Okayama Economic Review
Published by the Economic Association of Okayama University

Poland: Stabilization and Reforms under Extraordinary and Nomal Politics

Balcerowicz, Leszek
田口 雅弘
Published Date
In this paper, the author will focus on his role in the government as a Minister of Finance in charge of the fiscal policies and Deputy Prime Minister responsible for the overall coordination of the economic reforms. He dedicates much attention to the first ‘romantic’ period when Poland was the first post-socialist country to launch radical stabilization and reform program. This was done during the period of ‘extraordinary politics’. But the author also covers another period of stabilization and accelerated reforms in Poland (Oct. 1997 ‒ late May 2000). This has happened under completely different political conditions of‘ normal’( but peculiar) politics. In discussing both periods the author tries to deal with the three interwoven topic: 1. The content of policies; 2. The managerial aspects of their launching and implementation; 3. The political economy of stabilization and reforms.
The author starts with a brief description of his intellectual journey which has led him to the belief in the radical reforms as the best option after socialism. The next section deals with the romantic period of Sept. 1989‒Dec. 2001. The author then briefly mentions his activity between 1992 and Oct. 1997, including his activity as the leader of the main free market party in Poland. More attention is dedicated to the next period of stabilization and reform, when the author was again in the government. The author ends with some general observations.
Poland’s experience shows that stabilization and reforms are possible both under extraordinary and normal politics, if certain conditions are met. In the first case, speed is of utmost importance which requires that the plan is prepared before the window of opportunity appears. In the second case, speed and the previous work are important, too.
The greatest achievements of Poland’s transition policies are expressed, in the view of the author, in that Poland’s GDP, 1989‒2013, had more than doubled. This was largely due to the accumulated reforms with respect to the enterprise sector and in the macroeconomic policies (especially monetary) that prevented the emergence of boombust episodes.
論説 (Articles)
本稿は,『岡山大学経済学会雑誌』田口雅弘教授退職記念号に寄稿された論文‘Poland: Stabilization and Reforms under Extraordinary and Nomal Politics’の翻訳である。