Annual Reports of Misasa Medical Center, Okayama University volume46
1977-03-25 発行

Determination of manganese in serum by atomic absorption spectrophotometry

Furuno, Katsushi
Publication Date
The manganese (Mn) concentrations in serum of 40 healthy controls (9 males and 31 females), and of 26 patients with rheumatoid arthritis (4males and 22 females) were determined using a HITACHI MODEL 207 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Wavelength of Mn determination was setted at 2795 A. Flow rate of acetylene was setted at 3.0 l/min and lamp current was setted at 10 rnA. The serum samples were ashed by IPC MODEL 1003plasma machine, and dissolved in 3N-HCl and evapolate on the hot plate, and redissolved in constant volume of 0.1 N-HCl. These sample solution were aspirated directly into the burner. Mn levels in serum were estimated by standard curve. The mean recoverry rate of ashedsample solution was 100.1%, and that of serum by ashing process was 101.6%. The serum Mn levels in 40 healthy controls and 26 patients with rheumatoid arthritis were 2.19 ± 0.34 (S.D.), 3.04 ± 1.01 (S.D.) μg/100ml respectively. The serum Mn levels in rheumatoid arthritis were significantly higher than healthy control levels (p<0.001). In 10 of 26 cases (38%) with rheumatoid arthritis, the serum Mn levels were shown to be above the upper limit of 5% rejection limit of healthy controls.
原著論文 (Original Papers)