Proceedings of Okayama Association for Laboratory Animal Science
Published by Okayama Association for Laboratory Animal Science

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The role of autophagy of early embryonic development in mice

Tsukamoto, Satoshi
Published Date
After fertilization, maternal products which are stored during oogenesis are rapidly degraded and newly zygotic products are synthesized in most animals. This transition, known as an oocyte-to-embryo transition, is critical step for further embryonic development. Considering that the process occurs quickly, bulk degradation system could be highly activated to eliminate maternal products and recycle them to synthesize newly products. We have demonstrated that autophagy, which is cytoplasmic bulk degradation system mediated by the lysosome, is highly induced after fertilization, and autophagy-deficient embryo dies before implantation, suggesting that autophagy is essential for preimplantaion embryonic development. Our recent studies also revealed that lysosomal size and number changes during the embryonic development. Here we will briefly review the autophagy, and discuss the function of autophagy and lysosome in early mouse embryogenesis.
特別講演要旨 (Summary of Special Lecture)