ID | 66577 |
フルテキストURL | |
著者 |
Furuta, Tomoyuki
Institute of Plant Science and Resources, Okayama University
抄録 | Reduced representation sequencing (RRS) offers cost-effective, high-throughput genotyping platforms such as genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS). RRS reads are typically mapped onto a reference genome. However, mapping reads harbouring mismatches against the reference can potentially result in mismapping and biased mapping, leading to the detection of error-prone markers that provide incorrect genotype information. We established a genotype-calling pipeline named mappable collinear polymorphic tag genotyping (MCPtagg) to achieve accurate genotyping by eliminating error-prone markers. MCPtagg was designed for the RRS-based genotyping of a population derived from a biparental cross. The MCPtagg pipeline filters out error-prone markers prior to genotype calling based on marker collinearity information obtained by comparing the genome sequences of the parents of a population to be genotyped. A performance evaluation on real GBS data from a rice F2 population confirmed its effectiveness. Furthermore, our performance test using a genome assembly that was obtained by genome sequence polishing on an available genome assembly suggests that our pipeline performs well with converted genomes, rather than necessitating de novo assembly. This demonstrates its flexibility and scalability. The R package, MCPtaggR, was developed to provide functions for the pipeline and is available at
キーワード | genotyping
genome comparison
next-generation sequencing
R package
発行日 | 2023-12-22
出版物タイトル |
DNA Research
巻 | 31巻
号 | 1号
出版者 | Oxford University Press
開始ページ | dsad027
ISSN | 1340-2838
NCID | AA11095219
資料タイプ |
言語 |
著作権者 | © The Author(s) 2023.
論文のバージョン | publisher
PubMed ID | |
DOI | |
Web of Science KeyUT | |
関連URL | isVersionOf
ライセンス |
Citation | Tomoyuki Furuta, Toshio Yamamoto, MCPtaggR: R package for accurate genotype calling in reduced representation sequencing data by eliminating error-prone markers based on genome comparison, DNA Research, Volume 31, Issue 1, February 2024, dsad027,
助成機関名 |
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
助成番号 | JP20K15503