Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Kosokabe, Yoshio
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The author have made a study on the renal function in 46 cases of bilateral renal tuberculosis by examining the fluid test and the blue excretion test; the Nephrectomia was performed in 14 cases of all; the fluid test, the blue excretion test, the quantity and the specific gravity of the urine were compared. The results were as followed: (1) Concerning the excretion ability, 56.8% of all showed normal (i.e., 15.9% were excellent, 40.9% were good) aud 43.2% were insufficient. In the concentration ability, 18.1% showed normal (i.e., 2.2% were excellent, 15.9% were good) and 81.9% were insufficient. These results were inferior to those observed in the unilateral renal tuberculosis. (2) In the Phenolsulfophthalein test, 22.2% showed the excretion level above 71% in an hour. In the Indigocarmin excretion test, 57.5% showed unsatisfactory on both side. These results were also inferior to those of the unilateral cases. (3) In these examinations, the cases in which the operation was performed showed superior results than the cases in which the operation was not able to be performed. Concerning the results of these tests performed after the operation, the urine quantity was rather inferior to that of the unilateral cases and the specific gravity showed no difference, but the results of the fluid test and the colouring matter excretion test were superior to those of the unilateral cases. (4) No difference could be seen between the side of affection or the sex of the patients, but concerning the age of the patients, cases of younger generations showed somewhat superior results than that of older generations.