Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

Full-text articles are available 3 years after publication.

Report of a Case of Nasopharyngeal Tumor

Miyazaki, Takeshi
Nagata, Koichi
Okutomi, Zenkichi
Yumoto, Yasuhiro
Otsuki, Hiroshi
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Published Date
This paper is to report a case of naeopharyngeal tumor. The patient was a 57 years old man admitted to this hospital with chief complaints of impaired hearing and headache. The diagnosis had not been made until the biopsy of the enlarged lymphnode in the right neck was performed and histologically examined. The patient died in spits of radiation therapy with (60)Co over the neck. Postmortem examination revealed undifferentiated cell carcinoma in sphenoethomoidal sinus and its metastasis to the liver, lumbar vertebrae, and lymphnodes of various area. Studies on 41 cases of nasopharyngeal tumor experienced in the department of Otorhinopharyngol-aryngology of this University in recent 10 years (1957-1966) showed that a large number of the patient as much as 24% of the cases, first visited the clinic of internal medicine of examination of enlarged lymphnodes in the neck or headache.