ID | 14932 |
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タイトル(別表記) | Laws and Union-Management Relations : Union-Management Agreements and ‘Cadres’ Issue in the French Metal Industry facing the 35-Hour Working Week
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抄録 | In 1998, the French socialist Government stipulated the first law on the 35-hour working week, which fixed
the conditions for a company receiving a reduction in social security payments. That is, the company had to
conform working hours to the legal 35 hours a week by concluding a union-management agreement. In this
paper, we show the strategies of the French Employers’ Association of the Metal Industry (UIMM) facing such
a situation by analysing its agreements concluded with unions. The first issue treats the reaction of the UIMM,
which aimed to sidestep the impact of the 35 hours law, but had to make a concession facing the critique coming
from the socialist Government. Second, we explain what the French ‘cadres’ are, and the UIMM’s strategy to
accord a qualification of the cadre to lower hierarchy of managers for assuring sufficient working hours of these
people. This is because the 35-hour working week is not applied to the cadres. Third, we show the modifications
of the union-management agreement after the right-wing Government amending the working hours laws,
stipulated by the left-wing Government. Showing the dynamic relations between laws and union-management
agreements, we can explain the dynamics between the law as a rule of the game and the behavior of the players,
i.e. the employers’ association and the unions, as well as the importance of the union-management relations in
deciding labor conditions even in the France.
出版物タイトル |
発行日 | 2009-03-10
巻 | 40巻
号 | 4号
出版者 | 岡山大学経済学会
出版者(別表記) | The economic association of okayama university
開始ページ | 93
終了ページ | 114
ISSN | 0386-3069
NCID | AN00032897
資料タイプ |
関連URL |
言語 |
著作権者 | 岡山大学経済学会
論文のバージョン | publisher
NAID | |
Eprints Journal Name | oer