Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Studies on Quantity of Serum Ca and K in the so-called Protein-Collapse-Poisoning

Atarashi, Isamu
69_2709.pdf 5.62 MB
Published Date
In respect to the vicissitude found in the quantity of serum Ca and K in the rabbit, the following resemblances may roughly be detected among such mechanisms as burning, sunstroke, as well as constriction. 1. Death of sunstroke corresponds to the acute shock by pepton and histamine, where both Ca and K prove an increase. 2. In case of burning and sunstroke short of death, along with the constriction within several hours, all prove to correspond to either delayed shock by pepton, or survival after histamine injection, where Ca prove to decrease, but K increase. 3. In most cases of long-lasting constriction, both Ca and K exhibit to decrease, in accordance with the survived cases after the injection of pepton, under practise.