Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Experimental and clinical studies on the changes and their inhibition of the serum protein fractions as the by-effects by blood transfusion. Part Ⅱ. Experimental studies on the changes and their inhibition of the serum protein fractions by inadequate blood transfusion

Akamatsu, Ayao
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Published Date
An inadequate heterotypical transfuion in the same kinds was made in rabbits, and the decrease of γ-globulin was less by using Ravonal or Anengen preliminaily, compared with the contrast -group. In the group with Ravonal, the γ-globulin returned almost to the normal limits three hours after transfusion. The hemolysis in the serum was almost similar in all of the above stated groups 30 minutes after transfusion, but it remarkably decreased in the groups with Ravonal or Anergen after 3 hours. The hypotension also had the same tendency as γ-globulin and was inhibited by Ravonal and then Anergen.