Journal of Okayama Medical Association
Published by Okayama Medical Association

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Heredity of Blood Type in Man Chapter II. The Author's Opinion on the Inheritance of Human Blood Groups

Oku, Gennosuke
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As a result of observation of the already known facts concerning bloods types, of personal investigation, and comprehensive study of other world-wide statistical investigations, it was seen that the inheritance of blood groups can be explained by the phenomenon of Linkage. The author's hypothesis is that there are three prototypes of blood and two pairs of coequal formative and qualitative factors, A……a; B……b, which occupy the conjugating position of the chromatic bodies that exercise a multifarious influence upon form and substance, corpuscle and serum. In other words, the structure of the factors in the three prototypes is ab/ab (O type), ab/Ab (A type), ab/aB (B type). From the free combination of the zygotes, there spring the three new zygotes, Ab/Ab (A type), aB/aB (B type), Ab/aB (AB type). Five kinds of zygotes which belong to the O, A, and B types do not appear in any result even if linkage takes place, and a gametes will be respectively divided into ab, Ab, aB, heredity thus continuing according to simple hereditary law. On the other hand, when the linkage of Ab/aB, belonging to the AB type, is followed, the kinds of the gametes and the numerical ratio which are derived from that formula will be by repulsion, the gamete AB being thus generated for the first time. The newly genrated AB gamete conjugates with the other kinds of gametes and generates the other four new kinds, ab/AB, Ab/AB, aB/AB, AB/AB. (all of which belong to the AB type). The ab/AB form among the last mentioned four kinds produces the subdivided kinds of gametes and the ratio, according to the coupling. Even if other kinds of zygotes are produced by linkage, they will not appear in the result, and will have only simple heredity. There are thus produced ten hereditary blood types which indicate the heredity in the mutual relation of coupling. The author calculated the frequency of the appearance of these ten types of heredity, from which twelve formulae were made in order to calculate the differentiation that might be anticipated in the next generation. When these formulae are thus employed, complete agreement is found qualitatively and quantitatively between the actual fact and the theoretical anticipation.
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