Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.


豊田 信三 岡山大学医学部産婦人科学教室
69_1957.pdf 10.2 MB
There has been much discussions whether the hyperfolliculliculinism is present in patients of carcinoma of the uterine cervix or not. These discussions, however, have generally based upon animal experiments, or on analogy of the mammary or the endometrial cancer. It can be said that carcinoma of the uterine cervix should not be subjected to the same way of the discussion, because its biological attitutde, differs greatly trom the rest. Therefore, in order to observe the condition of estrogen in cancer patients, the author investigated the endometria of the patients suffering from cancer of the uterine cervix. Endometria of 130 uterus extripated by the Okabayashi's panhysterectomy consisting of 55 postmenopausal and 75 premenopausal patients, were offered to investigation. The findings of endometria was divided into 7 groups. The endometria of thoroughly connective atrophical picture belong to Group A, while Group F includes endometria which have tortuos glands and iutestinal coarseness. Moreover, moderate varieties between the tow groups was respectively separeted in B, C, D and E, basing upon the condition of endometria and additional group M is of malignant variety. On the other hand, endometria consiting of out-patients were inpatients and autopsies which cxcluded the hormonal diseases were investigated for the purpose of comparison. In the premenopausal, group C, slight hyperplasia has been found 22 cases (41.4%) of cancer and 2 cases (10%) of control, therefore, it is more dominant in cancer cases. On the other hand, advanced hyperplasia, D, E and F group has been found in 18 cases (33.9%) and 6 cases (30%) which difference is of no signicicance. As the matter of fact stated above, slight hyperplasia has been found in the many cases of carcinoma of the uterine cervix. Provided that endometrial hyperplasia shows estrogenactivity, it would seem in the case of carcinoma of the uterine cervix that there is slight increase of estrogen. Meanwhile, as active follicle has not been observed by histological investigation of the ovary, it should be considered that ovary is not responsible for that source. As in the menopausal patients the cancer endometrium has shown no more significant hyperplasia than that of non-cancer, it would also seem that there has been shown no hyperfolliculinism in the case of carcinoma. The fact that all cases of 6 adenocarcinoma of the uterine cervix belong to the F or M groups would explain that squamous epithelium is quite distioguishable from the adenocarcinoma and is much of interest.