Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Direction and arrangement of cutting lines of cerebral dura mater, pleura and peritoneum in human body. Part 1. Direction and arrangment of cutting lines of cerebral dura mater in human body

Saito, Waichiro
71_2025.pdf 527 KB
Published Date
In the vault part, the cutting lines of the dura lay in a direction from anterolatero-inferior to postero-supero-medial in the outer layer but in the inner layer lay in that from postero-latero-inferior to antero-supero-medial. Thus they are crossing over each other and their dicrections were bilaterally symmetrical. The directions of the cutting lines in other parts, such as cerebral falx, anterior, middle and posterior fossas and clivus, were also investigated and precisely reported.