JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/10248
タイトル(別表記) A Review of Research on Cognitive and Interactive Perspectives in Educational Administration
フルテキストURL 123_0179_0194.pdf
著者 淵上 克義|
抄録 The area of cognitive and interactive perspectives in educational administration is receiving increasing attention. This review focuses on research of cognitive and interactive perspectives in educational administration published since 1990. The domain approach has two fold. The one is teachers' social behavior in the schools in terms of self-efficacy, empowerment, collective-efficacy, and relationship with principals. The another is the characteristics of teachers' interaction in terms of social communication skills, social support, stress, interpersonal conflict, principals' leadership, and relationship with school counselors. Theories of social and cognitive psychology have been applied to explain the behavior of teachers in school. The review discusses changes directed at improving the quality of teachers' social behavior and interaction.
キーワード teachers' social behavior interaction educationsl administration social psychology
出版物タイトル 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
発行日 2003-07-10
開始ページ 179
終了ページ 194
ISSN 0471-4008
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120005815776
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/10058
タイトル(別表記) Effects of teachers' acceptance on principals' influence with that of assistant principals' influence on teachers' evaluation of their colleague group, task motivation, effectiveness of their educational activity and role expectation.
フルテキストURL 120_0161_0170.pdf
著者 淵上 克義|
抄録 The purpose of this study was to compare effects of teachers' acceptance on principals' influence with that of assistant principals' influence on teachers' evaluation of their colleague group, task motivation, effectiveness of their educational activity and role expectation. The sample consisted of 106 school teachers. Teachers were classified as four types ((1)teachers who were much influenced by both a principal and an assistant principal (H-H), (2)teachers who were much influenced by a principal (H-L) , (3)teachers who were much influenced by an assistant principal (L-H), (4)teachers who were less influenced by both a principal and an assistant principal (L-L)). Results showed that teachers classified as H-H and H-L made more positive evaluation for their colleague group and effectiveness of their educational activity and role expectation than teachers classified L-H and L-L. The high constant magnitude of results obtained was interpreted as the importance of teachers' acceptance of principals' influence in the school organizations.
キーワード 校長 教頭 影響力
出版物タイトル 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
発行日 2002
開始ページ 161
終了ページ 170
ISSN 0471-4008
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 110000129562
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/9888
タイトル(別表記) Relationship perceptions of penetration and spread of principals' influence with school member's (teachers and principals) evaluation of educational goal on their school
フルテキストURL 116_0011_0023.pdf
著者 淵上 克義|
抄録 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship perceptions of penetration and spread of principals' influence with school members' (teachers and principals) evaluation of educational goal on their school. The sample consisted of 53 teachers and 29 principals. Main findings are as follows. While teachers classified the principal centered influence style made negative evaluation of educational goal on their school, thier perception on penetration of principals' influence correlated positively with their evaluation of educational goal on their school. While there were teacher/principal differences, principals' own perception on penetration of principals' influence correlated positively with their evaluation of educational goal on their school. The high magnitude of correlations obtained was interpreted as supporting the importance of faculty's cognitive processes and sense making of principals' influence.
キーワード principals' influence perception cognition within school organization organizational goal sense making of principals' influence
出版物タイトル 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
発行日 2001
開始ページ 11
終了ページ 23
ISSN 0471-4008
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 110000129484
JaLCDOI 10.18926/bgeou/9829
タイトル(別表記) Perceptions of penetration and spread of principals' influence, teachers' colleague group, task motivation, effectiveness of their educational activity and role expectation of school teachers
フルテキストURL 114_0027_0036.pdf
著者 淵上 克義|
抄録 The purpose of this study was to identify the perceptual influence structure of school teachers in school organizations and to investigate the relationship perceptions of penetration and spread of principals' influence with teachers' evaluation of their colleague group, task motivation, effectiveness of their educational activity and role expectation. The sample consisted of 53 school teachers. Main findings are as follows. First, teachers classified the principal centered influence style made their evaluation for their colleague group and effectiveness of their educational activity negatively. Second, teachers' perception on penetration of principals' influence correlated positively with their evaluation of their colleague group, effectiveness of their educational activity and role expectation. The high magnitude of correlations obtained was interpreted as supporting the importance of interaction among members in schools.
キーワード principals' influence style interaction school organization teacher role expectation
出版物タイトル 岡山大学教育学部研究集録
発行日 2000
開始ページ 27
終了ページ 36
ISSN 0471-4008
言語 日本語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 110000129455