Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Amino Acid Metabolism of the Brain Part 2. Acitivity of Transaminase in the Brain

Kokudo, Tadao
71_5651.pdf 363 KB
Published Date
The activities of aspartic-glutamic transaminase and γ-aminobutyric-glutamic transaminate in rabbit brain and human cerbral cortex were determined. Results were: 1) In rabbit brain with repeated convulsions caused by electro-shocks for 10 days (5 times a day), the activity of aspartic-glutamic transaminase was less than that in the normal rabbit, but the activity of γ-aminobatyric-glutamic transaminase increased. However, there were no significant differences. 2) The activities of aspartic-glutamic transaminase and γ-aminobutyric-glutamic transaminase in the cerebral cortex of epilepsia decreased as compared with non-epileptic Iatients (patients with bran tumor), however no significant differencae were found.