Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Fundamental and Clinical Study of Forel-H-Tomy Part 1. Experimental Study on the Forel-H Field by Strychnine Neuronography

Hiroe, Toshio
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Published Date
Thirty-five adult cats were utilized for this study. The animal was artificially ventilated after administration of succinil cholin chloride in sufficient doses to abolish respiratry and somatic movement. Bipolar concentric electrodes, each having an outside diameter of 0.8mm, were inserted stereotaxically into selected cortical and subcortical structures. As a stimulation of the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures, 0.01-0.05ml of 0.1% strychnine was applied. 1) Forel-H field was not effectively stimulated by administration of strychnine. 2) The stimulation of the cortex (gyrus sigmoideus anterior) elicited frequently spike discharges in the Forel-H field. 3) The stimulation of the thalamus (N. ventralis lateralis) was not followed by so frequent clear spike discharges of Forel-H feild as the stimulation of the cortex.