Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Phosphoric Acid Metabolism in Cerebral Cortex Part II Phosphoric acid metabolism in cerebral cortex of rabbit with latent local anaphylaxis

Higashi, Tohru
71_4869.pdf 332 KB
Published Date
By pursuing the behaviours of the (32)P incorporation into phosphoric acid fractions in the brain homogenate of the rabbit with latent local cerebral anaphylaxis and in that of normal rabbit using the method described in Part I, the following results were obtained. 1) The rate of the (32)P incorporation into acid soluble-organic, lipid, nucleic acid and phosphoprotein fraction in the cerebral cortex of the rabbit with latent local anaphylaxis was much more accelerated as compard with that of normal rabbit. 2) The accelerating ratio of lipid fraction was especially high as compared with that of other fractions.