Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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The Pharmacological Studies on the Human Uterus Second Communication; On the Effects of Uterine Stimulants, Muscle-Poisons and certain other Drugs

Murakami, Kensuke
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In a previous communication the automatism and innervation of the human uterus, together with the effects of the autonomic poisons on the uterus were dealt with. The following results have been obtained in the present research. 1. Pituitrin, in low or moderate concentration, manifests stimulative action on the human uterus, while a highly concentrated, solution causes its depression. Stimulative action in low concentration is due to the stimulation of the motor-sympathetic apparatus, but the same in moderate concentration is to be attributed to the stimulation of not only sympathetic nerve but also of the muscle. Depressive effect from highly concentrated solution is the result of the paralysis of the muscle. But this paralyzing action on the muscle is probably due to the effect of chloretone, which is added to pituitrin. 2. A small quantity of bombelon causes contraction of the uterus by stimulating the muscle, and a moderate quantity leads to depression by affecing the sympathetic depressor, while a large quantity of this drug shows depressive effect by paralyzing the muscle itself. 3. A small quantity of secacornin exhibits depressive action on the uterus by stimulating the sympathetic depressor. The depression caused by a moderate quantity of secacornin is followed by contraction, which is due to the stimulation of the muscle. A large quantity of this drug causes the paralysis of the muscle. 4. Hydrastinin produces a stimulative effect on the uterus regardless of the degree of concentration. This effect is due chiefly to the stimulation of the muscle, but to some extent to the stimulation of the sympathetic nerve as well. 5. Veratrin, in low concentration, manifests stimulative action on the uterus, while in high concentration it leads to depression, by affecting the muscle. 6. The effect of barium on the uterus is to cause its contraction, and the point of attack is the muscle itself. 7. Papaverin, in any degree of concentration within the limit of an efficient quantity, exerts depressive action on the uterus by affecting the muscle. 8. A small quantity of nicotin produces depressive effect on the uterus by stimulating the sympathetic depressor, and a moderate quantity shows stimulative action by affecting the motor-sympathetic, while a large quantity of this drug leads to the depression which may be attributed to the paralysis of the muscle. 9. Caffein produces depressive effect on the uterus regardless of the degree of concentration. Any solution from low up to moderately concentrated, affects the sympathetic depressor, while a highly concentrated solution attacks the muscle. 10. A small quantity of cocain exerts stimulative action on the uterus by affecting the motor-sympathetic, while a moderate quantity produces the same, affecting both the motor-sympathetic and the muscle. The contraction caused by a moderate quantity of cocain is, in some case, followed by relaxation. A large quantity of this drug produces a depressive effect by paralyzing the muscle. 11. Morphin, in low or moderate concentration, manifests stimulative effect on the uterus, while in high concentration it leads to depression. The former is due to the stimulation of the motor-sympathetic, the latter to the paralysis of the muscle. 12. Digitalin acts as a stimulant on the uterus by affecting the muscle. 13. A small quantity of calcium produces stimulative effect on the uterus by affecting its muscle, while a moderate quantity causes depression, owing to the sympathetic depressor. A large quantity of calcium causes depressive action by paralyzing the muscle. 14. As it has been stated in preceding chapters, the human uterus and the uterus of various animals show nearly or quite the same reactions to certain kinds of drugs. while quite different reactions result from the use of certain other drugs.