JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/49046
フルテキストURL 66_6_493.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko|
抄録 Acute retinal necrosis syndrome (ARNS) is a herpetic infectious eye disease that presents clinicians with difficult decisions to make about the indication and timing of surgical intervention. Here I report 2 patients who underwent prophylactic and early vitrectomy with good visual outcomes. Case 1, a 72-year-old man, had a second recurrence of ARNS in the left eye in 2011 and underwent early vitrectomy in the acute inflammatory phase to remove previously formed vitreous opacity and vitreoretinal adhesions, in parallel with intravenous acyclovir and oral prednisolone administration. He had experienced ARNS in the right eye in 1983, in the left eye in 1986, and a recurrence in the left eye in 1999. Case 2, a 66-year-old woman, developed ARNS in the right eye. All of the circumferential retinal lesions became degenerative with intravenous acyclovir and prednisolone. She underwent a vitrectomy in the post-inflammatory phase, since epiretinal proliferation was noted through vitreous opacity with complete posterior vitreous detachment. These cases suggest that early vitrectomy in the acute inflammatory phase would be indicated for pre-existing vitreoretinal adhesions, while prophylactic vitrectomy in the post-inflammatory phase would be indicated for epiretinal proliferation.
キーワード acute retinal necrosis syndrome (ARNS) early vitrectomy epiretinal proliferation prophylactic vitrectomy herpetic retinitis
Amo Type Case Report
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2012-12
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 493
終了ページ 497
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 CopyrightⒸ 2012 by Okayama University Medical School
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 23254584
Web of Science KeyUT 000312966100009
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/45273
フルテキストURL 65_2_135.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Himei, Kengo| Ishii, Keita| Ichimura, Kouichi| Yanai, Hiroyuki| Nose, Soichiro| Mimura, Tetsushige|
抄録 An 18-year-old woman with a 2-year history of hypertension and headache was diagnosed with noradrenalin-secreting bilateral adrenal pheochromocytomas with paragangliomas in the background of von Hippel-Lindau disease with family histories and a missense mutation, 712C to T (Arg167Trp) in the VHL gene. She had optic disc hemangioma in the left eye which gradually enlarged and caused serous retinal detachment on the macula in one year. Low-dose external beam radiation (20 Gy) was administered to the left eye using a lens-sparing single lateral technique. She underwent craniotomy for cerebellar hemangioblastoma at the age of 22 years and total pancreatectomy for multiple neuroendocrine tumors at the age of 24 years. In the 6-year follow-up period after the radiotherapy, the optic disc hemangioma gradually reduced in size and its activity remained low, allowing good central vision to be maintained. External beam radiation is recommended as a treatment option for the initial therapy for optic disc hemangioma.
キーワード retinal (papillary, optic disc) hemangioma von Hippel-Lindau disease pheochromocytoma pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor external beam radiation (radiotherapy)
Amo Type Case Report
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2011-04
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 135
終了ページ 141
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
著作権者 CopyrightⒸ 2011 by Okayama University Medical School
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 21519372
Web of Science KeyUT 000289818800010
著者 原田 聡介| 武本 充広| 吉尾 浩太郎| 児島 克英| 片山 敬久| 勝井 邦彰| 黒田 昌宏| 松尾 俊彦| 金澤 右|
発行日 2010-12-01
出版物タイトル 岡山医学会雑誌
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
著者 Kurauchi, Tomomi| Yokota, Kenji| Matsuo, Toshihiko| Fujinami, Yoshihito| Isogai, Emiko| Isogai, Hiroshi| Ohtsuki, Hiroshi| Oguma, Keiji|
発行日 2005-02-01
出版物タイトル FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32910
フルテキストURL 61_1_9.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Matsuo, Chie| Matsuoka, Hiroaki| Kio, Keiko|
抄録 All children at the age of 1.5 and 3 years in Japan undergo physical, mental, and developmental checkups including dental, eye, and hearing examinations. The vision-screening program consists of 3 steps : questionnaires and home visual acuity testing as the first step (only for 3-year-old children), visual acuity testing by nurses and inspection by medical officers at regional Health Centers as the second step, and detailed examinations by ophthalmologists as the third step. This study aims to reveal the prevalence of strabismus and amblyopia as obtained from data in the vision-screening program. The final diagnoses made by ophthalmologists and sent back to the Health Centers in Okayama City were reviewed to elucidate the prevalence of strabismus, amblyopia, refractive errors, and other diseases in 1.5- and 3-year-old children in Okayama City in 5 years from 2000 to 2004. Of approximately 6,500-6,900 total children, 83.7-86.8% at 1.5 years old and 77.8-81.9% at 3 years old were brought to the Health Centers. The rates of strabismus were 0.01-0.12% at 1.5 years old and 0.20-0.34% at 3 years old, while the rates of amblyopia were 0% at 1.5 years old and 0.13-0.18% at 3 years old. The higher rates of strabismus at 3 years old were attributed mainly to the increase of exotropia and intermittent exotropia. In conclusions, the prevalence of strabismus was different between 1.5- and 3-year-old children. The vision-screening program in Japan functions to detect strabismus and amblyopia.
キーワード strabismus amblyopia esotropia exotropia preschool vision screening program
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2007-02
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 9
終了ページ 16
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 17332837
Web of Science KeyUT 000244432400002
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32898
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Masuda, Ikuya| Ota, Kosuke| Yamadori, Ichiro| Sunami, Reiko| Nose, Soichiro|
抄録 We describe herein 2 patients who developed Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome in the course of renal biopsy-proven immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy. A 61-year-old man with an 11-year history of IgA nephropathy and a 16-year history of thyroiditis, and a 56-year-old man with a 5-year history of IgA nephropathy developed Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. At the time of the eye disease presentation, IgA nephropathy was stable without corticosteroids in both patients. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome was successfully treated with intravenous administration of prednisolone tapered from 200 mg daily. Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome is associated with IgA nephropathy, suggesting a similar autoimmune mechanism for both diseases.
キーワード immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome (disease)
Amo Type Case Report
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2007-10
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 305
終了ページ 309
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 17971847
Web of Science KeyUT 000250431700008
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32877
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Matsuo, Chie|

We previously revealed the prevalence of strabismus and amblyopia in elementary school children between 6 and 12 years of age in Japan in the year 2003. Questionnaires asking the number of children with different types of strabismus and amblyopia were sent to all elementary schools in Okayama Prefecture in the year 2005, and the results in the year 2005 were compared with those obtained in the year 2003. The number of children covered by the return of questionnaires was 84,619 (74%) of 113,763 total pupils, including grades 1 to 6, in Okayama Prefecture in the year 2005. The total numbers of children with strabismus and amblyopia, including grades 1 to 6, were 844 (0.99%, 95% confidence interval: 0.94-1.06%) and 173 (0.20%, 95% confidence interval: 0.17-0.23%), respectively. The numbers of children with any type of exotropia and any type of esotropia were 524 (0.62%) and 187(0.22%), respectively. In the previous survey conducted in 2003, the number of children covered by the return of questionnaires was 86,531 (76%) of 113,254 total pupils. The total numbers of children with strabismus and amblyopia were 1,112 (1.28%, 95% confidence interval: 1.24-1.36%) and 125 (0.14%, 95% confidence interval: 0.12-0.17%), respectively. The numbers of children with any types of exotropia and esotropia were 602 (0.69) and 245 (0.28%), respectively. The prevalence of strabismus in this large population of Japanese elementary school children was significantly different between the years 2003 and 2005, while the prevalence of amblyopia was similar between the years.

キーワード prevalence strabismus amblyopia elementary school vision screening program
Amo Type Original Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2007-12
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 329
終了ページ 334
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 18183077
Web of Science KeyUT 000251943800003
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32833
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Fujiwara, Hirotake| Matsuo, Toshihiko| Sato, Masako| Yamane, Takashi| Kitada, Mizue| Hasebe, Satoshi| Ohtsuki, Hiroshi|

The purpose of this study was to search for chromosomal susceptibility loci for comitant strabismus. Genomic DNA was isolated from 10mL blood taken from each member of 30 nuclear families in which 2 or more siblings are affected by either esotropia or exotropia. A genome-wide search was performed with amplification by polymerase chain reaction of 400 markers in microsatellite regions with approximately 10 cM resolution. For each locus, non-parametric affected sib-pair analysis and non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees (Genehunter software, http://linkage.rockefeller.edu/soft/) were used to calculate multipoint lod scores and non-parametric linkage (NPL) scores, respectively. In sib-pair analysis, lod scores showed basically flat lines with several peaks of 0.25 on all chromosomes. In non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees, NPL scores showed one peak as high as 1.34 on chromosomes 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 15, and 16, while 2 such peaks were found on chromosomes 3, 9, 11, 12, 18, and 20. Non-parametric linkage analysis for multiple pedigrees of 30 families with comitant strabismus suggested a number of chromosomal susceptibility loci. Our ongoing study involving a larger number of families will refine the accuracy of statistical analysis to pinpoint susceptibility loci for comitant strabismus.</P>

キーワード chromosomal susceptibility locus esotropia exotropia genome-wide search strabismus
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2003-06
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 109
終了ページ 116
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 12908008
Web of Science KeyUT 000183816500002
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32824
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko|

Photoelectric dyes absorb light and convert photon energy to electric potentials. To test whether these dyes could be used for retinal prostheses, a simple in vitro screening system was developed. Retinal neurons were cultured from the eyes of chick embryos at the 10-day embryonic stage, at which time no retinal photoreceptor cells have yet developed. Intracellular calcium elevation was observed with Fluo-4 in cultured retinal neurons before and after photoelectric dye was applied at varying concentrations to the culture medium. Five of 7 photoelectric dyes tested in this in vitro system induced intracellular calcium elevation in cultured chick retinal neurons. The intracellular calcium elevation generated by the 5 photoelectric dyes was blocked by extracellular calcium depletion in the case of all 5 dyes, and, except for one dye, by the presence of voltage-gated calcium channel blockers. The photoelectric dyes absorbed light under an inverted microscope and stimulated retinal neurons. This simple in vitro system allows the screening of photoelectric dyes which can be used for retinal prostheses.

キーワード photoelectric dye (pigment) chick retinal neurons intracellular calcium retinal prostheses retinal implant
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2003-10
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 257
終了ページ 260
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 14679404
Web of Science KeyUT 000186186000007
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/32803
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 yamane, Takashi| Matsuo, Toshihiko| Hasebe, Satoshi| Ohtsuki, Hiroshi|

The purpose of this study was to elucidate the role of extracellular matrix components such as aggrecan, fibronectin, and laminin in the extraocular muscle of patients with strabismus. Resected tissues of the medial rectus muscle of 47 patients with intermittent exotropia obtained during recession-resection surgery were frozen under liquid nitrogen and pulverized by a Freezer/Mill to solubilize the tissue for enzyme immunoassay. The total amounts of aggrecan, fibronectin, and laminin in the resected tissue were correlated with clinical data of patients such as age, exodeviation, and refractive error. The amount of aggrecan decreased significantly with the advance of age (P < 0.0001, Spearman rank correlation test), while the amount of laminin or fibronectin had no correlation with age. Patients with basic type intermittent exotropia showed larger, although not significantly, amounts of aggrecan than those with convergence insufficiency type (P = 0.0538, Mann-Whitney U-test). The amount of aggrecan may be related to motor aspects of intermittent exotropia.

キーワード extraocular muscle aggrecan laminin fibronectin intermittent extropia
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2003-08
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 199
終了ページ 204
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 14627072
Web of Science KeyUT 000184987100006
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/31966
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Jiang, Yan| Matsuo, Toshihiko| Fujiwara, hirotake| Hasebe, Satoshi| Ohtsuki, Hiroshi| Yasuda, Tatsuji|

To identify ARIX gene and PHOX2B gene polymorphisms in patients with congenital superior oblique muscle palsy, 3 exons of the ARIX gene and PHOX2B gene were sequenced by genomic DNA amplification with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and direct sequencing in 31 patients with congenital superior oblique muscle palsy and in 54 normal individuals. A family with a father and one daughter each having congenital superior oblique muscle palsy was also included in this study. Eleven patients with congenital superior oblique muscle palsy had heterozygous nucleotide changes in the ARIX gene, including 4 patients reported on previously. One patient with atrophy of the superior oblique muscle had a new change of T-4G in the promoter region of the ARIX gene. The other 6 patients had a heterozygous nucleotide change of G153A in the 5'-untranslated region (UTR) of the exon 1 of the ARIX gene. These nucleotide changes of the ARIX gene, taken together, had a significant association with congenital superior oblique muscle palsy(P = 0.0022). One patient and 5 patients had heterozygous nucleotide changes of A1106 C and A1121 C in exon 3 of the PHOX2B gene, respectively, while these changes were absent in the normal individuals. Two patients had both the G153A change in the 5'-UTR of exon 1 of the ARIX gene and the A1121 C change in exon 3 of the PHOX2B gene. In conclusion, the polymorphisms of the ARIX gene and PHOX2B gene may be genetic risk factors for the development of congenital superior oblique muscle palsy.

キーワード congenital superior oblique muscle palsy congenital fibrosis of the extraocular muscles (CFEOM) ARIX PHOX2B polymorphism
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2005-04
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 55
終了ページ 62
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 16049556
Web of Science KeyUT 000228590000004
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/31819
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Matsuo, Chie| Kio, Keiko| Ichiba, Naofumi| Matsuoka, Hiroaki|

The vision-screening program for 3.5-year-old children in Japan consists of 3 steps:questionnaires and home visual acuity testing, visual acuity testing by nurses and inspection by medical officers at regional Public Health Centers, and examinations by ophthalmologists. In this study, we tested refraction with a hand-held autorefractometer in addition to visual acuity testing and inspection to reveal whether or not autorefraction leads to better detection of eye problems. Autorefraction was performed in 6 consecutive sessions by a single examiner in 265 children at 3.5 years of age who all visited the same center. The children were sent to the third step of examinations by ophthalmologists based on refractive error criteria:3 diopters myopia or 1 diopter hyperopia, and/or 2 diopters astigmatism in either eye, in addition to the current criteria:1) failure in either eye for 0.5 visual acuity at the center, 2) eye-related symptoms revealed by the questionnaires, or 3) eye problems detected by medical officers. Notices to visit ophthalmologists were issued for 64 children (24%), and 37 of those (58%) made the visits, so that documents containing final diagnoses were sent back to the Public Health Office. Of the 64 children, 12 were sent to ophthalmologists based on the current criteria only, 10 based on both the current criteria and the refractive error criteria, and 42 based on the refractive error criteria only. Twelve of the 13 children visiting ophthalmologists by the current criteria had diagnoses such as amblyopia and strabismus. In contrast, 15 of 24 children visiting ophthalmologists by only the refractive error criteria had mainly diagnoses of refractive errors, with no serious problems. In conclusion, autorefraction in addition to visual acuity testing and inspection led to detection of only one additional case of an eye disease at 3.5 years, while tripling the number of children sending to the third-step examination by an ophthalmologist. Thus, from a cost-effectiveness standpoint, autorefraction is not recommended as an additional test when the current system is conducted as designed.

キーワード strabismus amblyopia refractive error hand-held autorefractometer preschool vision screening program
Amo Type Original Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2009-08
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 195
終了ページ 202
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 19727204
Web of Science KeyUT 000269228400005
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/31330
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Tsutsui, Yasuko| Matsuo, Nobuhiko|

To test transdifferentiation of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells in suspension culture, chick embryonic RPE sheets and dissociated RPE cells were cultured for two months in a non-adherent dish for suspension culture. RPE cells, isolated as a sheet, aggregated immediately and remained the same size with their differentiated characteristics for two months. The presence of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) at concentrations of 10 ng/ml or higher induced the formation of a spherical lentoid structure which was positive for crystallin and bFGF receptor. In contrast, dissociated RPE cells did reaggregate but did not develop the lentoid structure even in the presence of bFGF. The transdifferentiation of RPE cells to the lentoid structure in this study was in contrast to their transdifferentiation to the retina, as reported in a previous study.

キーワード basic fibroblast growth factor multicellular spheroids retinal pigment epithelium transdifferentiation lens lentoid
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 1998-06
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 125
終了ページ 130
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 9661738
Web of Science KeyUT 000074528500001
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/31319
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko|

To study the expression of the amiloride-sensitive sodium channel, a putative mechano-receptor in the rat eye, reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction and in situ hybridization were done. The gene for the alpha subunit of the amiloride-sensitive sodium channel was shown by polymerase chain reaction to be expressed in mRNA isolated from the whole eye tissue. In situ hybridization demonstrated that the gene was expressed in basal layers of the corneal and conjunctival epithelium, ciliary epithelial cells, lens epithelial cells at the equator, retinal and iris pigment epithelial cells, ganglion cells and cells in the inner and outer nuclear layers of the retina. The results suggest that the amiloride-sensitive sodium channel plays a role in maintaining sodium balance as well as in possible mechanosensation in these ocular tissues.

キーワード amiloride-sensitive sodium channel eye insitu hybridzation mechanosensation polymerase chain reaction
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 1998-10
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 279
終了ページ 283
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 9810438
Web of Science KeyUT 000076694300007
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/30985
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Imai, Sayuri| Matsuo, Toshihiko| Itoshima, Emi| Ohtsuki, Hiroshi|

We analyzed nucleotide changes in 3 genes, ARIX, PHOX2B, and KIF21A, in 6 patients of 3 families with congenital superior oblique muscle palsy. Three exons of ARIX, 3 exons of PHOX2B, and exons 8, 20, and 21 of KIF21A were amplified by polymerase chain reaction from genomic DNA isolated from the peripheral blood. The DNA fragments were directly sequenced in both directions. In 2 different families, a heterozygous nucleotide change, ARIX 153G>A, in the 5’-untranslated region was found in common between a father and daughter with muscle palsy and between a mother and daughter with muscle palsy (Family No. 1 and No. 3). In the other family (Family No. 2), a heterozygous 15-nucleotide deletion, PHOX2B 1124del15, resulting in loss of 5 alanine residues in the alanine repeat of the protein, was found in the daughter with muscle palsy and her father with normal traits, but was not found in the mother with muscle palsy. No KIF21A nucleotide change was found in any patients. The ARIX 153G>A polymorphism might be a genetic risk factor for the development of congenital superior oblique muscle palsy.

キーワード ARIX PHOX2B KIF21A congenital superior oblique muscle palsy familial (hereditary) disease
Amo Type Original Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2008-02
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 45
終了ページ 53
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 18323871
Web of Science KeyUT 000253549500007
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/30788
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Takabatake, Mayumi| Matsuo, Nobuhiko|

Retinal cells from chick embryos aged 7.5 days of gestation were cultured for two months in a non-adherent suspension culture dish to study the effects of growth factors and co-culture with retinal pigment epithelial cells on their differentiation. Dissociated retinal cells became cellular aggregates (multicellular spheroids) within a day, and rosettes were formed in the spheroids after 2 days. Ultrastructurally, neurons of the rosettes developed connecting cilia, ellipsoids (accumulation of mitochondria), and external limiting membrane, indicative of their differentiation into photoreceptor cells. Epidermal growth factor enhanced the expression of rhodopsin by rosette-forming neurons, while basic fibroblast growth factor induced the growth of Mueller cells at 4 weeks, and their transdifferentiation into lens-epithelial-like cells at 8 weeks. Co-culture of retinal cells with retinal pigment epithelial cells enhanced the formation of rosettes in spheroids. Multicellular spheroids formed in a dish for suspension culture would provide a convenient in vitro system to examine differentiation and transdifferentiation of the retina.

キーワード multicellular spheroids differentiation transdifferentiation retina retinal pigment epithelium growth factors
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 1997-10
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 251
終了ページ 260
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 9359922
Web of Science KeyUT A1997YD65300003
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/30767
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Matsuo, Nobuhiko|

To understand the development of the trabecular meshwork of the eye, floating cellular aggregates (multicellular spheroids) were formed from human trabecular cells in a non-adherent environment of culture and incubated for up to one month. Dissociated trabecular cells formed multicellular spheroids within one day in the non-adherent environment, and apoptosis continued to occur in the spheroids which had been initially filled with cells. The final structure after one month appeared as a meshwork of cells with large extracellular spaces. Epidermal and basic fibroblast growth factor (EGF and bFGF) protected trabecular cells in the spheroids from apoptosis and, as a result, kept the spheroids filled with cells even after one month. In the absence of excess EGF or bFGF, the multicellular spheroids grown in vitro from human trabecular cells mimicked the mesh-like structure of normal trabecular tissue. In constrast, under an excess of these growth factors, spheroids of high cellularity, resembling the abnormal trabecular tissues of patients with congenital glaucoma, were formed.

キーワード human trabecular cells multicellular spheroids basic fibroblast growth factor epidermal growth factor histology
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 1997-08
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 213
終了ページ 218
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 9284969
Web of Science KeyUT A1997XU03200005
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/30754
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko| Narita, Akiko| Senda, Masuo| Hasebe, Satoshi| Ohtsuki, Hiroshi|

The purposes of this study were to examine whether body sway is altered immediately after strabismus surgery in children and to find preoperative clinical factors associated with body sway. In a prospective study, body sway was measured on 1-3 days before surgery and on the third day after surgery; for the measurements, computerized static stabilometry was carried out on 28 consecutive patients with strabismus (age range: 3 to 12 years old; mean: 7.4) who underwent strabismus surgery under general anesthesia. The linear length of the sway path (cm), the linear length of the sway path in a particular unit of time (cm/second), and the area of the sway path (cm2), indicative of the extent of body sway, all increased significantly among a total of 28 patients in both conditions of the patient's eyes open and closed, as well as among those in a subgroup of 16 patients with exotropia, after they had undergone strabismus surgery (p < 0.05, Wilcoxon signed ranks test). The center of pressure along the Y axis of orientation from the toe to the heel was found to deviate significantly toward the heel postoperatively, as compared with the preoperative center in the subgroup of 16 patients with exotropia (p < 0.05). Before surgery, 15 patients with no stereoacuity exhibited a greater amount of body sway when their eyes were open than did 13 patients with measurable stereoacuity (p < 0.05, Mann-Whitney U-test). In the subgroup of 16 patients with exotropia when their eyes open, 3 patients with abnormal head posture exhibited more extensive body sway than did 13 patients without abnormal head posture (p < 0.05). Body sway was found to significantly increase immediately after strabismus surgery in children with strabismus. Stereoacuity and abnormal head posture are 2 clinical factors associated with preoperative postural instability.

キーワード body sway strabismus surgery exotropia estropia stabilometry
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2006-02
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 13
終了ページ 24
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 16508685
Web of Science KeyUT 000235538900002
JaLCDOI 10.18926/AMO/30746
フルテキストURL fulltext.pdf
著者 Matsuo, Toshihiko|

We report herein the disappearance of macular hard exudates after the introduction of hemodialysis in diabetic patients. A 62-year-old woman and a 52-year-old man with diabetes mellitus showed hard exudates in the macula of the left eyes. Both patients had previously undergone panretinal photocoagulation in both eyes. During the follow-up, hemodialysis was introduced for deteriorating chronic renal failure caused by diabetic nephropathy. Half a year later, macular hard exudates in the left eyes disappeared dramatically in both patients, but the visual acuity remained the same. No additional laser treatment was done during the observation period. Hemodialysis is considered to have accelerated the resolution of macular hard exudates in both patients. The deposition of macular hard exudates in diabetic patients is due in part to concurrent poor renal function.

キーワード hemodialysis diabetic retinopathy hard exudates macular edema
Amo Type Article
出版物タイトル Acta Medica Okayama
発行日 2006-06
出版者 Okayama University Medical School
開始ページ 201
終了ページ 205
ISSN 0386-300X
NCID AA00508441
資料タイプ 学術雑誌論文
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
査読 有り
PubMed ID 16838050
Web of Science KeyUT 000238503600009
JaLCDOI 10.18926/14136
フルテキストURL Mem_Fac_Eng_39_1_16.pdf
著者 内田 哲也| 石丸 早苗| 島村 薫| 宇治 章人| 松尾 俊彦| 大月 洋|
抄録 PE film was treated with fuming nitric acid at 80℃ for 20 min, resulting in introduction of COOH moieties on the film surface. The COOH’s were reacted with ethylenediamine, whose amino groups were used for linking with (2-[4-(dibutylamino)phenyl]ethenyl)-3-carboxy-methylbenzo-thiazolium, photoelectric dye (NK-5962), which absorbs visible light and converts the photon energy to electric potentials. The dye molecules were immobilized on the PE film surface and they were able to stimulate chick retinal tissues on incidence of visible light. These facts hopefully lead to development of an artificial retinal prosthesis.
出版物タイトル Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering, Okayama University
発行日 2005-01
開始ページ 16
終了ページ 20
ISSN 0475-0071
言語 英語
論文のバージョン publisher
NAID 120002308066