Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on the Treatment of Malignant Tumors with Fibroblast-Inhibiting Agent Part 3. Effects of Chloroquine on Iron Metabolism of Animals Bearing Tumors

Kodani, Hidenari
77_973.pdf 2.65 MB
Published Date
In experimal animal bearing tumors such as Bashford cancer and Yosida sarcoma, abnormality of iron metablolism was investigated especially in their organ iron. The rerults are as follows 1) In normal mice, changes of the non-hemin iron of the organs were scarcely noted by chloroquine administration and it may be thought that the agent does not have any signigicant influence to the iron metabolism in the normal mice. 2) It tended to show that inhibition of the storage of the non-hemin iron in the tumor tissues or organs of Bashford cancer and Brown-Pearce cancer which were shown the inhibition of the tumor growth. Also a tendency of the decresing iron content of the ascties in mice bearing Ehrhich cancer which was failed to inhibit the growth of tumor and prolongaton of life. 3) It is presumed from these data that chloroquine shows anti-tumor activity in the iron metabolism of the animals bearing tumors.