Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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The Effects of Chloromycetin on Metabolism of Resting Cells Part II. The effects on interaction between substrates

Saito, Yukinari
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To establich the addition effects and the utility of chloromycetin as inhibitor, the author studied the effects of chloromycetin on interaction between substrates following the previous report. Sh. flexneri 2 a, Sh. flexneri 3 a, Staphy. aureus and Staphy. albus was also used in this work. The following results were obtained. 1) The O(2) uptake by Sh. flexneri 2 a or Sh. flexneri 3 a was promoted by the interaction that was revealed with addition of any combination of two taken among 2 groups substrates respectively; one contained glucose and pyruvate, the other asparate, glutamate, tryptophan, histidine, citrate and ribose. This promotion was not inhibited by the addition of chloromycetin. 2) In the case of Staphy. aureus and Staphy. albus the promotive interaction upon the O(2) uptake was observed only in the combinations of substrates containing asparate or glutamate; moreover, the promotion could be suppressed by chloromycetin. 3) The complete oxydation of pyruvate was supressed by NaN(3), but the reaction yielding acetate from pyruvate was not inhibited by it, while chloromycetin could suppress this reaction. Thus the cooperative inhibition on O(2) uptake seemed to be occured by the combined action of them.