Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on the Metabolism of Pyro-Racemic Acid in Lung Tuberculosis Part I Studies on the Vicissitude of Pyro-Racemic Acid in Urine and the Influence of Vitamin B to it, in Lung Tuberculosis

Nakanishi, Yoji
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Published Date
The vicissitude of B. T. S. dosis in urine and the infuluence of vitamin B to it were observed on 20 cases of female lung tuberculosis patients of various degree to severe cases from mild cases with the administration of glucose. And the results were as follows. 1. Vitamin B(1) and B. T. S. in urine decreased after the administration of 20% glucose 20 cc, in the 5 cases of 20 cases, and those were mild moderate cases. The cases showing the increase of them were moderate and severe ones. 2. B. T. S. in urine increased after the administration of 50% glucose 20 cc, in all cases. 3. In mild cases, the disposal function of B. T. S. was activated with the fixed dosis of glucose, but the function was not activated with the excess dosis of glucose. 4. The decrease of B. T. B. dosis in urine was observed on the 5 cases of the 15 cases, which did not show the decrease of B. T. B. dosis on the administration of glucose only, with the intravenous administration of vitamin B(1) 5 mg at 1 hour before the administration of 20% glucose 20 cc. 5. The cases which did not show the decrease of B. T. S. dosis in urine by the administration of vitamin B1 was mostly severe cases and most of the cases showed liver damage, promotion of erythrocyte sedimentation reaction and positive bacillus in sputum. 6. The correlation between the Sawada's reaction and the vicissitude of B. T. S. dosis urine was not always observed. 7. No difference between the simple use of vitamin B1 5 mg and the mixed use of vitamin B(1) and B(2) 5 mg was observed. 8. Using T. O. E. D. 20 mg instead of vitamin B(1) 5 mg by intravenous injection, the effect was observed on the 3 cases of 10 cases without the effect of vitamin B(1) 5 mg. In other words, it was understood that there were cases with lack of vitamin B(1) in cases of lung tuberculosis. 9. No differences among the mixed use of T. O. E. D. and vitamin B(2) grucuronic acid soda and the simple use of T. O. E. D. were observed.