Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Anti-tumor activity of an unsaturated fatty acid extractedfrom rabbit liver after irradiation Part. Ⅱ. Efeci on lymphatic ascites leukemia in CBA mice

Watanabe, Terutugu
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Anti-tumor activity of OX substance was studied in the lymphatic ascites leukemia in CBA mice, induved by successive trantation of ascitescell of DBA mice. Same investigations mentioned in the previous paper were carried out and following conclusions were obtained. 1) Administration of OX substance gave arise prevention of anemia and suppression of develpment of leukemia in DBA mice with ascites leukemia. 2) OX substance gave no influence to changes of the body weiht of DBA mice with ascites leukemia 3) Life span of DBA mica was remarkably prolonged by OX substance administration. 4) OX substance inhibited the infiltration of leukemia cells in the lung, liver, speen and other organs of DBA mice. 5) OX substance schowed the strong cytotoxic effect on the ascites leukemia cells in DBA mice. 6) OX substance gave no influence to the blood picture of the normal rabbit.