抄録 |
Serious adverse impacts on the environment and human health from the recycling and disposal of electronic waste have occurred in the past and continue to occur in China today, due to the lack of a national management strategy. With aiming to support the management strategy development, a study was carried out to plan and quantitatively evaluate the optional management frameworks for the selected five main types of large electronic home appliances in Beijing, the capital city and a typically big municipality in China. This paper outlined the main findings yielded from the series of assessment studies which started from the generation amount prediction and material flow analysis of the used electronic appliances, planning and optimization of the collection & transportation frameworks and ended at the economic evaluation of the optional recycling processes for the waste appliances. Although the revenue could be expected from the result of isolated evaluation of the recycling processes, the entire system will be economically unavailable if the used appliances are still collected from the owners at current prices. The traditional understanding of householders on the values of their used appliances should be changed in Beijing and China as a whole. Establishment of a formal collection system that could take back the used appliances at lower prices (less than 40% of the current level) is the key for the construction of a formal management framework with sustainability.