Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Bronchospirometry with Carlens' Double Lumen Catheter Part 2. Comparison of Bronchospirometry Under Air and Oxygen Breathing

Kishimoto, Seibi
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Published Date
Bronchospirometric study was performed with ambient air and oxygen on 46 patients of pulmonary tuberculosis. Entire series were divided into three groups. The first group was consisted of 28 patients where bronchospirometry was made under air and oxygen breathing, alternatively. The test was made on ten patients of the second group where one lung breath air and the other oxygen. The third group was consisted of 8 patients where one lung breath air and the other oxygen following oxygen breathing of both lungs. 1) Decrease of oxygen uptake was marked under air breathing compared to in oxygen breathing in advanced cases of pulmonary tuberculosis. However, no constant changes in oxygen uptake were noted in moderately advanced and minimum cases. 2) Increase of ventiratory volume, respiratory frequency and minute volume were usually noted in the lung which breathes ambient air. Increase of minute volume is marked in the side of better functioning lung. 3) Respriatory equivalent increased in the lung which breathes air, especially marked in advanced and moderately advanced cases. 4) Vital capacity increased slightly in the side breathing air. 5) Bronchospirometry with air breathing can be performed without any undue burden on patients, if the test is limited in ten minutes, and give more precise information of pulmonary function of the affected lung than in ordinary bronchospirometry with oxygen.