Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Clinical studies on the pattern of urinary protein excretion of college student discovered proteinuria by periodical examination

Hirohata, Mamoru
Watanabe, Yutaka
Miyoshi, Kanji
Nishihara, Takao
Seo, Kenji
Kondo, Tadasuke
Yamabuki, Takahiro
Takano, Tosio
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Published Date
Sixty-eight of Okayama university students who discovered by periodical examination was investigated by five urine specimen method, and classified in nine groups by the pattern of proteinuria. Simultaneously, past history, urinary sediment, hematocrit, PSP, Urea-N and total serum protein was investigated and comparative studies among each group was studied. Percentage of positive proteinuria discovered by two urine specimen examination (before bed and early morning) and three urine specimen examination (on arrival, one hour rest and two hours rest) was not coincided, so these results suggest the more urine examination make the better discovery of proteinuria, because intermitent proteinuria was 27.4% who showed negative urinary protein on the examined day. Type of urinary protein excretion pattern was classified as follows; proteinuria was negative both at before bed and in the early morning (a), positive urinary protein at before bed and negative in the early morning (b), urinary protein showed positive both at before bed and in the early morning (c): proteinuria was negative on arrival at health service center, after one hour rest, and after two hours rest, intermitent type (A), urinary protein changed from positive to negative by rest, positional type (B), and always positive urinary protein, persistent type (C). Nine groups was made by the combination of these types. Ditribution of groups was 27.9% (a-A group), 17.6% (b-B group), 14.7% (c-C group) and 0% (a-C group). Incidence of red blood cell in the urinary sediment in each group was under five red blood cell count in one high power field in negative group, and microhematuria was found in five of ten cases of persistent type and three of them showed over six blood cell count in one high power fieldIncidence of renal diseases in past hisotry decreased in the order of persistent type, positional type and intermitent type of proteinuria. High ASLO titer was found in over half cases of positional type and ASLO titer & proteinuria was decreased after administration of antibiotics (Sigmamicin). Possibility of infection influenced on the proteinuria of positional type was suspected. Results of PSP, Urea-N, Cholesterol, total protein and A/G ratio were in normal range and no signifficant difference among each group. Histological findings by renal biopsy from three cases of persistent type elucidated the presence of renal diseases. According to the results, examination of five urine specimen, past history, urinary sediment (red blood cell count) and ASLO was the important items of the examination of proteinuria discoverd by perioidical examination of college student.