Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Influences of Organ Extracts as well as Serum of Blood Disease Patient on the Nucleic Acid Metabolism of a Rabbit 2nd Report: Influences of Serum of Patients of Blood Disease on the Nucleic Acid Quantity of Rabbit's Organs

Namba, Tatsuji
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By intravenous injection of serum of patients of blood disorder as well as control serum of healthy men, observed the nucleic acid appearing in its bone-marrow, liver, spleen, and kidney, which proved as: 1) In case healthy men's serum has been injected, bone-marrow nucleic acid and DNA in, liver, spleen, and kidney indicate a decrease; while RNA both in spleen and kidney increases slightly; and that of liver does so pretty much. If those results obtained will be put under comparison with those obtained under the use of healthy men's serum: 2) Under the administration of serum of hypoplastic anemia, bone-marrow nucleic acid increases in a marked degree, liver as well as kidney DNA do so in a moderate degree; RNA of liver and kidney decrease rather. As to spleen nucleic acid, no marked change occurs. 3) If the serum of leukemia is injected, a slight increase takes place to liver and spleen DNA, while liver and kidney RNA show an abatement quite: but as to the rest, no great changes appear. 4) When serum of Banti's syndrome has been injected, the increase of both the bone-marrow nucleic acidi prove most caundid: though the spleen DNA increases, liver nucleic acid as well as RNA of spleen and kidney show a slight decrease respectively. 5) On occasion serum of hookworm anemia has been injected, spleen nucleic acid proves a marked increase; bone-marrow DNA increases greatly, but RNA in liver and kidney decreases. 6) When serum of essential hypochromic anemia is injected, a remarkable increase in the bone-marrow nucleic acid happens; but, as to the rest, small change occurs, only a slight increase of liver and spleen DNA, along with a decrease of liver RNA.