Journal of Okayama Medical Association
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異形吸虫類に関する研究 第4編 横川吸虫の子宮内卵の配列経過ならびにその排卵数について

Okahashi, Kiyoshi
078_037.pdf 3.06 MB
Published Date
After metacercariae of Metagonimus yokogawai are given to rats, larvae in the rats' small intestines gradually develop and accordingly the eggs are seen to line up in the uterus. Observation was made on this increasing process of the gggs. Four days after infection the first egg appears in the ootype. On the 5th day, the eggs appear around the left testicle and also at the right exterior of the right testicle. On the 6th, they line up at the first row site. On the 7th, they line up as farthe as the third row site and also the line winds to the spermathea. On the 8th, the eggs occupy the fourth row site (i.e. the posterior end of the uterus) and line up through the whole uterus. The average number of eggs was taken from ten trematodes, that is, one which has not yet been colored is found four days after infection. On the 5th day, 15 uncolored eggs. On the 6th, colored one, 3 and unco-lored cne, 29, 32 in total. On the 7th, colored one, 8 and uncolored one, 40, 48 in total, On the 8th, colord one 17, and uncolored one, 62, 79 in total. In the case of dogs, on the 60th day, average number taken from 20 dogs is 412.7. On the 180th day, 426.6. Ovulation begins on the 13th day in dog I and on the 16th day in dog II. In a human body, Metagonimus yokogawai begins to decay after the elapse of three years. In a rat, it ovulates average eight eggs per day at the time when six months have passed sincesince infection. This number is the same as that of eggs at the fourth row site (the posterior end of the uterus) in the uterus of Metagonimus yokogawai at the same period of its development.
学位番号 乙第198号