Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on the Experimental Anemia induced by the Anti-serum of the Bone Marrow. Part 3. The Hematopoiesis of the Leucocyte Series by the Bone-Marrow Tissue Culture

Sakakibara, Hideo
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Published Date
By carrying out the tissue culture of the bone marrow from the guinea pigs with experimental auemia induced by the intraperitoneal injection of anti-serum of the bone marrow, the author observed the growth of bone marrow cells in the leucocyte series and the function of pseudo-eosinophils, and obtained the following results: 1. The relative growth rate in the test guinea pigs falls to 1/2 or 1/3 of the control, and the cell growth has declined in all the cases. The cell density in the test animals is less dense than in the control, showing the poor cell growth. 2 The wandering velocity of pseudo-eosinophils in the bone marrow of test animals is more diminished when compared with that in the control. 3. The average rate of neutral red vital staining of pseudoeosinophils in the test animals to stain and fade more quickly than in the control, i. e. the function is diminished. 4. The carbon-particle phagocytoticpower of pseudo-eosinophils in test animals is slightly lowered when compared with that in the control. From these findings of bone-marrow tissue culture irrespective of an increase or decrease of peripheral leucocytes in the animals with the experimental anemia induced by the antiserum of the bone marrow, it has been found that the growth rate and function of the cells in the leucocyte series of the bone marrow are diminished though there is some variation in the degree of changes.