Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on the Treatment of Chronic Hepatic Disorders with Fibroblast-inhibiting Agents Part 1. Studies on the Treatment of Chronic Hepatic Disorders with Chloroquine Derivatives

Yamana, Masatoshi
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Published Date
Followings are the results of clinical studies on the treatment of 21 cases of chronic hepatitis, 21 cases of liver cirrhosis and 7 cases of Banti's syndrome with chloroquine derivatives. 1) 71.4 per cent of cases of chronic hepatitis revealed more improvement in liver function tests than that in the clinical findings including subjective and objective symptoms. No aggravating cases were noted at all. 2) The effectiveness was observed in 66.7 per cent in the cases of the liver cirrhosis, while 5 cases revealed the aggravation of the laboratory findings of the liver function. 3) No changes were observed in the clinical and laboratory findings of patients with Banti's syndrome with chloroquine administration. 4) The initial response was generally followed after 1 month from the starting chloroquine treatment. Subsequently, it means that effectiveness of the drug is postponement. 5) There were no differences of effects between chloroquine diphosphate and chloroquine diorotate. 6) 7 of 49 patients had side effects by the drug administration. The side effects showed no relation to the laboratory tests of the liver function and soon disappeared by decreasing the dosage or a temporary discontinuation of the drugs. It may be thought that there is no harm on the host by the prolonged administration of usual dosage of the drugs. 7) It should be considered that mode of chloroquine on the treatment of chronic hepatic disorders are probably based upon its fibroblast-inhibiting as well as, at least, anti-inflammatory action or inactivity of the antibody in the host. Also it is thought that it is worth to pursuit the activation of the liver cells themselves which may be brought by the drug administration. 8) It would be presumed that the combining treatment with hepatotonics or steroids and chloroquine is brought more effectiveness to the clinical and laboratory findings of the chronic hepatic disorders.