Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on the exudates formed by the application of Uneuentum vesicans. Part Ⅰ. Cytological studies

Kurose, Kenkichi
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In order to study the difference of defense reactions to local stimulation in various diseases, an experiment was performed to examine cellular characteristics of exudates produced by the local application of Unguentum vesicans. The results of the study are summarized as follows. (1) The average time to the onset of blister formation following the application of Unguentum vesicans was 13.3 hours, and had a tendency to be delayed by aging process, particularly in an old age group with lung tuberculosis. (2) The average volume of the exudates at 24 hours after the application was 0.09cc/c㎡, and had a tendency to be decreased by aging process and in patients with consumptive diseases. (3) The average number of cells in the exudates at 24 hours after the application was 2410/m㎥, and had no relationship to the age or disease processes of patients. (4) The majority of the cells in the exudates consisted of polymorphonuclear neutrophils with a few non-segmented neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes and eosinophils. The cellular composition in the exudates was little altered by the age or disease processes of patients. (5) The investigation of the exudates produced by the application of Unguentum vesicans may be useful in the evaluation of local inflammatory responses in various disease states.