Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on Cardiac Measurements by Means of Chest Roentgenogram Chapter 2. Alternation of the Fluorographic Measurements in Various Conditions

Nukada, Kaname
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Published Date
1. On measuring the details of the heart in the fluorograms it was noted that the cardiac measurements were somewhat decreased in females. The transverse diameters were increased in parallel with weight or nourished condition rather than stature. The cardiac measurements were increased in proportion to the increase of the girth of the chest. Also they were increased as getting older in age, but a tendency of slight decrease was noted in those of over 60 years. 2. Increased Ml was observed in the cases who had hypertension or over loaded left ventricles. 3. Judging from Sokolow's criterion about left ventricular hypertrophy, a definite increase in Tr, on account of increased Ml, was observed in the fluorographic cardiac measurements of the cases with left ventricular hypertrophy patterns in the electrocardiograms. According to other criterion adjusted for Japanese, no increased cardiac measurements were noted in the cases with left ventricular hypertrophy electrocardiographically. In consequence, the above indicated the fact that in early stages of the left ventricular hylertrophy they were concentric in nature and that in these stages electrocardiograms had more diagnostic value in comparison with the fluorographic cardiac measurements.