takashi| Sakai, Hiroaki| Tanaka, Tsuyoshi| Itoh, Takeshi| Sato, Kazuhiro| Platzer, Matthias| Matsumoto, Takashi| Scholz, Uwe| Dolezel, Jaroslav| Waugh, Robbie| Stein, Nils|
発行日 2011-04
出版物タイトル The Plant Cell
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 Matsumoto, Takashi| Tanaka, Tsuyoshi| Sakai, Hiroaki| Amano, Naoki| Kanamori, Hiroyuki| Kurita, Kanako| Kikuta, Ari| Kamiya, Kozue| Yamamoto, Mayu| Ikawa, Hiroshi| Fujii, Nobuyuki| Hori, Kiyosumi| Itoh, Takeshi| Sato, Kazuhiro|
発行日 2011-05
出版物タイトル Plant Physiology
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
タイトル(別表記) 大麦網斑病抵抗性の選抜効果
フルテキストURL 003_001_043_053.pdf
著者 佐藤 和広| 武田 和義|
抄録 Selection effectiveness for the resistance to net blotch was estimated by using two sets of F2 and F3 populations derived from the crosses between resistant and susceptible parents. In every F2 and F3 population, disease ratings showed a continuous distribution. As many F3 lines with intermediate resistance had a smaller variance and homozygous genotype, the resistance might be controlled by a few genes. The heritabilities of the disease rating were estimated by correlation coefficients and regression coefficients between each F2 plant and the descended F3 lines. Another estimate for heritability was calculated by the selection differential in the F2 plants and genetic gain in the F3 lines. Despite the different level of resistance in the resistant parents of the two crosses, the three kinds of heritabilities estimated were similar and ranged from 0.6 to 0.8. Because of the fewer number of genes controlling the disease resistance and the higher heritabilities, selection in a early generation may be effective for net blotch resistance in barlcy.
キーワード Net blotch Pyrenophora teres Selection Barley Disease resistance
出版物タイトル 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
発行日 1995
開始ページ 43
終了ページ 53
ISSN 0916-930X
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120004537480
タイトル(別表記) カクヤリグサ科一年生雑草における数量分類学的研究
フルテキストURL 002_001_123_134.pdf
著者 Muhamad Ahmad Chozin| 佐藤 和広| 安田 昭三|
抄録 Three species of Cyperaceous weeds, Cyperus iria (12 strains), C. microiria(12 strains) and C. amuricus (6 strains), were collected from different sites of Okayama, Tottori and Tokyo prefectures, and various morphological characters, biomass and seed production were observed on the plants which were cultivated at Kurashiki. The analysis of variance showed a significant difference among the strains in each character. However, the species overlapped with each other in most morphological characters. Prinipal component analysis on the 21 characters showed that 83% of the total variation could be explained by the first three components: the first component (37%) was regarded as factors concerning spikelet and seed production; the second component (28%) was regarded as factors concerned the size of vegetative parts; the third component (18%) was largely affected by seed weight and floret density. Scatter diagram on the first and third principal components showed that the 30 strains of three species divided into three groups, and strains in each group correspond to the three species without exception. Based on the second and third principal components, strains of C. microiria were further divided into three sub-groups according to size of vegetative parts. Using the cluster analysis, 30 strains of these species were divided into four large clusters; the first was composed of C. amuricus strains, the second was of three strains of C. microiria, the third included the remaining strains of C. microiria, and the last cluster was composed of C. iria strains. It may be concluded that C. microiria is composed of two or three ecotypes which are different in morphological and reproductive traits.
キーワード Cyperus iria Cyperus microiria Cyperus amuricus Numerical taxonomy Speciation
出版物タイトル 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
発行日 1994
開始ページ 123
終了ページ 134
ISSN 0916-930X
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313639
タイトル(別表記) Comparison of Resistance to Powdery Mildew between Wild Barley (Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch)
フルテキストURL 002_001_111_122.pdf
著者 福山 利範| 部田 英雄| 佐藤 和広| 武田 和義|
抄録 A total of 162 strains of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum C. Koch originating from Iran, Iraq, Turkey and Central Asia, were tested for resistance to powdery mildew. Then, the variation of resistance was compared with that of 145 local varieties of cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) originating from the same region of the wild barley collection. Ten different isolates of the parasite with Japanese origin were separately inoculated onto the first leaves of the host plants. The infection types were classified into the following: i, immunelike; R, highly resistant; M, moderately resistant; and S, highly susceptible. Resistant strains with i, R or M infection type were more frequent among wild barleys as compared with the cultivated forms. It is noteworthy that among these three resistant reactions,the M type was most frequent in the wild barley. To compare the degree of resistance to a total of 10 isolates, the resistance score was calculated in each of the wild and cultivated strains as the following: Scores 1,2,3 and 4 were given to the infection types of i, R, M and S, respectively, and the mean score for 10 isolates was calculated. Wild barley showed significantly low resistance scores as compared with those of cultivated barley. This was also confirmed by the cluster analysis; the cluster with more resistance to 10 isolates consisted of many strains of wild barley. Next, the resistance of wild barley was characterized by their broader effective ranges to different isolates. According to the x2 test for independence of reactions to two different isolates, the resistant factor(s) involved in wild barley was confirmed to be rather non-specific to the parasite. It was concluded that H. spontaneum may be useful genetic resources for the breeding of resistance to powdery mildew as well as local varieties.
キーワード Hordeum spontaneum Barley Powdery mildew Resistance
出版物タイトル 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
発行日 1994
開始ページ 111
終了ページ 122
ISSN 0916-930X
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313607
タイトル(別表記) Sources of Resistance to Net Blotch in Barley Germplasm
フルテキストURL 002_001_091_102.pdf
著者 佐藤 和広| 武田 和義|
抄録 Net blotch caused by a fungus Pyrenophora teres Drechs. is a common disease in barley. Its source of resistance has been screened by many researchers by field evaluations or seedling tests inoculating a single isolatc. Since the pathogcnic variation of isolates has been reported in net blotch, resistance of the varieties to the disease may be different among the isolates with different pathogenicities. In this study, the pathogenic variation was examined and the varietal variation of the resistance was evaluated by inoculating with four P. teres isolates collected from Japan and Canada to more than 2,200 barley varieties of the world collection preserved at the Barley Germplasm Center of Okayama University. A preliminary inoculation test showed that the disease rating was affected little by the inoculation seasons. Disease ratings of varieties showed a continuous variation with a single mode in the resistant range in each of the four isolates. However, the correlation coefficient between Japanese isolate K105 and Canadian isolate WRS102 was as low as 0.55, indicating a slight pathogenic differentiation between these isolates. Significant correlation coefficients (r=.55~.78) among the ratings of isolates indicated that the pathogenicity to the varieties was rather similar and that the pathogenic differentiation was small among the four isolates tested. In general, varieties from Ethiopia, North Africa and Korea were more resistant than those from other regions. Varieties from Turkey and Europe were susceptible to Japanese isolates, while Nepalese varieties were susceptible to Canadian isolates. Twenty of 25 varieties which were resistant to the isolate K105 but susceptible to the isolate WR102 were from Nepal and most of those were Oriental-type (Bt bt2) in brittleness of rachis. These findings revealed an example of regional concentration of resistant gene in net blotch.
キーワード Barley Net blotch Disease resistance Genetic resources Race differentiation
出版物タイトル 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
発行日 1994
開始ページ 91
終了ページ 102
ISSN 0916-930X
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313965
タイトル(別表記) Genetic Analysis of Large Trichome in Barley Leaf Blade
フルテキストURL 002_001_063_068.pdf
著者 佐藤 和広| 武田 和義|
抄録 The inheritance and linkage relationship of a new hairiness trait "large trichome" was investigated in barley. Although the size of large trichome is about four times that of normal one, the character can not be recognized with the naked eye. However, it is easily identified by the roughness of leaf touch. The large trichomes develop on both sides of the leaf blades. The direction of trichome is both acropetal and basipetal. It is clearly distinguished from the extremely long trichome controlled by Pub gene. About 2,300 varieties of our Barley Germplasm Center were screened by the leaf touch to find nine varieties with large trichome. Two of them were six-rowed local variety from Pakistan, and other seven were two-rowed varieties from Europe and Japan. All of them were hulled type. Crosses of six large trichome varieties with a normal Japanese variety resulted in the large trichome type F1s, suggesting the dominant nature of the trait. The large trichome line Hokuiku 17 was crossed with various linkage testres to study the mode of inheritance and the linkage relationship of the gene. In the F2 populations, the large trichome was controlled by a single dominant gene named Ltr (large trichome), which was independentiy inherited from the following marker genes; br and gl-5 on chromosome 1; li and ν on chromosome 2; uz on chromosome 3; K and gl-3 on chromosome 4; trd on chromosome 5; ο on chromosome 6. On the other hand, from the cross between Hokuiku 17 and OUL166, Ltr was found to be linked with s and fs on chromosome 7. Although the allelism test has not been completed, the very low frequency of the large trichome type (9/2,300) indicates that the variant resulted from a recent mutation event, or the fitness of the variant is low in the natural and/or artificial selection.
キーワード Barley Trichome Linkage analysis
出版物タイトル 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
発行日 1994
開始ページ 63
終了ページ 68
ISSN 0916-930X
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313663
タイトル(別表記) Establishment of a Seedling Test for Resistance to Net Blotch in Barley and a Search for Resistant Varieties
フルテキストURL 001_001_075_090.pdf
著者 佐藤 和広| 武田 和義|
抄録 大麦網斑病は糸状菌の1種であるPyrenophora teres Drechs.の感染によって葉身、葉鞘等に網目状の病斑を生じ、子実の登熟低下によって減収する共に、ビールオオムギにおいては醸造品質であるエキス分が低下する重要病害である。本病害は世界各地のオオムギ栽培地帯のうち主として温暖・湿潤な地域に分布しており(Shipton et al.1973)、近年、連作や灌漑によって被害が増大しつつある(Mathre 1982)。我国においては従来からその存在が確認されていたものの、登熟後期の活性の衰えた葉に生じる病害として重要性は認識されていなかった。しかし、最近、北海道、鳥取県、鹿児島県などのビールオオムギ栽培地帯で局所的な激発事例が確認されている。(佐藤、未発表)。本病害に対する防除法としては種子消毒ならびに殺菌剤の茎葉撒布が有効であるが、その効果は完全ではない。また、茎葉撒布はコストが高く、環境汚染の問題もあるので、最も有効で経済的かつ安全な防除法は抵抗性品種を栽培することと言っても良い。従来、本病害の積極的な抵抗性育種は行われていなかったが、最近は抵抗性を有する品種も育成されている(Metcalfe 1987)。抵抗性品種を育成するためには、遺伝資源ならびに雑種後代を効率よく評価、選抜するための検定方法を確立しなければならない。本病抵抗性の検定方法としては幼苗検定法、圃場検定法が考案されて広く用いられているが(Buchannon and McDonald 1965, Holtmeyer and Webster 1981)、環境条件の変化によって抵抗性が変動する事例が報告されているので(Khan and Boyd 1970, Tekauz 1986)、抵抗性を確実に評価するための安定した検定条件を設定する必要がある。抵抗性に関する遺伝資源についてはSchaller and Wiebe (1952)、Dessouki et al.(1965)およびBuchannon and McDonald (1965)等がそれぞれ数千品種を評価し、中国東北部、トルコおよびエチオピアなどに抵抗性の遺伝資源が豊富であること報告している。それらの品種のいくつかについては、抵抗性の遺伝子分析が行われており(Bockelman et al. 1977, Davis et al. 1990)、本病抵抗性育種の交配親として使用されている(Tekazu and Buchannon 1977, Moseman and Smith 1985)。岡山大学資源生物科学研究所大麦系統保存施設は世界的にも貴重なと東アジアの遺伝資源をはじめ五千余の保存品種を有するが、著者らは大麦網斑病の幼苗検定法を確立し、これらの品種の抵抗性を評価したので報告する。
出版物タイトル 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
発行日 1992
開始ページ 75
終了ページ 90
ISSN 0916-930X
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313461
タイトル(別表記) 日本とカナダの春播オオムギから採取した大麦網斑病菌株の病原性の変異
フルテキストURL 001_002_147_158.pdf
著者 佐藤 和広| 武田 和義|
抄録 Twenty-two isolates of Pyrenophora teres Drechs. collected from Japanese and Canadian spring barleys were inoculated to 38 barley varieties having various genetic backgrounds. The analysis of variance for the discase ratings showed that there were significant differences both in the virulence of isolates and the resistance of varieties. However, the interaction among isolates and varieties was not statistically significant. Both Finlay-Wilkinson regression analysis and principal component analysis by Additive Main effects and Multiplicative Interaction effects(AMMI)model classified the isolates into three groups,which were different in origins and sympton types. A spot tyte isolate was distinguished from net type isolates by its generally high virulence. A slight pathogenic differentiation was suggested between Japanese and Canadian net type isolates.
キーワード Hordeum vulgare Pyrenophora teres Barley Net blotch Race differentiation
出版物タイトル 岡山大学資源生物科学研究所報告
発行日 1993
開始ページ 147
終了ページ 158
ISSN 0916-930X
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002313862