Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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On the Statistical observation and the Results of The Operation upon Tubercular Peritonitis and Tuberculosis intestinals

Tanakaya, Kiyoto
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Published Date
I made a statistical observation about 25 cases of tubercular Peritonitis and 38 cases of tuberculosis intestinals which had undergon the surgical operation in Prof. Dr. Izumi's Institute of Surgery, and I came to the following conclusion: 1) Men who are predisposed to tubercular peritonitis and tuberculosis intestinals are the most in number between the ages of 20 to 40, and the sufferers of females are more numerous than those of males. 2) It is seldom primarily, but almost always secondarily that the intestines and peritoneum are attacked by tuberculosis. 3) The operative results of the tubercular peritonitis are the best in the case of the exudative, good in that of the adhesive and bad in that of the suppurative. 4) The tuberculosis intestinals starts often in the ileum, and its result of operation is the best in the case of extirpation, and in the case of anastomosis the result is not so good as that of the former. 5) The absolute indication of the necessity of the surgical treatment lies in the ascites of higher degree, the intestinal obstruction, the perforation of the tubercular intestinal ulcer, the feverish pus carbuncle and their mixed contagion. 6) The statistics of the therapeutists and the therapeutical treatment of Prof. Dr. Izumi's Institute of Surgery show that there is no danger in the surgical treatment of intestinal and peritoneal tuberculosis.